Saturday 29 July 2017

Stock Options Bull Call Spread

Uma das maneiras mais fáceis de criar um spread de urso é usando opções de compra em ou perto do preço de mercado atual do estoque. Como urso colocar spreads, bear call spread lucro quando o preço da ação subjacente diminui. Bear spreads de chamada são normalmente criados através da venda de chamadas de dinheiro e compra fora do dinheiro chamadas. Usando o Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock (QQQQ), podemos criar um bear call spread usando opções in-the-money. Com QQQQ Trading em 30.11 em maio, você pode comprar dez dos JUL 32 chamadas e vender dez JUL 30 chamadas. Com a negociação de ações subjacente perto de 30, youd vender as 30 chamadas para 1,85 e comprar as 32 chamadas para 1. Desta forma, youd iniciar a propagação de um crédito de 850, o seu lucro máximo. Se o estoque move mais baixo, ambas as chamadas expirarão worthless e você manterá o prêmio 850 que você coletou quando você iniciou a posição. Opção compra exemplo QQQQ negociação 30.11 Didnt encontrar o que você precisa Deixar-nos. Brokerage Produtos: Não FDIC Seguro middot Sem Garantia Bancária middot Maio Perder Valor optionsXpress, Inc. não faz nenhuma recomendação de investimento e não fornece consultoria financeira, fiscal ou jurídica. Conteúdo e ferramentas são fornecidas apenas para fins educacionais e informativos. Quaisquer ações, opções ou símbolos de futuros exibidos são apenas para fins ilustrativos e não se destinam a retratar uma recomendação para comprar ou vender uma determinada segurança. Produtos e serviços destinados a clientes norte-americanos e podem não estar disponíveis ou oferecidos em outras jurisdições. Negociação on-line tem um risco inerente. Resposta do sistema e tempos de acesso que podem variar devido às condições de mercado, desempenho do sistema, volume e outros fatores. Opções e futuros envolvem riscos e não são adequados para todos os investidores. Leia as Características e Riscos de Opções Padronizadas e Declaração de Divulgação de Risco para Futuros e Opções em nosso site, antes de solicitar uma conta, também disponível pelo telefone 888.280.8020 ou 312.629.5455. Um investidor deve compreender estes e riscos adicionais antes de negociar. Várias estratégias de opções de perna envolverão várias comissões. Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. optionsXpress, Inc. e Charles Schwab Bank são empresas separadas, mas afiliadas e subsidiárias da Charles Schwab Corporation. Os produtos de corretagem são oferecidos pela Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. (Membro SIPC) (Schwab) e optionsXpress, Inc. (Membro SIPC) (optionsXpress). Os produtos e serviços de depósito e empréstimo são oferecidos pelo banco Charles Schwab, pelo membro FDIC e por um mutuário igualitário (Schwab Bank). Copy 2017 optionsXpress, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. Membro SIPC. Short Put Spread A Estratégia Um short put spread obriga você a comprar o estoque ao preço de exercício B se a opção é atribuída, mas lhe dá o direito de vender ações ao preço de exercício A. Um spread curto é uma alternativa ao curto colocar. Além de vender um put com greve B, yoursquore comprar o mais barato colocar com greve A para limitar o risco se o estoque vai para baixo. Mas therersquos um mdash tradeoff comprando o put também reduz o crédito líquido recebido ao executar a estratégia. Opções Guys Dicas Uma vantagem desta estratégia é que você quer ambas as opções para expirar sem valor. Se isso acontecer, você wonrsquot tem que pagar quaisquer comissões para sair de sua posição. Você pode querer considerar garantir que a greve B está em torno de um desvio padrão fora do dinheiro na iniciação. Isso aumentará sua probabilidade de sucesso. Entretanto, quanto mais o preço de exercício for out-of-the-money, menor será o crédito líquido recebido desse spread. Como uma regra geral, você pode querer considerar a execução desta estratégia cerca de 30-45 dias a partir da expiração para aproveitar a aceleração do tempo decadência como expiração abordagens. Evidentemente, isso depende do estoque subjacente e condições de mercado, tais como volatilidade implícita. Comprar um put, preço de exercício A Venda um put, preço de exercício B Geralmente, o estoque estará acima strike B NOTA: Ambas as opções têm o mesmo mês de vencimento. Aprenda dicas de negociação de especialistas em TradeKingrsquos Top 10 erros de opção Cinco dicas para chamadas bem-sucedidas com cobertura Opções de opção para qualquer condição de mercado Opção avançada joga as cinco principais coisas Opção de ações Os comerciantes devem saber sobre a volatilidade As opções envolvem risco e não são adequadas para todos os investidores. Para obter mais informações, consulte a brochura Características e Riscos de Opções Padronizadas antes de começar as opções de negociação. Os investidores em opções podem perder todo o seu investimento em um período de tempo relativamente curto. As estratégias de opções de várias pernas envolvem riscos adicionais. E pode resultar em tratamentos fiscais complexos. Consulte um profissional de imposto antes de implementar essas estratégias. A volatilidade implícita representa o consenso do mercado quanto ao nível futuro da volatilidade dos preços das ações ou a probabilidade de atingir um ponto de preço específico. Os gregos representam o consenso do mercado sobre como a opção vai reagir às mudanças em determinadas variáveis ​​associadas com a fixação de preços de um contrato de opção. Não há garantia de que as previsões de volatilidade implícita ou os gregos serão corretas. A resposta do sistema e os tempos de acesso podem variar de acordo com as condições do mercado, o desempenho do sistema e outros fatores. A TradeKing fornece aos investidores auto-dirigidos serviços de corretagem de desconto e não faz recomendações nem oferece conselhos de investimento, financeiros, legais ou fiscais. Você é o único responsável pela avaliação dos méritos e riscos associados ao uso de sistemas, serviços ou produtos da TradeKings. Conteúdo, pesquisa, ferramentas e símbolos de ações ou opções são apenas para fins educacionais e ilustrativos e não implicam uma recomendação ou solicitação para comprar ou vender um determinado título ou para envolver-se em qualquer estratégia de investimento específica. As projeções ou outras informações sobre a probabilidade de vários resultados de investimento são de natureza hipotética, não são garantidas por exatidão ou integridade, não refletem os resultados reais do investimento e não são garantias de resultados futuros. Todos os investimentos envolvem risco, as perdas podem exceder o principal investido eo desempenho passado de um produto de segurança, indústria, setor, mercado ou financeiro não garante resultados ou retornos futuros. A utilização da TradeKing Trader Network está condicionada à sua aceitação de todas as Divulgações TradeKing e dos Termos de Serviço da Rede Trader. Qualquer coisa mencionada é para fins educacionais e não é uma recomendação ou conselho. O Radio Playbook Opções é trazido a você por TradeKing Group, Inc. cópia 2017 TradeKing Group, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. TradeKing Group, Inc. é uma subsidiária integral da Ally Financial Inc. Valores Mobiliários oferecidos através da TradeKing Securities, LLC. Todos os direitos reservados. Membro FINRA e SIPC. Não encontrei o que você precisava Informe-nos. Brokerage Produtos: Não FDIC Seguro middot Sem Garantia Bancária middot Maio Perder Valor optionsXpress, Inc. não faz nenhuma recomendação de investimento e não fornece consultoria financeira, fiscal ou jurídica. Conteúdo e ferramentas são fornecidas apenas para fins educacionais e informativos. Quaisquer ações, opções ou símbolos de futuros exibidos são apenas para fins ilustrativos e não se destinam a retratar uma recomendação para comprar ou vender uma determinada segurança. Produtos e serviços destinados a clientes norte-americanos e podem não estar disponíveis ou oferecidos em outras jurisdições. Negociação on-line tem um risco inerente. Resposta do sistema e tempos de acesso que podem variar devido às condições de mercado, desempenho do sistema, volume e outros fatores. Opções e futuros envolvem riscos e não são adequados para todos os investidores. Leia as Características e Riscos de Opções Padronizadas e Declaração de Divulgação de Risco para Futuros e Opções em nosso site, antes de solicitar uma conta, também disponível pelo telefone 888.280.8020 ou 312.629.5455. Um investidor deve compreender estes e riscos adicionais antes de negociar. Várias estratégias de opções de perna envolverão várias comissões. Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. optionsXpress, Inc. e Charles Schwab Bank são empresas separadas, mas afiliadas e subsidiárias da Charles Schwab Corporation. Os produtos de corretagem são oferecidos pela Charles Schwab amp Co. Inc. (Membro SIPC) (Schwab) e optionsXpress, Inc. (Membro SIPC) (optionsXpress). Os produtos e serviços de depósito e empréstimo são oferecidos pelo banco Charles Schwab, pelo membro FDIC e por um mutuário igualitário (Schwab Bank). Copy 2017 optionsXpress, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. Membro SIPC.

Friday 28 July 2017

Seminários De Conhecimento Para Ação Forex No Arizona

LIBERDADE FINANCEIRA ATRAVÉS DE FOREX Por Greg Secker e Chris Weaver O santo graal para negociar os mercados de dinheiro, liberdade quotFinancial através de Forexquot do World39s Nenhum comerciante e treinador, Greg Secker. Este livro inovador foi projetado para pessoas que desejam estratégias comerciais reais e tangíveis. Este livro é o primeiro de seu tipo que possui estratégias de negociação testadas e testadas, que você pode implementar imediatamente para começar a produzir uma renda sólida. DEMASIADO OCUPADO PARA VINDO A UM SEMINÁRIO Veja o nosso seminário on-line Forex Tradingquot com o conforto de sua própria casa. Nosso webinar irá dizer-lhe o que é Forex trading, como os comerciantes profissionais se beneficiam da negociação, como manter seu risco baixo, a importância de Risco vs Recompensa e muito mais. Se você deseja ser notificado quando o próximo Webinar estiver agendado, preencha o formulário abaixo com seu nome e endereço de e-mail. Este homem pode torná-lo rico. Em uma pequena sala de conferências em um hotel Marriott, ao lado de Canary Wharf em Londons Docklands, 11 comerciantes de moeda corrente aspirantes sentar absorvido, ouvindo um homem que afirma possuir o segredo de obter riquezas ilimitadas. Eu prometo, rapazes: enquanto você seguir o que eu faço, você vai ganhar dinheiro. É muito difícil não ganhar dinheiro, diz o apresentador, Gurdas Singh, de uma empresa de treinamento chamada Knowledge to Action. Confie em mim: quando você começar a negociar, os membros da sua família estará dando-lhe dinheiro para começar a negociar para eles. No final do dia, os bancos estão dando-lhe nada. Não coloque nada em um Isa é uma perda de tempo. O passo de Singhs é realçado pela reivindicação impressionante que o príncipe William joga para a equipe do polo dos companys mais um vídeo relativo à promoção glitzy que caracteriza um voiceover crescendo similar àqueles em reboques do filme de Hollywood. O narrador de filmes apresenta o proprietário Knowledge to Actions, aclamado internacionalmente criador de riqueza Greg Secker, antes de flutuar uma oportunidade impressionante: Com mais de 4tn sendo negociado diariamente, a maior oportunidade na história da humanidade está aqui para a tomada. É difícil não ser pelo menos um pouco impressionado, e muitos dos participantes do Marriott parecem interessados ​​em pagar quase 2.500 para se inscrever no curso introdutório. Mas fora da sala de reuniões, uma história mais intrigante emerge. O conhecimento para a ação Holdings é controlado por Secker, que o site da empresa apresenta como um jogador de pólo afiado, pai de Santiago, filantropo e fundador da fundação Knowledge to Action que vive em Londres com sua linda namorada Katherine Scott. As contas da empresa mostram que seu diretor altamente remunerado quase certamente Secker recebeu 2,2 milhões em 2009, quando o grupo fez lucros de 738.194 e 1,6 milhões em 2010, quando a empresa perdeu 1 milhão, já que seu crescimento permitiu investir em Nova subsidiária australiana. Os materiais de marketing continuam em uma veia familiarmente confiante: usando as mesmas estratégias de negociação descobertas em suas viagens ao redor dos andares internacionais, a conta pessoal da Gregs cresceu até tal ponto que ele decidiu deixar o mundo do banco de investimento. Já era um homem rico, Greg se aposentou como vice-presidente da Mellon Financial Corporation aos 27 anos para criar um balcão de casa. Essa imagem é reforçada pelos sites na seção de imprensa, onde os links para artigos sobre Secker e sua empresa incluem uma entrevista em que ele diz um site financeiro sobre o seu tempo correndo andares. Ele combina para criar uma impressão que pode levar alguns a assumir que o Secker era comerciante em Mellon (agora Bank of New York Mellon). Depois de repetidas perguntas sem resposta perguntando a quem Secker havia trocado, o Knowledge to Action emitiu uma declaração. Ele disse: O Sr. Seckers fundo é definido claramente no Knowledge to Actions website. Não há afirmação de que o Sr. Secker fosse comerciante no BNY Mellon e o Sr. Secker não faz tal pedido. Ainda assim, o Secker trabalhou para Mellon, por isso é concebível que ele tenha aprendido com os comerciantes e usou as lições para ensinar aos outros. O site Knowledge to Actions possui inúmeros testemunhos brilhantes, incluindo um de Leslie Leung (ou Lang duas ortografias são dadas no site), um ex-designer de interiores. Comecei a aprender forex troca de moeda enquanto eu estava trabalhando, ela diz. Quando eu senti que estava confiante o suficiente eu decidi renunciar ao trabalho e comércio a tempo inteiro eu recomendaria definitivamente este curso para as pessoas. É um ambiente de aprendizagem fantástico. Há muito mais ao longo de linhas semelhantes e parece haver situações em que os comerciantes arriscam o conhecimento para fundos de Ação. O site acrescenta: a Secker é dono pessoal de um dos mais altos níveis de negociação privada (Live Trading Floor Ltd) que emprega comerciantes em tempo integral usando as mesmas estratégias que Greg aprendeu em suas viagens ao redor dos andares do mundo. Mas isso sugere uma pergunta óbvia: como é a empresa classificada como de maior desempenho? As contas mais recentes no Show da Casa das Empresas Live Trading Floor é de propriedade exclusiva da Seckers Knowledge to Action Holdings. A subsidiária tinha ativos líquidos de apenas 91.132 em 31 de dezembro de 2010 e perdeu durante o ano de 97.132. Além disso, as contas da holding para o exercício findo em 31 de Dezembro de 2010, que foram aprovadas em Setembro de 2011, indicam que a Live Trading Floor Limited não realizou qualquer actividade de negociação durante o ano em análise. Isso não chama muito com o discurso de Singhs para potenciais clientes no seminário: se é fácil aprender como negociar por 7.99 de um livro comprado na WH Smith, você não acha que todos estariam fazendo isso ele perguntou. Você tem que estar em um piso de negociação profissional, ou entrar em nosso piso de negociação profissional. Apesar da resposta do Knowledge to Action, ainda não está claro como o Live Trading Floor é classificado como de maior desempenho. A empresa disse: O desempenho comercial é residente nas contas pessoais livres de impostos dos comerciantes e estimula o desempenho do índice de hedge funds. Ele não deve ser mostrado nas contas Live Trading Floor. Esta aparente reticência para discutir especificidades sobre as credenciais comerciais da Seckers toca com alguns ex-funcionários, que sugerem que o seu verdadeiro talento é a venda. Um deles disse ao Observer. Knowledge to Action é uma organização de vendas, mas felizmente a maioria das pessoas que participam de um seminário gratuito são cautelosos com as promessas repetidas de riqueza ilimitada para pouco investimento e quase nenhum trabalho e são finalmente assustado com o tempo de vendas timeshare-estilo no final . Infelizmente, para cada corrida de seminários, cerca de 10 pessoas não são perturbadas. Dada a escala do marketing eo elevado número de seminários gratuitos que estão sendo executados em todo o Reino Unido, um monte de pessoas de vários demográficos acabam pagando mais de 2.000 para um curso que não pode torná-los qualquer dinheiro e quase certamente não torná-los o tipo De uma vasta renda que lhes foi vendida nos seminários gratuitos. Essa decepção levou a inúmeras críticas negativas dos cursos sendo postados online. No entanto, outros ex-funcionários insistem que o conteúdo ensinado é bom, mas que os apresentadores ocasionalmente exagerar a facilidade com que os delegados serão capazes de fazer grandes lucros. Eles também dizem que o elemento de coaching crucial é muitas vezes negligenciado em favor da tentativa de vender mais cursos, como Momentum Coaching em 2.220 ou Master Trader em 6.596. Kerry Twite, que pagou 2.396.40 por um curso de Traders University no ano passado, disse: O curso explicou o básico de negociação e me deu um iniciante completo um par de estratégias de negociação básica que eu poderia começar a usar imediatamente. Nos fóruns, meu senso era que a fonte de muitas das críticas negativas era na maioria dos tipos descontentes de obter-rico-rápido que tinham participado do curso à procura do Santo Graal de negociação. A verdade é que não há santo graal. Onde você poderia criticar é que o up-selling é um pouco óbvio e pesado às vezes. E você teve a sensação de que algumas das reivindicações feitas no que diz respeito ao crescimento do capital, carros esportivos e assim por diante podem ser excessivamente exageradas. O Knowledge to Action forneceu uma longa lista de testemunhos de clientes, dando peso ao ponto que existem muitas pessoas que consideraram os cursos valiosos e afirmam estar negociando de forma rentável, enquanto ele disse que não promete nem garante o sucesso. A empresa acrescentou: Cerca de 100 mil pessoas participaram de cursos realizados pelo Knowledge to Action em todo o mundo. A grande maioria apreciou os cursos e os encontrou para ser altamente profissional, informativo e bom valor para o dinheiro. Tivemos um pequeno número de participantes que descobriram que a negociação não era para eles e, portanto, posteriormente criticou o treinamento. Infelizmente, isso é inevitável quando os números são tão grandes. Desenvolvemos uma marca forte com muitos milhares de clientes satisfeitos e tomaremos medidas legais para defender nossa reputação vigorosamente se assim for exigido.

Singkatan Tf Dalam Forex

Pada Postingan kali ini saya akan mencoba untuk memberikan sedikit rangkuman pemahaman saya tentang sebuah teknik negociação yang sudah cukup terkenal dikalangan comerciante yaitu teknik analisa KG atau singkatan dari Kang Seorang trader profesional yang sudah cukup lama terjun di dunia forex dan saya melihat sudah banyak trader yang Sukses setelah menggunakan teknik ini. Disini saya akan memberikan Informasi yang sudah saya pelajari dari dokumen-dokumen KG dan dari forex fórum de fórum yang ada diindonesia.160 Ternyata setelah saya pelajari, Analisa ini sangat bagus untuk melengkapi strategi saya yang sebelumnya dan bagus untuk mengetahui posisi preço sebuah par ditrend yang Lebih Besar (biasanya orang menyebutnya Big Picture) Rangkuman dari Analisa KG yang telah saya rangkup adalah sebagai berikut: Analisa ini merupakan Analisa lengkap Mulai dari Tendência kecil sampai dengan Tendência Besar Mulai dari TF 15 menit sampai dengan tahunan. Analisa KG bukan sebuah indicador yang mengharuskan kita vender di titik A atau comprar titik B, tetapi sebuah alat bantu analisa untuk membuat sebuah keputusan entrada. Ada 3 tendência yang pasti dalam suatu gráfico: Up, down dan Flat. Ketika price akan berbalikmelanjutkan tendência biasanya terjadi fase Dulce plano de TF yang kecil atau de TF yang sama. Ini adalah DASAR analisa sebelum anda memutuskan kapan anda akan entrar no mercado de mengajarkan membuat planejamento, anda bisa menambahkan indicador lainnya untuk membantu negociação anda tanpa meruba inti dari analisa kg seperti MovingAverage, BollingerBands dan Standar Deviasi Analisa KG murni analisa teknikal, tidak ada kaitannya dengan fundamental seperti Kapan Berita keluar, pasar sentimen, mercado korelasi, dsb dan saya pribadi tetap memperhatikan notícias sangat penting seperti NFP, o PIB dan FOMC karena price reunião bisa spike secara tiba-tiba Alasan configuração pemilihan indicador periode dalam KG sangat Masuk akal, 160misalnya mengapa memakai configuração Standar Deviasi 2 di análise de bollinger (statistik berdasarkan), menghitung vela jumlah berdasarkan perhari, perminggu, perbulan dst dan menghitung berdasarkan jamhari kerja juga Ini adalah prinsip dasar KG: gunakan Batas BawahAtas BB ketika MA BB Sedang lISO SAJA, Comprar di Baixa BB yang plana dan Venda de Upper BB yang Flat. MA-MA kecil Yang Kita jadikan pengarah Harus menunjukkan arah sesuai rencana OP (Saya Sendiri memakai indicador Linha direcção Declive) Ketika preço Sedang tendendo, cari kesempatan OP ketika Sedang pullbackretrace dan mantul di garis-garis penting seperti ma, bb superior, nível atau sd Setiap OP harus berdasarkan alasan yg JELAS. Analisa paling bagus dimulai dari tendência besar misalnya diariamente sampai dengan jangka pendeca seperti TF 1H Analisa ini bisa digunakan di semua PAIR Full Analisa KG dalam 1 par dapat dilakukan dengan SATU TF SAJA (tentunya dengan template yang sesuai dengan TFnya), pemilihan TF hanya didasari oleh Di TF berapa e um nyaman bermain. Jika anda comerciante em tempo integral, bisa bermain di TF kecil seperti 15M30M1H tapi jika anda comerciante yang hanya bisa negociação di jam-jam tertentu bisa menggunakan gráfico diário. Full analisa dengan 1 tf boleh dilakukan jika sudah benar-benar terbiasa dengan analisa KG dan biasanya gráfico e a akan dipenuhi oleh garis-garis yang rumit (istilahnya benang kusut hehe), sebaiknya jika masih belajar kita bisa menganalisa dengan beberapa tempo yang terpisah, saya sendiri Memakai tf1H dan diariamente sebelum entrar no mercado. Negociação juga ada sentimento sama seperti ketika kita menyetir kendaraan dan ini berkaitan dengan Jam terbangexperience anda dalam trading. Asahlah Feeling anda ketika preço akan berubah arah apalagi ketika menyentuh garis-garis penting (lebih bagus lagi jika anda mengerti formasi candlestick terutama formasi), jika harga tidak sesuai dengan harapan kita, misalnya ma kecil berubah arah dan kita sudah ragu, CUTLOSS dan Jangan menyesali tindakan tersebut. Sentindo-se como se estivesse se sentando no peito. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dari pribadi masing-masing, bisa fixar atau dibawah supportdiatas resistência. TP tidak dijelaskan secara detalhe, TAPI biasanya Kita TP di-garis garis penting seperti garis garis-MA, atau SD upperdown bb yang biasanya berfungsi sebagai garis supportresistance dan dimana Titik pada itu harga bisa berbalik atau Lanjut terus. Favorit saya: TP lah ketika preço sedang tinggi-tingginyaketika sedang rendah sekali Saya lihat di internet banyak sekali dokumen-dokumen Analisa KG yang bertebaran dan isinya kurang lebih sama. (Mínimo) 4h de 8h menjadi indi Inclinação Linha de direção Linha de direção Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Linha de comando Atacado Mantul di batas bawahatas bb. Jika ada yang ingin belajar KG yang sudah disertai dengan indicador dan template saya (HANYA untuk TF 1H dan diariamente saja) bisa baixar disini Saya menggunakan analisa ini untuk mengawasi par favorit saya yaitu EUEURUSD dan untuk menyempurnakan estratégia saya sebelumnya yang hanya menggunakan garis supportresistance, slope Medidor de moeda. Tampilan carta saya yang terakhir bisa dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini. Ini adalah tampilan gráfico di Meta yang menggunakan teknik analisa KG (Kang Gun) Sebelum mencoba modelo yang ada difile saya, sebaiknya para comerciante mencobanya dulu di Demonstração dan dibiasakan dulu, karena saya sendiri sudah mulai tidak empurrando melihat chartnya setelah seminggu mengamati pergerakan harga dengan indicador Bb (bandas de bollinger) KG. 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Sejak kuliah, saya harus menjadi orang yang paling hebat. IPK harus tinggi paling, S1 dan S2 saya adalah lulusan terbaik. Saya pikir, canção de karena saya pintar, tetapi karena saya memang terkena ambisius. Saya banco de negociante Sebagai seorang. TUGAS UTAMA SAYA ADALAH MELAKUKAN TRANSAKSI que investidor atau comerciante varejo adalah lawan saya. Atau dengan kata lain, ilmu yang saya milícia adalah bagaimana caranya agar comerciante retalhista dan perusahaan saya untung. DISTRIBUIDOR ITULAH TUGAS KAMI SEBAGAI SEORANG. NASABAHINVESTOR ADALAH LAWAN BUKAN KAWAN. KAMI TAMPAK BERSAHABAT BAGI NASABAHINVESTOR. TETAPI SEBENARNYA KAMI ADALAH LAWAN YANG BUAS. Harus saya akui, comerciante varejo adalah lawan yang mudah. Mereka miskin informasi, mereka miskin analisa, mereka bertindak dengan sentimento. Dan anehnya, mereka bangga dengan itu. Semua. Apa yang saya katakana tidak mengada-ada. Coba kalian ihat rekan-rekan comerciante anda masing-masing yang menggeluti dunia forex ini. Perhatikan mereka, mereka sangat lugu, namun keras kepala. Itu adalah santapan paling nikmat untuk corretor atacadista ataupun. Negociante do comerciante do comerciante do comerciante do comerciante do comerciante do comerciante do negociante do comerciante do negociante do negociante do negociante do negociante do negociante do negociante do negociante do negociante do negociante. Vendedor varejo kalah di segala lini. Kemampuan análise mínima, minim informais, minim pengetahuan. Intinya segalanya minim. Dan yang paling menyedihkan, meskipun para comerciante varejo itu minim kemampuan dan informasi, tetapi mereka nekat. Seorang revendedor akan dipersenjatai dengan teknologi informasi yang canggih. Bloomberg. Dan semuanya memiliki biaya operasional yang tinggi tiap bulanya. Selain itu, merda sudah dilengkapi dengan serangkaian pengetahuan analisa yang memadai. Sedangkan comerciante varejo Mereka asik melihat gráfico. Menarik-narik garis dari atas ke bawah. Kalau kurang bagus tarik garis dari que samping kanan atas ke kiri bawah. Lalu selanjutnya mereka bingung sendiri. SEORANG COMÉRCIO VAREJO SEBENARNYA TIDAK JAUH BEDA DISTRIBUIDOR DENGAN SEORANG, BIDANGNYA ADALAH SAMA. Karena itu, kalau, kalian, tidak, lebih, hebat, dari mereka, atau setidak-tidaknya punya kemampuan yang berimbang dengan mereka, jangan harap kalian sobreviver di bidang ini. PERLU SAYA LURUSKAN DESINI ADALAH PENGERTIAN SOAL TRANSAKSI DI LEMPAR KE PASAR. Banyak, orang, yang, menganggap, bahwa, kalau, kita, aberto, posisi, maka, transaksi, kita, akan, dilempar, ke, passar. Pertanyaannya, pasar yang mana dengan Tingkat akusisi yang memiliki ritmo waktu yang sangat Cepat (transaksi kita diakuisi dalam hitungan satu Detik), tentunya tidak Semua transaksi kita akan berhadapan dengan comerciante de varejo deitado. Jumlahnya sangat sedikit. Karena dalam hitungan detik, fósforo do harus do kaki do transaksi. Jadi, sebenarnya sistema transaksi forex berbeda dengan saham. Lalu kemana transaksi kita Jawabannya adalah negociante. Mulai dari delaer kecil (para calo keuangan), comerciante, maupun sampai ke dealer besar (banco). Transação diária de forex lebih dikenal dengan metode off-exchange. Saya akan copiar persyaratan menjadi deaer bank. Disitu kalian akan melihat bagaimana negociante do syarat-searang do negociante. INI HANYA SEKEDAR MENAMBAH WAWASAN KALIAN AGAR KALIAN TAHU CONCESSIONÁRIO BAHWA SEORANG ADALAH LAWAN YANG TANGGUH. Dealing Room adalah suatu ruangan kerja yang khusus oleh Divisi Tesouraria digunakan untuk melaksanakan transaksi-transaksi, terdiri dari transaksi di pasar uangmoney mercado, passar valuta asingforeign troca mercado maupun transaksi-transaksi surat berharga jangka panjangcapital mercado serta transaksi turunannyaderivatives. Área de Negociação merupakan área restrita mengingat jenis, jumlah transaksi yang besar serta data-data transaksi yang sensível terhadap kondisi banco dan contraparte sehingga tidak membro keleluasaan bagi yang tidak berkepentingan untuk memasuki ruangan ini. Sala de Negociação, Sala de Negociação, Sala de Conferência, Sala de Reunião, Sala de Conferências, Sala de Conferências, Sala de Conferências, Sala de Conferências, Sala de Conferências, Sala de Conferências, Sala de Conferências, Sala de Conferências, Handal Untitled menjadi seorang dealer um-syarat sebagai berikut: Um grupo de pessoas sob pressão Um grupo de pessoas que trabalham em um grupo de pessoas e um grupo de pessoas que trabalham em um grupo de pessoas, 1. Tes Potensi Akademik 2. Tes Kemampuan bahasa Inggris 3. Psikotes 4. Tes Kesehatan 5. Wawancara akhir Setelah dinyatakan lulus tes maka calon comerciante akan mengikuti pelatihan mengaian masalah ekonomi analisa kondisi keuangan makro dan mikro, Mercado de capitais, Forex, derivativos, Gestão de Responsabilidade de Aset (ALMA) dan kegiatan Tresuri lain secara keseluruhan. Selain itu dilakukan simulasi negociação dalam bourse jogo Untik melatih kemampuan calon concessionário dalam bertransaksi. Dalam bourse jogo seluruh aktifitas transaksi yang dilakukan sama dengan transaksi real, yang membedakan hanyalah transaksinya tidak dengan contrapartida langsung namun dengan moderador yang berperan sebagai contraparte. Adanya Dealing Room Banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados de negócios de unidade de negócios de Tresuri Fungsi yang ada di Sala de negociação meliputi: 1. Pasar Uang (Money Market) a. As informações seguintes não estão ainda disponíveis em Português. Mengelola kelebihan banco dana banco de ditempatkan instrumento ke passando uang dengan mencari harga terbaik di pass, baik instrumento chamada dinheiro maupun SBI dan SBI definitiva c. Melakukan negociação melalui strategi arbitragem (memperoleh laba tanpa resiko dengan memanfaatkan perbedaan taxa) dan gapping (memperoleh laba dengan memanfaatkan perbedaan taxa de jangka waktu) untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dengan memanfaatkanpergerakan suku bunga di pasar. Transaksi Dinheiro Mercado ini dilakukan dalam rangka menjaga likuiditas dan menghasilkan keuntungan bagi banco. Menjaga likuiditas dilakukan dengan, menempatkan, kembali kelebihan, dana sendiri ke banco de banco, instrumen-instrumen keuangan dari Banco Indonésia (BI) seperti Sertifikat Banco Indonésia (SBI), Fine Tune Konstraksi (FTK), Fine Tune Ekspansi (FTE), Fasilitas Bank Indonésia (FASBI) dengan tingkat bunga tertentu. Banco de dados de banco de dados de banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados banco de dados. 2. Pasar Modal (Mercado de Capitais) Renda Fixa a. Melakukan jual beli surat berharga untuk memperoleh keuntungan (ganho de capital, ganho de câmbio de ganhos). B. Membeli súper berço sebagai alternativo diversifikasi portofolio bagi banco c. Mengelola kelebihan dana banco banco de videos ditempatkan ke instrumento passagem modal dengan mencari harga terbaik di pasar. Transaksi Fixed Income no mercado monetário Mercado monetário mercado de valores mobiliários de valores mobiliários de valores mobiliários de bolsa de valores. 3. Pasar Valuta Asing (Mercado de Câmbio) a. Mengelola Net Posição Aberta Posisi Devisa Banco Netto banco de dados regulador yang berlaku di Indonésia b. Melakukan jual beli mata uang guna meng-cobrir banco de posisi, baik untuk keperluan livro bancário maupun trading livro. C. Melakukan negociação dengan memanfaatkan pergerakan kurs di passatempo mendapatkan keuntungan baik transaksi antar banco maupun dengan nasabah. Dalam melaksanakan aktifitasnya di Sala de Negociar, negociante menggunakan alat bantu seperti: 8211 Reuters Notícias 8211 Reuters Dealing System 8211 Bloomberg 8211 Dealing Telefone 8211 OPICS Tesouraria Sistemas Tujuan adanya alat bantu ini adalah untuk memudahkan negociante dalam berkomunikasi dan bertransaksi dengan contraparte serta alat tersebut juga digunakan negociante Dalam membantu, pengambilan, keputusan, dengan, menggunakan, historis, tendência, serk, indikator, indikator, perekonomian, lainnya. Dados de Akurasi yang dihasilkan secara online lebih tinggi dados de karena akses dilakukan secara tempo real. 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Thursday 27 July 2017

Stock Options Expiration

Data de Vencimento (Derivativos) O que é uma Data de Vencimento (Derivativos) Uma data de vencimento em derivativos é o último dia em que uma opção ou contrato de futuros é válido. Quando os investidores compram opções, os contratos lhes dá o direito, mas não a obrigação, de comprar ou vender os ativos a um preço predeterminado, chamado de preço de exercício. Dentro de um determinado período de tempo, que é em ou antes da data de vencimento. Se um investidor optar por não exercer esse direito, a opção expira e se torna inútil, eo investidor perde o dinheiro pago para comprá-lo. BREAKING DOWN Data de Vencimento (Derivativos) A data de vencimento das opções de ações listadas nos Estados Unidos é normalmente a terceira sexta-feira do mês do contrato. Que é o mês em que o contrato expira. No entanto, quando essa sexta-feira cai em um feriado, a data de vencimento é na quinta-feira imediatamente antes da terceira sexta-feira. Uma vez que uma opção ou contrato de futuros passa a sua data de validade, o contrato é inválido. O último dia para negociar opções de capital é a sexta-feira antes do vencimento. Algumas opções têm uma provisão automática de exercício. Estas opções são automaticamente exercidas se estiverem no dinheiro no momento da expiração. A Corporação de Compensação de Opções (OCC) exerce automaticamente uma opção de compra ou de venda que é de pelo menos um centavo em dinheiro. Vencimento e Valor da Opção Em geral, quanto mais tempo um estoque tiver de expirar, mais tempo terá para atingir seu preço de exercício, o preço ao qual a opção se torna valiosa. De fato, a decaimento do tempo é representada pela palavra theta na teoria de preços de opções. Theta é uma das quatro palavras gregas usadas para referenciar os drivers de valor em derivados. Os outros três gregos são delta, gama e vega. Todas as outras coisas iguais, mais tempo uma opção tem até expiração, o mais valioso é. Existem dois tipos de produtos derivados, chamadas e puts. As chamadas dão ao detentor o direito, mas não a obrigação, de comprar uma ação se atingir um certo preço de exercício até a data de vencimento. Põe dar ao portador o direito, mas não a obrigação, de vender uma ação se atingir um determinado preço de exercício até a data de vencimento. É por isso que a data de validade é tão importante para os comerciantes de opções. O conceito de tempo está no cerne do que dá às opções seu valor. Após o put ou call expira, ele não existe. Em outras palavras, uma vez que o derivado expira o investidor não retém quaisquer direitos que ir junto com a posse da chamada ou pôr. Ciclos de Expiração de Opção de Compra Decidir trocar uma opção de ações exige a escolha de um mês de vencimento. Como as estratégias de opções exigem fazer modificações durante a vida útil de um negócio, você precisa saber em que meses as opções expirarão. O mês de vencimento que você escolher terá um impacto significativo no sucesso potencial de qualquer comércio de opção, por isso é importante entender como as bolsas decidem quais meses de vencimento estão disponíveis para cada ação. Em qualquer momento, há pelo menos quatro meses de vencimento diferentes disponíveis para cada ação em que as opções de comércio. A razão para isso é que quando as opções de ações começaram a ser negociadas em 1973, o Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) decidiu que haveria apenas quatro meses em que as opções poderiam ser negociadas a qualquer momento. Posteriormente, quando os títulos de antecipação de ações de longo prazo (LEAPS) foram introduzidos, era possível que as opções fossem negociadas por mais de quatro meses. Nem todas as ações negociam as mesmas opções Você pode ter notado que nem todas as ações têm os mesmos meses de vencimento disponíveis. Vamos olhar para os meses de vencimento disponíveis a partir de setembro de 2008 para três ações diferentes: Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), CitiGroup (NYSE: C) e Progressive (NYSE: PGR). Microsoft: Sept 2008, Oct 2008, Jan 2009, Abril 2009, Jan 2010 e Jan 2011. Progressivo: Sept 2008, Oct 2008, Nov 2008 e Fevereiro 2009. CitiGroup: Sept 2008, Oct 2008, Dez 2008, Jan 2009, Mar 2009 , Janeiro de 2010 e janeiro de 2011. A primeira coisa que você pode notar é que todos os três têm setembro e outubro opções disponíveis. Em seguida, tanto a Microsoft quanto o CitiGroup têm opções disponíveis em janeiro de 2009, janeiro de 2010 e janeiro de 2011, enquanto o Progressive não. Mas então fica mais confuso. Para o terceiro mês fora, não um dos meses corresponde aqueles para qualquer um dos outros dois. E o CitiGroup tem um mês extra de negociação: Março de 2009. Exatamente como as bolsas decidem quais meses de vencimento devem estar disponíveis para cada ação Para responder a essa pergunta, você precisa entender o histórico de como as bolsas têm gerenciado os ciclos de expiração da opção. Quando as opções de ações começaram a ser negociadas, cada ação foi atribuída a um de três ciclos: janeiro, fevereiro ou março. Não há significado para qual ciclo uma ação foi atribuída - era puramente aleatória. As ações atribuídas ao ciclo de janeiro tinham opções disponíveis apenas no primeiro mês de cada trimestre: janeiro, abril, julho e outubro. Os estoques atribuídos ao ciclo de fevereiro tinham somente os meses médios de cada trimestre disponíveis: fevereiro, maio, agosto e novembro. Os estoques do ciclo de março tiveram os meses finais de cada trimestre disponíveis: março, junho, setembro e dezembro. Os ciclos de expiração modificados Como as opções ganhou em popularidade, logo se tornou aparente que tanto o chão comerciantes e investidores individuais preferiram negociar ou hedge por prazos mais curtos. Assim, as regras originais foram modificadas, e em 1990, o CBOE decidiu que cada ação teria sempre o mês atual mais o mês seguinte disponível para o comércio. É por isso que todos os três dos estoques no exemplo acima têm opções de setembro e outubro disponíveis. Cada ação tem pelo menos quatro meses de vencimento negociação. Sob as novas regras, os dois primeiros meses são sempre os próximos dois meses, mas para os dois meses mais distantes, as regras usam os ciclos originais. Pode ajudar a olhar para um exemplo. Vamos dizer que é o início de janeiro, e estamos olhando para um estoque atribuído ao ciclo de janeiro. Sob as réguas mais novas, há sempre o mês atual mais o mês seguinte disponível, assim que janeiro e fevereiro estarão disponíveis. Porque quatro meses devem negociar, os dois meses seguintes do ciclo original seriam abril e julho. Assim, o estoque terá opções disponíveis em janeiro, fevereiro, abril e julho. O que acontece quando janeiro expira Fevereiro já está negociando, de modo que simplesmente se torna o contrato de quase-mês. Como os dois primeiros meses devem negociar opções, março começará a negociar no primeiro dia de negociação após a data de vencimento de janeiro. Assim os quatro meses agora disponíveis são fevereiro, março, abril e julho. Agora vem a parte complicada: uma vez que as opções de fevereiro expiram, março torna-se o contrato atual. O mês seguinte, abril, já está negociando. Mas com março, abril e julho contratos de negociação, thats apenas três meses de vencimento, e precisamos de quatro. Então, voltamos ao ciclo original e adicionamos outubro porque é o próximo mês no ciclo de janeiro depois de julho. Assim, as opções de março, abril, julho e outubro estarão disponíveis. O mesmo raciocínio determina que meses estão negociando para ações nos ciclos de fevereiro e março. Adicionando LEAPS Se uma ação tiver LEAPS disponível, então mais de quatro meses de vencimento estarão disponíveis. Apenas as ações mais populares têm LEAPS disponíveis. É por isso que no nosso exemplo acima, a Microsoft eo CitiGroup os tiveram enquanto o Progressive não. (Para ler em segundo plano sobre LEAPS, consulte Usar opções em vez de Equity. Usar LEAPS com colares e Usar LEAPS em uma gravação de chamada coberta.) Depois de entender o ciclo de opções básicas, adicionar LEAPS não é difícil. LEAPS são opções de longo prazo que, com algumas exceções, não são mais de três anos fora e geralmente comércio com uma data de validade de janeiro. Se uma ação tem LEAPS, então novos LEAPS são emitidos em maio, junho ou julho, dependendo do ciclo ao qual o estoque é atribuído. Quando é hora de adicionar (ou ir além) janeiro na rotação normal (não incluindo o contrato atual ou de curto prazo), o LEAPS de janeiro que foi atingido torna-se uma opção normal, o que também significa as mudanças de símbolo de raiz e um novo LEAPS ano é adicionado. Vamos voltar e olhar para nossos exemplos originais e percorrer o que aconteceu com a Microsoft e CitiGroup. Para a Microsoft, voltámos a Maio de 2008. Os meses disponíveis para a Microsoft eram Maio de 2008, Junho de 2008, Julho de 2008, Outubro de 2008, Janeiro de 2009 e Janeiro de 2010. Depois que as opções de Maio expiraram, foi necessário adicionar mais um mês. Os dois primeiros meses, junho e julho, já estavam negociando, como foi o próximo mês no ciclo: outubro. Assim, seguindo as regras para o ciclo de janeiro, precisamos adicionar o mês de vencimento de janeiro. Para uma ação que não possuía LEAPS, nenhuma outra ação seria necessária e trocaria os quatro meses de junho, julho, outubro e janeiro de 2009. Mas a Microsoft já tinha a negociação LEAPS que expirava em janeiro de 2009. Então, Convertidos para opções padrão (com uma mudança de símbolo acompanhante) e janeiro de 2011 LEAPS foram adicionados. Nada fora do comum aconteceu com o CitiGroup quando as opções de maio expiraram, uma vez que é sobre o ciclo de março. Junho já estava negociando, então só o mês de julho tinha que ser adicionado. Após a expiração de maio, o CitiGroup agora negociou os meses de junho, julho, setembro e dezembro, além de LEAPS em janeiro de 2009 e 2010. Mas vamos seguir o que acontece após a expiração de junho. Para as opções regulares, julho, setembro e dezembro já estavam negociando, então tudo o que precisavam fazer era adicionar o segundo mês da frente: agosto. Mas para as ações de ciclo de março como o CitiGroup o LEAPS de janeiro de 2009 convertido em opções padrão após a data de validade de junho, e os LEAPS de janeiro de 2011 foram introduzidos ao mesmo tempo. Assim, na segunda-feira após a expiração de junho, CitiGroup tinha opções de negociação em julho, agosto, setembro, dezembro e janeiro de 2009, bem como LEAPS em janeiro de 2010 e janeiro de 2011. Ciclo-três ações seguem o mesmo procedimento, Converter para opções regulares após a data de validade de julho, e os 2011 LEAPS são adicionados. Como você pode dizer que ciclo um estoque está ligado Você não pode dizer que ciclo um estoque está em olhando para a frente dois meses: todas as ações terão esses meses disponíveis. Para descobrir o ciclo, você precisa olhar mais para fora no terceiro e quarto meses. Geralmente, você pode contar a partir do terceiro mês de vencimento disponível. Basta manter a adição de três meses para o terceiro mês até chegar em janeiro, fevereiro ou março. O CitiGroup tem dezembro como o terceiro mês de contrato. Por isso, se acrescentarmos três meses chegamos em março. Portanto, sabemos que o CitiGroup está no ciclo de março. Dito isto, você tem que ter cuidado se o terceiro mês fora acontece de ser janeiro. Enquanto isso pode realmente significar o estoque está no ciclo de janeiro, qualquer ação com LEAPS também terá negociação de opções de janeiro. Nesse caso, você precisa olhar mais para fora para ver o que o quarto mês é para confirmar qual ciclo o estoque está em. No exemplo acima, a Microsoft tem abril disponível, por isso sabemos com certeza que ele está no ciclo de janeiro. Conclusão Opção-ciclos de vencimento para estoques pode parecer um pouco confuso, mas se você levar um pouco de tempo para compreendê-los, eles se tornam uma segunda natureza. Porque você pode necessitar fazer ajustes durante a vida de um comércio, pode ser muito importante saber que meses do vencimento se tornarão disponíveis no futuro. Entender os ciclos de vencimento é apenas mais uma maneira de ajudá-lo a aumentar sua taxa de sucesso ao negociar opções. Opções Calendário de validade 2017 Copyright copy 2017 MarketWatch, Inc. 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As pessoas na notícia 06 de fevereiro a 12 de fevereiro de 2017 Ashok Chawla - o regulador de competição anterior está dirigindo o comitê formado pelo governo para dar o relatório na viabilidade de acoplar simultaneamente dois auditores para examinar livros da companhia. O Ashok Chawla dirigido recomendações do comitê para o ministério de assuntos corporativos (MCA) seria provavelmente apressar uma decisão sobre o assunto que envolve muitas partes interessadas: os diretores financeiros da Índia, empresas de auditoria local. Os outros membros do comitê são o industrial Hari Bhartia eo vice-governador de RBI NS Vishwanathan. Shawna Pandya - a terceira mulher de origem indiana depois de Kalpana Chawla e Sunita Williams para voar para o espaço. Nascido no Canadá, o jovem de 32 anos foi um dos dois candidatos pré-selecionados de 3.200 pessoas depois de completar o programa Citizen Science Astronauat (CSA). Ela vai voar com outros oito astronautas na missão espacial prevista para decolar em 2018. Ela é um neurocirurgião que trabalha como médico geral no Hospital Universitário Canadas Alberta. Ela também tem mestrado em estudos espaciais da Universidade Internacional do Espaço e tem sido pesquisadora no Centro Espacial Johnson da Nasa, em Houston. Sua família vive em Mumbai. Ajay Tyagi - ele foi recentemente nomeado como o novo presidente da Securities and Exchange Board da Índia (SEBI). Ele vai assumir a partir de U K Sinha em 01 de março de 2017 e tem um mandato de cinco anos. O oficial IAS de 1984 de Himachal Pradesh está atualmente lidando com assuntos relacionados aos mercados de capitais no Ministério das Finanças. Rajiv Kumar, Ashok Gulati e Manish Sabarwal - eles foram nomeados recentemente como diretores no conselho do Reserve Bank of India por um período de quatro anos, com efeito a partir de 9 de fevereiro de 2017. Ashok Gulati é economista agrícola e ex-presidente da Comissão para Custos e Preços Agrícolas (CACP). Manish Sabarwal é o co fundador e presidente do Team Lease Services Private e também co-fundador da Hewitt Outsourcing services Índia. Rajiv Kumar é economista e pesquisador sênior do Center for Policy research e autor de vários livros. People in the News 30 de janeiro a 05 de fevereiro de 2017 Internacional Iris Mittenaere da França - ela foi adjudicada Miss Universo concurso de 2016. Na 65a edição do Miss Universo concurso de beleza realizado em Manila, Filipinas, ela superou 85 outros concorrentes para ser coroado Como a nova Miss Universo 2016. Raquel Pelissier do Haiti empacotou o primeiro lugar e Andrea Tovar da Colômbia venceu o segundo lugar, respectivamente. Vikram Limaye - ele será o novo diretor-gerente e diretor executivo (MD e CEO) da National Stock Exchange da Índia Ltd. (NSE). Limaye. O atual CEO e MD da IDFC sucederá Chitra Ramkrishna, que deixou NSE por razões pessoais em dezembro de 2016. Sanjeev Sanyal - ele foi recentemente nomeado consultor principal no Departamento de Assuntos Econômicos. O comitê de nomeações do gabinete aprovou Sanyals nomeação por três anos em base contratual. Sanyal, autor de best-sellers, deixou sua marca em diversas áreas, como meio ambiente e desenvolvimento sustentável, questões urbanas, microfinanças e investimentos estrangeiros. Pessoas na notícia 23 de janeiro a 29 de janeiro de 2017 Internacional Nikki Haley - jurou-se como embaixador das Américas nas Nações Unidas. Ele script a história, tornando-se o primeiro da comunidade indiano americano para servir em uma posição de gabinete posição em qualquer administração presidencial dos EUA. Genabhai Patel - o fazendeiro da romã da vila de Sarkari Goliya no taluka de Lakhani do distrito de Banaskantha do distrito de Gujarat é o receptor do prêmio Padma Shri prestigioso este ano. Um fazendeiro diferentemente abled de Gujarats eo distrito de Banaskantha inspirou diversos outros para fazer o melhor uso de sua terra da exploração agrícola plantando a romã. Ele comprou as plantas de romã de Maharashtra e as plantou em mais de 20 hectares de terra e usou irrigação por gotejamento para economizar água na região árida. Genabhai recebeu vários reconhecimentos por sua agricultura inspiradora, incluindo prêmios Gujarat e Rajasthan estado para os agricultores, Shristi Samman prêmio do presidente, e vários outros prêmios de empresas. Sharad Pawar - ele junto com MM Joshi, P. A. Sangma e Sunder Lal Patwa foi premiado com Padma Vibhushan para Assuntos Públicos. Todos escolhidos são pesos pesados ​​políticos - Sharad Pawar do Partido Nacionalista do Congresso e Murli Manohar Joshi do BJP. Dois mais políticos - ex-ministro-chefe da Madhya Pradesh Sundar Lal Patwa e ex-palestrante do Lok Sabha P A Sangma foram escolhidos póstumo. Pessoas nas Notícias 16 de Janeiro a 22 de Janeiro de 2017 Internacional Joe Biden - o ex-Vice-Presidente dos Estados Unidos que foi recentemente galardoado com a Medalha Presidencial da Liberdade, a maior honra civil das Américas. O então presidente Barack Obama descreveu o ex-senador de Delaware como o melhor vice-presidente que as Américas sempre tiveram e um leão da história americana, durante uma emotiva cerimônia para homenagear os 74 anos na Casa Branca recentemente. A medalha presidencial da liberdade é um prêmio concedido pelo presidente dos Estados Unidos e é a concessão civil a mais elevada dos Estados Unidos. Reconhece as pessoas que fizeram uma contribuição especialmente meritória para a segurança ou os interesses nacionais dos Estados Unidos, a paz mundial, cultural ou outros esforços significativos públicos ou privados. O prêmio não se limita a cidadãos americanos e, embora seja um prêmio civil, também pode ser concedido ao pessoal militar e usado no uniforme. Foi estabelecido em 1963 pelo presidente John F. Kennedy, substituindo a medalha da liberdade que foi estabelecida pelo presidente Harry S. Truman em 1945 para honrar o serviço civil durante a segunda guerra mundial. Mike Pence - ele assumiu como o novo vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos da América. Rex Tillerson assumiu como o novo Secretário de Estado enquanto Jeff Sessions assumiu como o novo Procurador Geral dos Estados Unidos. Shashi Kant Sharma é o Controlador e Auditor Geral da Índia que recentemente assumiu a presidência da Junta de Auditores da ONU a partir de 1 de janeiro de 2017 por dois anos. O CAG da Índia é o principal auditor da sede da ONU e de outras agências, incluindo o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância, o Fundo de Pensões da ONU, a comissão de compensação da ONU além de auditar seis missões de operações de paz da ONU em todo o mundo. Chandu Babulal Chavan - o soldado indiano que percorreu LoC mas foi recentemente libertado pelo Paquistão. Postado com 37 rifles de Rashtriya que tinha cruzado erradamente a linha de controle (LoC) em horas de Jammu Kashmir após as batidas cirúrgicas de Indias em bases do terrorista através do LoC em setembro 2016. Dipa Karmakar - o olímpico indiano que estava na notícia recentemente após o departamento de Post revelou uma capa especial sobre ela na exposição filatélica organizada em Agartala. Ela tinha história de roteiro, tornando-se a primeira ginasta mulher indiana a saco de bronze nos Jogos da Commonwealth de Glasgow. Ranvir Singh - o journalista de transmissão de origem indiana que foi recentemente nomeado chanceler da Universidade de Lanchashire Central (UCLan) na Inglaterra. Ele será o terceiro chanceler da universidade. Alok Kumar Verma - o oficial de IPS do lote de 1979 que recentemente foi selecionado como o novo Diretor do Bureau Central de Investigação (CBI). Atualmente ele está trabalhando como chefe da polícia de Delhi. Seu nome foi cancelado por um painel de seleção de três membros encabeçado pelo primeiro ministro Narendra Modi e compreendendo o juiz-chefe da Índia Jagdish Singh Khehar e líder do Congresso em Lok Sabha Mallikarjun Kharge. Pessoas nas Notícias 09 de janeiro a 15 de janeiro de 2017 Om Puri - o famoso ator de Bollywood que faleceu recentemente. Além de ganhar vários elogios, incluindo dois Prêmios Nacionais, Om Puri foi homenageado com PadmaShri em 1990. Kalyan Krishnamurthy - ele foi recentemente feito o novo CEO da Flipkart substituindo o co-fundador Binny Bansal que foi nomeado como o grupo Executivo do maior mercado on-line da Índia. Parag Havaldar - o aluno do IIT Kharagpur que recentemente ganhou o prestigioso Prêmio de Realização Técnica (Prêmio de Prêmios Técnicos Científicos), popularmente chamado de Oscar Técnico, concedido pela Academia de Cinema e Ciências. Ele foi premiado pelo desenvolvimento da tecnologia de captura de desempenho facial baseada em expressão da Sony Pictures Imageworks. Os Prêmios Científicos Técnicos foram apresentados pela primeira vez na 4ª cerimônia de premiação da Academia em novembro de 1931. A página da Academys diz que eles são conferidos em reconhecimento de desenvolvimentos originais que resultam em melhorias significativas na produção e exibição de filmes. N Chandrasekaran ele foi recentemente nomeado como o novo presidente da Tata Sons. Ele estava trabalhando atualmente como Tata Consultancy Services executivo-chefe e diretor-gerente. Popularmente conhecida como Chandra, a atriz de 54 anos foi escolhida para entrar no lugar do presidente interino Ratan Tata, que assumiu o cargo em 24 de outubro de 2016. A decisão seguiu um comitê de cinco membros composto por Ratan Tata, chefe do grupo TVS Venu Srinivasan, Amit Chandra de Bain Capital, o ex-diplomata Ronen Sen e Lord Kumar Bhattacharya a trabalharem no Chandrasekaran. Chandrasekaran tem liderado a jóia da coroa Tata Group, empresa de software TCS, desde 2009. Ele foi nomeado diretor da Tata Sons Em 25 de outubro de 2016. Na TCS, Chandrasekaran seria sucedido por Rajesh Gopinathan, atualmente o diretor financeiro da empresa. People in the News 02 de janeiro a 08 de janeiro de 2017 Jagdish Singh Khehar - ele foi jurado como o 44o Chefe do Supremo Tribunal do Presidente Pranab Mukerjee recentemente. Ele se torna o primeiro Sikh Chief Justice da Índia depois de assumir a partir do ex-Chefe de Justiça Tirath Singh Thakur, que completou seu mandato de 13 meses em 3 de janeiro. Um especialista em direito administrativo e constitucional, o juiz Khehar já deixou sua marca na jurisprudência indiana com vários marco Incluindo a extinção da Lei da Comissão Nacional de Nomeações Judiciais (NJAC Act), que deu origem ao muito falado entre o Centro e o Judiciário nos últimos tempos. People in the News 25 de dezembro de 2016 a 01 de janeiro de 2017 Internacional George Michael - o famoso cantor pop que morreu recentemente. Ele ganhou fama com a banda Wham, que vendeu mais de 100 milhões de álbuns em sua carreira. Michael era mais conhecido por seus sucessos de 1980, Last Christmas, Freedom, Careless Whisper, mas sua carreira se estendeu por mais de três décadas. Ele ganhou uma série de prêmios, incluindo dois Grammies e três britânicos. Thomas Coville - o marinheiro da França que recentemente quebrou o recorde mundial para uma única mão non-stop vela circumnavigation do globo. Ele cruzou a linha de chegada depois de uma viagem de 49 dias, 3 horas, 7 minutos e 30 segundos em seu trimaran de 30 metros. Foi a quinta tentativa de Coviles, há mais de 10 anos, de bater um recorde em 2008 por Francis Joyon, outro francês, que navegou ao redor do mundo em 57 dias e 13 horas. Viral Acharya ele foi nomeado como um do Banco de Reserva das Índias quatro vice-governadores por um período de três anos pelo governo recentemente. Viral V. Acharya é professor de economia na Universidade de Nova York. Patel liderara a prestigiosa política monetária. Ele tem interesses de pesquisa em regulação de bancos, finanças corporativas, risco de crédito e preços de ativos. Anil Baijal - substituiu Najeeb Jung como o governador do Lt de Deli. Baijal será o 21º Tenente Governador do Território da Capital Nacional de Delhi. Jungs quase três anos e meio de mandato foi marcado por freqüentes run-ins com o governo AAP. Baijal serviu como Secretário do Interior do governo NDA da Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Shankar Acharya - o ex-conselheiro econômico chefe liderou o painel nomeado pelo governo, que recentemente recomendou a mudança do ano fiscal a partir de abril atual para março para o ano civil. O relatório foi apresentado recentemente ao Ministro das Finanças da União, Arun Jaitley. Almirante Sunil Lanba - ele foi recentemente nomeado como presidente do Comitê de Chefes de Estado Maior. O comandante da Marinha, Almirante Sunil Lanba, assumiu a batuta cerimonial do presidente do comitê de chefes do Comitê de Pessoal (CoSC) do marechal de saída da IAF, Arup Raha. Tenente General Bipin Rawat - ele assumiu como o 27o chefe do exército indiano, sucedendo o general Dalbir Singh Suhag, que se aposentou após 42 anos de serviço. O Gen Rawat foi comissionado no quinto batalhão dos onze Gorkha Rifles em dezembro 1978 de IMA, Dehradun. Ele recebeu a espada de honra na academia. Gen Rawat tem vasta experiência em operações de guerra em alta altitude e contra-insurgência. Marechal do ar Birender Singh Dhanoa - tomou a carga como o 25o chefe da força aérea que substitui o marechal Arup Raha do chefe ar. O novo chefe da IAF, Air Marshal Dhanoa, desenvolveu a filosofia aérea do país contra potenciais adversários e transformou o conceito de operações aéreas da força aérea em práticas contemporâneas de combate à guerra. Pessoas nas Notícias 19 de dezembro a 25 de dezembro de 2016 Marechal do Ar B S Dhanoa - ele foi recentemente nomeado como o novo chefe da Força Aérea Indiana. Ele assumirá o comando do chefe da IAF Arup Raha. Shankha Ghosh - eminente poeta bengali que foi escolhido para o prestigiado Prêmio Jnanpith para 2016. Instituído em 1961, o prêmio de Bharatiya Jnanpith reconhece literatos indianos que escrevem em uma das 22 línguas indianas listadas no Anexo Oito da Constituição Indiana. Lt Gen Bipin Rawat - ele foi recentemente nomeado como o novo Chefe do Estado-Maior do Exército. Rawat substituirá o General Dalbir Singh. Ele tem tratado várias responsabilidades operacionais em muitas áreas, incluindo ao longo da LoC com o Paquistão, a linha de controle real com a China e no Nordeste. Ele é conhecido por sua abordagem equilibrada em relação à soldagem, compaixão e conexão com a sociedade civil. Anupam Mishra - o ambientalista cujo trabalho seminal sobre a conservação da água, Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talab (aproximadamente, as lagoas são ainda bons como o ouro), ateado fogo à imaginação dos povos comuns e dos guerreiros da ecologia igualmente e deu as asas à sabedoria indígena sobre o assunto, Faleceu recentemente. Ele acreditava que a Índia era uma sociedade de água-literate no passado e procurou aproveitar o conhecimento tradicional para melhorar o presente. Nascido fora de seu envolvimento com a seca em Rajasthan em 1987, Aaj Bhi. Demonstrou como as lagoas alimentaram as pessoas que vivem no interior e cidades durante séculos e explicou por que sua preservação, manutenção e regeneração eram imperativos. Por qualquer padrão, Aaj Bhi. É um livro incomum. Não existe nenhum nome de autor na capa e nenhum direito de autor. Qualquer pessoa poderia publicá-lo gratuitamente. Publicado pela primeira vez em 1993, o livro, com 120 páginas, já viu 40 edições em cerca de 10 línguas, incluindo uma edição em Braille, diz um associado de longa data. Pessoas na Notícia 12 de dezembro a 18 de dezembro de 2016 Internacional Juan Manuel Santos - o presidente da Colômbia que recebeu recentemente o Prêmio Nobel da Paz. Recebeu este prêmio por seus esforços resolutos para terminar cinco décadas de guerra em seu país como consagrado em um acordo de paz histórico assinado com as forças armadas revolucionárias de Colômbia. Paolo Gentiloni foi nomeado como o novo primeiro-ministro da Itália após a saída do líder reformista italiano Matteo Renzi após uma derrota no referendo. Ele formará um novo governo de centro-esquerda que orientará a Itália para as eleições previstas para fevereiro de 2018. Antonio Guterres, ex-primeiro-ministro de Portugal, recentemente assumiu o cargo de nono Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas, sucedendo a Ban Ki-moon O corpo mundial de 71 anos de idade. O Presidente da Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas, Peter Thomson, administrou o Juramento de Escritório a Guterres numa sessão plenária especial da Assembleia Geral de 193 membros. Guterres, de 67 anos, foi nomeado unanimemente pela Assembléia Geral como sucessor de Ban, depois que o Conselho de Segurança de 15 nações decidiu, em outubro, por aclamação enviar seu nome para a assembléia para aprovação final. Stephanie del Valle de Porto Rico - ela foi recentemente coroada Miss Mundo 2016, cortando vice-campeões da República Dominicana e Indonésia, e belezas de todo o mundo. Del Valle, 19, é uma estudante morena de olhos castanhos que fala espanhol, inglês e francês, e espera entrar na indústria do entretenimento. Ela foi coroada pela Miss Mundo 2015 Mireia Lalaguna da Espanha. Primeira vice-campeã foi Yaritza Miguelina Reyes Ramírez da República Dominicana, seguida pela Miss Mundo Indonésia Natasha Mannuela. Pessoas na Notícia 05 de dezembro a 11 de dezembro de 2016 Internacional Matteo Renzi - o primeiro-ministro da Itália, que recentemente anunciou sua decisão de se aposentar após uma derrota impressionante em um referendo de reformas constitucionais. Renzi admitiu a derrota depois que as pesquisas de saída mostraram que sua proposta perdia por uma margem de cerca de 60 por cento a 40 por cento no referendo de domingo. Renzi disse que as reformas teriam cortado a burocracia italiana e tornado o país mais competitivo. Seus adversários esperavam aproveitar o sentimento populista que vem ganhando terreno na Europa e nos EUA. Kehkashan Basu - a menina da escola indiana baseada nos Emirados Árabes Unidos, que recentemente ganhou este prestigiado Prêmio Internacional da Paz Infantil pela sua luta para salvar o planeta. Basu é uma ativista ambiental lutando contra a justiça climática e combater a degradação ambiental através de sua organização infantil Green Hope, que agora tem mais de 1.000 voluntários em 10 países. John Glenn - o ex-senador e astronauta dos Estados Unidos, que se tornou o primeiro americano a orbitar a Terra, morreu recentemente em Ohio. Glenn, que circundou a Terra três vezes, foi o terceiro astronauta dos EUA no espaço. Ele foi o primeiro a entrar em órbita. Conhecido por sua decência de pequena cidade e heroísmo calmo, Glenn foi o último sobrevivente dos astronautas originais do Mercury 7. Mais tarde serviu por nove anos como senador democrata de Ohio. Em 20 de fevereiro de 1962, quando Glenn disparou para o espaço, ele foi importante e nervo-racking. As viagens espaciais estavam em sua infância. Cada lançamento e missão cativou a imaginação da América. Ele fez história pela segunda vez em 1998, quando retornou ao espaço décadas mais tarde, aos 77 anos, para se tornar a pessoa mais velha enviada ao espaço. O Panneerselvam - ele foi recentemente jurado como ministro-chefe de Tamil Nadu pela terceira vez após a morte de Jayalalithaa. Com Paneerselvam, Jayas todos os ministros fizeram o juramento novamente. Srinidhi Shetty - a menina indiana de Mangaluru que recentemente foi coroada Miss Supranational 2016 - entre os três maiores concursos de beleza do mundo - na Polônia recentemente. O engenheiro de 23 anos é o segundo indiano a conquistar o título depois de Asha Bhatt em 2014. Afroz Shah - o advogado e ambientalista de Mumbai, que recentemente foi premiado com o prêmio de Melhor Prêmio Ambiental da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) Seus esforços em lançar a maior limpeza de praia do mundo em Versova. É a primeira vez que um indiano ganhou o prêmio. Nos últimos 12 anos, o prêmio anual Champions of the Earth é concedido a líderes destacados do governo, da sociedade civil e do setor privado cujas ações tiveram um impacto positivo no meio ambiente. Justiça Jagdish Singh Khehar - seu nome foi recentemente recomendado como o 44o Chefe da Justiça da Índia. Juiz Chefe da Índia T S Thakur recentemente escreveu uma carta recomendando o nome do Juiz Khehar, que é o juiz mais antigo da Suprema Corte para ser seu sucessor. Ele será o primeiro presidente da justiça da comunidade sikh e sucederá a CJI Thakur, que vai demitir o cargo em 3 de janeiro de 2017. O juiz Khehar, que entrará em juramento no dia 4 de janeiro, manterá o mandato por mais de sete meses até agosto 27, 2017. Srinivasa Iyer Ramaswamy - popularmente conhecido como Cho Ramaswamy é o satirista político sênior que morreu após uma parada cardíaca em Chennai recentemente. Cho foi um membro nomeado do Rajya Sabha de 1999 a 2005. Cho script de quase 23 peças de teatro, incluindo Mohammed Bin Thuglaq, onde ele ressuscitou Sultão Thuglaq de seu túmulo para se tornar o primeiro-ministro da Índia. Ele atuou em 200 filmes, dirigiu quatro e roteiro outro 14. Ele tem o nome Cho de um personagem que ele animou no palco em uma peça chamada Thenmozhiyal. Ele escreveu e dirigiu séries de TV e atuou nelas. Pessoas na notícia 28 de novembro a 04 de dezembro de 2016 Internacional Ivan Mikoyan - designer russo de aeronaves e co-criador do avião de caça MiG-29 Ivan Mikoyan faleceu recentemente. Ele tinha 89 anos. Ele tinha a maior parte de sua carreira como engenheiro principal no departamento de design da MiG Aircraft Corporations, fundado por seu tio Artyom Mikoyan. Diana Eck - escritora do livro Banaras City of Light. Trata-se dos aspectos espirituais e históricos da cidade. Prof. Yu Long Yu da China - foi premiado com o segundo Prêmio Ideólogo do Conselho Indiano para as Relações Culturais (ICCR) pelo ano de 2016. Ele recebeu o prêmio do Presidente Pranab Mukherjee em uma função em Rashtrapati Bhavan, Nova Deli. É Professor e Diretor do Centro de Estudos Indianos da Universidade de Shenzhen. Estudou Indology por meio século e é o pioneiro para Indology em China sul. Ele criou o Centro de Estudos Indianos e Tan Yunshan Sino-Indian Friendship Museum na Universidade de Shenzhen. Sobre o ICCR Ideologist Award É um prêmio anual instituído pelo ICCR. Amitabh Kant - o CEO de Niti Aayog que foi apontado como o presidente de um comitê recentemente nomeado para formar uma estratégia para agilizar o processo de transformar India em uma economia cashless. Ele tem a tarefa de identificar vários gargalos que afetam o acesso de pagamentos digitais. A comissão foi criada na sequência de uma directiva do Gabinete do Primeiro-Ministro (PMO) para apoiar o movimento de desmonetização. O governo da União está trabalhando para transferir todas as transações governamentais para o modo sem dinheiro, através de um novo sistema de pagamento eletrônico de uma única janela que as empresas ou indivíduos podem usar para fazer pagamentos a qualquer departamento central ou estadual. Lt General A K Bhatt ele foi nomeado como novo Diretor Geral de Operações Militares (DGMO). Ele pertence aos Rifles Gorkha. Anteriormente tinha servido na diretoria de operações militares como um brigadeiro. Antes desta nomeação ele foi postado como o diretor geral adicional das queixas e conselho consultivo na sede do exército. Mais cedo ele tinha comandado a Divisão 21 em Assam. 21 de novembro a 27 de novembro de 2016 Internacional Nikki Haley - foi nomeada embaixadora dos EUA nas Nações Unidas pelo presidente eleito Donald Trump. Atualmente, ela está cumprindo seu segundo mandato como governadora do estado da Carolina do Sul. Ela tem a distinção de ser a mais jovem governadora atual dos EUA. Ela também é a segunda indiana-americana após Bobby Jindal para servir como governador de um estado nos EUA. Ela é um dos seis governadores asiáticos-americanos dos EUA. Antes de se tornar governadora, ela representou o condado de Lexington na Câmara dos Deputados da Carolina do Sul de 2005 a 2011. Maha Chakri Sirindhorn - Thailands Princess que foi apresentado com o primeiro Prêmio Sânscrito Mundial por sua contribuição exemplar para a promoção da língua para o ano de 2015 Além disso, o lingüista americano e professor Indologist George Cardona também foi apresentado com este prêmio para o ano de 2016. Eles foram concedidos com o prêmio do vice-presidente Hamid Ansari em uma função realizada em Nova Deli. Ela é notável educadora e estudiosa de Sânscrito e Pali. Ela recebeu vários prêmios e doutoramentos honorários, incluindo o grau honorário de doutor em literatura (sânscrito) da Universidade de Deli em 1987. Ela também ganhou Prêmio Indira Gandhi para a Paz, Desarmamento e Prêmio de Desenvolvimento do Governo da União em 2004 e Magsaysay Award for Public Serviço em 1991. Antnio Costa - o primeiro-ministro de origem indiana de Portugal será o principal convidado na 14ª Convenção Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD). A Convenção PBD está programada para ser realizada de 7 a 9 de janeiro de 2017 em Bangalore, Karnataka. O Sr. Costa participará na sessão inaugural da Convenção PBD em 8 de janeiro e se dirigirá aos delegados. Além disso, o vice-presidente do Suriname, Michael Ashwin Satyandre Adhin, será o convidado especial das Divas Pravasi Bharatiya da Juventude (PBD), que será realizado em Bangalore em 7 de janeiro de 2017. O PBD é celebrado todos os anos em 9 de janeiro para marcar a contribuição de indianos ultramarinos Comunidade no desenvolvimento da Índia. É celebrado todos os anos desde 2003. Ele fornece uma plataforma para a comunidade indiana no exterior para se envolver com o governo e as pessoas da terra de seus antepassados ​​para atividades mutuamente benéficas. 9 de janeiro foi escolhido como o dia para comemorar esta ocasião desde que era neste dia em 1915 que Mahatma Gandhi retornou a India da África do Sul. Assim, este evento marca a importância da chegada das Indias maiores Pravasi que lideraram a luta pela liberdade na índia e mudaram a vida dos índios para sempre. Pandit Hari Prasad Chaurasia - notável flautista (78) foi conferido 2016 Sumitra Charat Ram Award para realização de vida no campo da música clássica indiana. O prêmio de prestígio foi nomeado após Sumitra Charat Ram que tinha desempenhado um papel fundamental no renascimento das tradições de artes cênicas, especialmente kathak e Hindustani música no norte da Índia. Ele é concedido a indivíduos que se destacaram no campo da dança clássica indiana e música ou outras disciplinas da arte e cultura indiana. Ele tinha começado a aprender música vocal na tenra idade de 15 de seu vizinho Pandit Rajaram. Malini Subramaniam - ele ganhou os Prêmios de Liberdade de Imprensa Internacional concedidos pelo Comitê para Proteger Jornalistas (CPJ) no Waldorf-Astoria em New York City. Juntamente com a Subramaniam, três outros jornalistas ganharam o prestigioso prêmio. Eles são Mahmoud Abou Zeid do Egito, Can Dndar da Turquia e Oscar Martinez de El Salvador. O CPJ escolheu estes quatro jornalistas como eles arriscaram sua liberdade e suas vidas para reportar às suas sociedades e à comunidade global sobre eventos de notícias críticas. Yudhvir Singh Malik - foi nomeado o novo Presidente da Autoridade Nacional de Estradas da Índia (NHAI). Malik, que trabalhou como Secretário Especial da NITI Aayog, substituirá Raghav Chandra. Ele é um 83 lote Haryana quadro IAS oficial. Antes de ingressar no NITI Aayog, trabalhou como CEO da FSSAI de 20 de outubro de 2014 a 23 de setembro de 2015. Foi durante seu mandato que Maggi noodle foi banido. Upma Chowdhary ela foi nomeada como nova diretora da Lal Bahadur Shastri Academia Nacional de Administração (LBSNAA) em Mussoorie. Ela será a 23ª diretora e primeira mulher diretora da LBSNAA. Ela substituirá Rajeev Kapoor. Upma Chowdhary é um oficial de lote IAS de 1983 do quadro Himachal. Atualmente, ela é postada como secretária-chefe adicional em Himachal Pradesh. Durante seus 33 anos de serviço como oficial do IAS, ela havia servido em várias posições no estado e no centro. Dilip Padgaonkar - ele passou recentemente estava relacionado com a mídia impressa. O Sr. Padgaonkar, juntamente com o Prof. Radha Kumar e o Comissário de Informação, Prof. M Ansari, faziam parte da equipa de interlocutores de três membros escolhida pelo Governo da União em 2010 para conceber um roteiro para a paz em Jammu e Caxemira. Juntou-se ao Times of India como correspondente de Paris. Desde então tinha servido papel em várias capacidades antes de ser nomeado seu Editor em 1988. Ele ocupou o cargo por seis anos. A Capitã Radhika Menon foi condecorada com o prêmio da Organização Marítima Internacional (OMI) por Exceptional Bravery at Sea. É um prêmio anual estabelecido pela IMO. Procura proporcionar um reconhecimento internacional para aqueles que executam atos de bravura excepcional com o risco de perder a própria vida. Com isso, ela se tornou a primeira mulher no mundo a receber o Prêmio. Ela foi presenteada com este prêmio por salvar vidas de sete pescadores de afundar barco de pesca na Baía de Bengala. Além disso, B M Das operador e mergulhador de um helicóptero de resgate na Indian Coast Guarda estação aérea Daman também foi apresentado com este prêmio. Ele foi agraciado com este prêmio por resgatar todos os 14 membros da tripulação do navio mercante Coastal Pride, que virou e eventualmente afundou. M. Balmuralikrishna - o lendário vocalista, cantor e compositor faleceu devido a problemas geriátricos relacionados à idade em Chennai. Ele era 86. Ele foi considerado como decano da música clássica. Durante sua longa carreira musical, ele se destacou como proeminente vocalista carnatic, multi-instrumentista, cantor, compositor e ator. Balamuralikrishna nasceu em 6 de julho de 1930 em Sankaraguptam, distrito de East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh. Ele começou sua jornada musical como uma criança prodígio em uma tenra idade de 8. Desde então, ele realizou em mais de 25 mil concertos. Ele tinha inovado todo o sistema de música Carnatic mantendo sua rica tradição intocada. Os ragas como Ganapathi, Sarvashri, Mahati, Lavangi etc foram creditados a ele. Pankaj Patel foi eleito presidente da Federação das Câmaras de Comércio e Indústria indianas (FICCI) para o ano de 2017. Ele assumirá o cargo depois que o presidente do Grupo Ambuja Neotia, Harshavardhan Neotia, concluir seu mandato em dezembro de 2016. Atualmente, Pankaj Patel é Chefe Diretor Geral da Zydus Cadila. Ele está ativamente envolvido em várias instituições educacionais e está em comitês consultivos e conselhos acadêmicos de várias instituições educacionais, como IISER (Kolkata), IIM Ahmedabad, etc Ele é também o Vice-Presidente, Presidente Executivo e Administrador da Sociedade de Câncer de Gujarat e Presidente da O Instituto de Pesquisa e Câncer de Gujarat, um dos maiores do seu tipo Centro de Câncer na Índia. Pessoas na notícia 14 de novembro a 20 novembro de 2016 Internacional Meng Hongwei - oficial de alto nível da polícia da China que foi eleito como o novo presidente da Organização Internacional de Polícia Criminal (INTERPOL). Ele se torna o primeiro cidadão chinês a realizar os quatro Ano. Foi eleito na 85ª assembleia geral anual da INTERPOL realizada em Bali, na Indonésia, e sucede a Mireille Ballen Ballestrazzi. Antes dessa nomeação, Meng Hongwei era vice-ministro da Segurança Pública na China. Interpol - a agência global de cooperação policial e uma organização não-governamental (ONG) que se concentra na segurança pública e combate ao terrorismo, crimes contra a humanidade, genocídio, crimes de guerra, crimes ambientais etc. ICPC) em 1923. Sua sede está localizada em Lyon, França. It is the 2nd-largest international organization after the United Nations in terms of international representation with 190 member countries. Maria Sharapova - she will once again be a UN goodwill ambassador when her doping ban expires in April 2017 and she returns to international tennis competition, a UN statement said on Thursday. The United Nations had suspended Sharapovas role as goodwill ambassador in March after she failed a drug test, putting a hold on a nine-year partnership with the UN Development Programme. Mike Pence - he has been appointed as Vice President-elect of US by President-elect Donald Trump. Jackie Chan - the popular Chinese actor, has been bestowed with the honorary Academy Award (or Oscar) by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences at the 8th Annual Governors Awards at the Hollywood for his extraordinary achievements in the movies. Prof. Raj Bisaria-the renowned theatre personality who has been selected for the prestigious Kalidas Samman national award for 2015-16. He is director, producer, actor and educationalist. He is best known for blending artistic concepts of the East and the West and the traditional and the modern. Kalidas Samman is an annual award constituted by Madhya Pradesh in 1980. It is bestowed upon personalities in the four fields of classical music, classical dance, theatre and arts. S S Mundra - the Deputy Governor of RBI who will head the Special Task Force to speed up the process of recalibration of automated teller machines (ATM) to dispense the new denomination notes. Representatives from the Union Finance and Home ministries, RBI, State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, Axis Bank and the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) will be its members. Besides, representative from each of ATM original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), cash in transit (CIT) companies and white label ATM (WLA) operators will be invited to the Task Forces deliberation. Narinder Batra - the chief of Hockey India who was recently elected as the new president of International Hockey Federation (FIH) on 12 November 2016 at the 45th FIH Congress held in Dubai. Among 118 voters, only 110 voted while eight chose not to vote. He will be the 12th president of FIH and the first non-European to take over the post in the International bodys 92-year-old history. He became the president of Hockey India in 2014. Padmini Rout - the International Chess who won the National Women Premier Chess Championship for the third time. Rout played out a draw with Eesha Karavade that made her achieve the hat-trick of title wins. The triumph also ensured that Rout will be a part of the Indian women team in the next World team chess championship. Padmini Rout holds the titles of International Master and Woman Grandmaster. People in the News November 07 th to November 13 th 2016 International Donald J. Trump - he will be the 45th President of the United States. The Republican nominees victory over Hillary Clinton marks a stunning upset that neither the polls nor the pundits saw coming. Guy Rider - from United Kingdom who has been re-elected Director-General of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) for a second five-year term. He was elected by the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Ryder is the 10th DG of ILO and was elected for the first time in May 2012. Narendra Modi - the Indian Prime Minister who has been made the new mascot of the Incredible India by the tourism ministry. The role was lying vacant after the controversial ouster of Aamir Khan earlier this year. Shashi Tharoor - author of the book An Era of Darkness: The British Empire in India is an Indian Politician and former Diplomat of India. He is currently serving as Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha. He also currently serves as Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on External Affairs. The above book offers an insight on the ways in which the colonizers exploited India, ranging from the drain of national resources to Britain, the destruction of the Indian textile, steel-making and shipping industries, and the negative transformation of agriculture. Sri M Rajeshwar Rao - he has been appointed as new ED of RBI who will look after Deptt of Statistics and Information Management, Financial Market Operations Deptt and International Deptt. Prior to this, he was CGM of Financial Market Operations Deptt. People in the News October 31 st to November 06 th 2016 International Kate Rubins - the US astronaut who along with Anatoly Ivanishin of Russia and Takuya Onishi of Japan landed safely recently in Kazakhstan following a 114-day mission abroad the International Space Station (ISS). Kate is the first person to sequence DNA in space. She is also the first woman aboard the ISS since Italian Samantha Cristoforetti who returned to earth with the record for the longest single spaceflight by a woman (199 days) in June 2015. ISS is the space laboratory that has been orbiting the Earth at about 28,000km an hour since 1998. Pen Sovann - the former Prime Minister of Cambodia who died recently. He was the countrys first post-Khmer Rouge prime minister holding the office from June to December 1981 when it was known as Peoples Republic of Kampuchea. Paul Beatty - the first US author to win the Man Booker Prize-the worlds most prestigious English language literary award-for his novel The Sellout recently. The Sellout is Beattys fourth novel and earlier this year it won the National Book Critics Circle Award in the United States. The Man Booker was launched in 1969 has been traditionally won by writers from Commonwealth states, but was opened for authors from other English speaking countries including the United States in 2013. Sharbat Gula - the famed green-eyed Afghan girl who was immortalised in 1985 when the National Geographic magazine published her haunting picture on its cover, was arrested in Peshawar recently for staying in Pakistan with fake identity documents. Dubbed as Mona Lisa of Afghan war, Sharbat catapulted into global prominence after National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry captured her iconic photograph when she was a 12-year-old girl at the Nisar Bagh refugee camp on the edge of Peshawar in 1984. John Key - the Prime Minister of New Zealand who visited India recently. India and New Zealand charted a new path to step up bilateral trade and signed four pacts. New Zealand said it would continue to contribute to the process currently underway in the NSG to consider Indias membership. Karnal Singh - the senior IPS officer who was recently appointed as the chief of Enforcement Directorate(ED), the agency entrusted with probing money laundering cases. People in the News October 24 th to October 30 th 2016 International Kunal Mankodiya - the Indian-origin scientist at the University of Rhode Island whose research has shown that clothes and other wearable items could possibly sense illness and transmit data to a doctor in a distant clinic to monitor health and prescribe drugs. Mankodiyas research focuses on smart textiles - wearable items embedded with sensors, electronics and software that can collect data from patients, even though they are at home, and deliver it to doctors. Lynda Carter - also famous as Wonder Woman due to her character from the famous 1975 TV series show was recently appointed as UN ambassador for womens empowerment. Junko Tabei - the Japanese mountaineer who was the first woman to climb Mount Everest died recently. She has reached the summit of Everest on May 16, 1975. She devoted her life to scaling peaks, climbing the mountains in more than 70 countries. Cyrus Mistry - he was recently sacked as the chairman of the Tata Group. Former chairman Ratan Tata returned as interim chairman and a five-member selection committee was set up to bring on board a new chairman within four months. Earlier, on December 28, 2012, Cyrus Mistry had succeeded Ratan Tata as the chief of Indias more than a century old multinational company, which had begun its operations in 1868.Cyrus Mistrys stint as chairman is the shortest ever at Tata group. Of the six chairmen that Tata group has had in its 148 years, the longest serving was Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy. A P Hota - the MD CEO of National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) who was in the news recently after NPCI data showed that 641 customers of 19 banks reported fraud while the total amount involved is Rs.1.03 cr and most complaints are for debit cards having been used in China and few in the US. C Vijayakumar he was recently made the new President and CEO of HCL Technologies. He replaced Anant Gupta who recently launched a technology investment firm Techcelx. Yashwant Sinha - the former finance minister who recently led the five-member delegation to Kashmir and met separatist leaders in Srinagar in an effort to find a solution to the states three-month unrest. The team comprised of Wajahat Habibullah, the former chairperson of the National commission for Minorities, former Air vice Marshall Kapil Kak, journalist Bharat Bhushan and Sushobha Barve, the executive director of the centre for Dialogue and Reconciliation. People in the News October 17 th to October 23 rd 2016 International Antonio Guterres - he will take over as the new UN Secretary-General. His taking over will be with tremendous goodwill as the process of his election was without the usual horse trading and compromises. His Socialist International credentials and his impeccable record as Portugals prime minister and the European Council president, who led the adoption of the Lisbon Agenda gave him an advantage over all others, who resorted to the projection of gender and geography. Michel Temer - the President of Brazil who visited India recently. He visited India to participate in the BRICS Summit 2016 at Benaulim, Goa recently. Other foreign dignitaries who attended the meeting included Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and South African President Jacob Zuma. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan - Indias second President is having the distinction of receiving the highest nominations among Indians for the Nobel Prize. He received nominations 18 times (including multiple nominations in the same year) in the LiteraturePeace category and was followed by Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi and Mahatma Gandhi. Navdeep Singh Suri - the senior diplomat who was recently appointed Ambassador to United Arab Emirates, a strategically important nation country which is major supplier of oil to India and is home to around 2.6 million-strong Indians. UAE is a strategically important country for India in the Gulf region. Ravindra Dholakia - the member of the newly constituted Monetary Policy Committee who is the head of the committee on financial sector statistics appointed by government. The Ravindra Dholakia committee has been entrusted with the responsibility of reviewing the existing system of data collection and suggests measures for an integrated system to capture granular data and a mechanism to provide estimates at the state level. Salman Khan - the Bollywood superstar who was recently dropped by beverages major Coca Cola India for its soft drink Thums Up after four years of association. Khan has been among the top celebrity endorsers reportedly charging Rs 5 crore (Rs 50 million) per year per brand. Coca-Cola India had roped in Khan as its brand ambassador for the second time to endorse its Thums Up brand in October 2012 replacing another Bollywood star Akshay Kumar. He had earlier endorsed the brand in early 2000s. At that time, Coca-Cola India had also signed an agreement with Being Human - The Salman Khan Foundation to jointly promote, conceive and execute charitable and social activities. People in the News September 05 th to September 11 th 2016 International Michel Temer he took over as the new President of Brazil after the ouster of Dilma Rousseff. Islam Karimov - the President of Uzbekistan, who died recently. The veteran leader,78, whose death was officially announced several days after he suffered a stroke, played Russia, China and the West off against one another to avoid total isolation as he steered his strategic state out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Deep Kumar Upadhyay he was recently reappointed as the Nepals new ambassador to India. He was serving as Nepals ambassador to India since April 2015 was recalled by erstwhile KP Sharma Oli-led government in May 206. Shankar Acharya - the former chief economic advisor is the head of committee set up government to examine whether the April-to-March financial year could be replaced with a new one. At present, the Budget is usually presented on the last day of February. The idea behind having the Budget in early February is that Parliament approval can come by March end, ahead of the new financial year starting April 1. According to the terms of reference, the Acharya panel has time till December to submit its report on the feasibility of a new financial year. Other members of the committee are former Cabinet secretary, K M Chandrasekhar, former finance secretary of Tamil Nadu, P V Rajaraman, and a research fellow at the Centre for Policy Research, Rajiv Kumar. Rajnath Singh - the Union Home Minister who led an all-party delegation of 26 MPs from 20 parties which made a two day visit to Jammu Kashmir in an effort seeking to end turbulence in Kashmir. More than 30 delegations comprising 300 members from political parties, civil society, University teachers, fruit growers, students and intellectuals presented their view before the delegation. Apart from the home minister, the delegation also included Finance Minister ArunJaitley, Minister of State in PMO Jitendra Singh, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad, his Lok Sabha colleague Mallikarjun Kharge among others. Indra Nooyi - the PepsiCo CEO and chairman. who is the only Indian origin woman in Fortunes 51 Most Powerful Women list 2016 that is topped by Mary Barra, CEO and chairman of General Motors. Nooyi was ranked second on the list, same as 2015. In 2014, she was ranked third. The list comprises 22 CEOs of major companies and many more corner office contenders across industries. The 2016 list has nine newcomers and one return candidate. Arun Jaitley the Finance Minister of India who will head the GST Council formed recently which will decide on the rate of tax under the new indirect taxation regime. The Council will comprise of representative of all 29 states and two union territories will have to be set up by November 11. It will decide on the tax rate, exemptions and threshold limits in the new indirect tax regime, which is expected to kick in from April 1, 2017. The government has notified September 12, as the date from which the procedure for setting up of the GST Council will be initiated and which will be completed within 60 days. Kunwar Bai - the 105-year-old woman of Kotabharri village of Dhamtari in Chhattisgarh has been chosen as the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan mascot for her efforts in building toilet by selling off her goats. Subsequently, she started showing other villagers the toilets at her home while informing them about its importance. Ashraf Ghani - the President of Afghanistan who visited India recently to have close consultations on key issues with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Afghanistan has been demanding increased defence supplies, including lethal weapons from India, which for the first time gave four Mi-25 attack helicopters to the war-torn country last year. Apart from holding discussions with Modi, who will also host a lunch in his honour, Ghani during his working visit will also interact with business community and deliver an address at a prominent think tank in New Delhi. People in the News August 29 th to September 04 th 2016 International Rodolfo Illanes - the deputy interior minister of Bolivia who was recently killed by miners. He had gone to negotiate with protesting miners over their demands for mining concessions and the right to work for private firms. Lachlan Smart - the Australian who at the age of 18years, 7 days and 21 days became the youngest person to carry out solo circumnavigation of the world in a single aircraft. He is year younger than the previous record holder. The teenager stopped in 24 locations and 15 countries during his seven week trip. Youssef Chahed he took over as the new Prime Minister of Tunisia. Chahed, at 40, is the countrys youngest PM since independence from France in 1956. He is the seventh premier in less than six years since the 2011 uprising that toppled dictator Zine El Abinine Ben Ali. Mbah Gotho the Indonesian who is 145 years old has claimed to be the worlds oldest man with documentation that says he was born in 1870. If this is correct, this would earn him the title of oldest person ever, a title currently held by French centenarian Jeanne Calment who was 122 when she died-23 years younger than Gotho. Beyonce - the famous singer-songwriter who won eight awards at the MTV VMA awards recently. With 21 awards so far, Beyonce broke Madonnas record of 20 to become the most decorated VMA winner of all time. Dilma Rousseff - the leftist President of Brazil who was recently impeached by Brazils Senate for breaking budgetary laws. She was convicted for illegally using money from state banks to boost public spending. Ratan P Watal - the former finance secretary who has been made the head of the 11-member committee formed by the government to suggest steps to promote card payments through incentives like tax rebates and cash backs. The panel has been asked to submit its report in one year. It will also study global best practices in payments. Htin Kyaw - the President of Myanmar who visited India recently and held wide-ranging talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently in order to bring a new momentum in bilateral ties between the two neighbours. Four agreements related to infrastructure, renewable energy and traditional systems of medicine were signed at the bilateral meet. Major (Retd) Narindar Saroop - the former Indian-origin soldier-turned-politician in the UK who returned his Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in protest against what he feels is the misuse of the honour system by former Prime Minister David Cameron. Major (Retd) Narindar Saroop, who was born in India and went on to serve in the British Indian Army before moving to the UK, was awarded the CBE in 1982 by Queen Elizabeth II on the recommendation of then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The 87-year-old has the distinction of being the very first South Asian origin Conservative party candidate to contest a general election back in 1979. John Kerry - the US Secretary of State who visited India recently to participate in the 2nd Indo-US Strategic and Commercial Dialogue. Padma Sachdeva - the famous Dogri writer who was recently awarded the 25th Sarswati Samman for 2015. Sachdeva was awarded for her famous autobiography, Chitt Chiite, written in Dogri and published in 2007. Instituted by the KK Birla Foundation in 1991, the award is given annually for outstanding literary works in any Indian language. People in the News August 22 nd to August 28 th 2016 International Dr. Donald D. A. Henderson - the researcher who led fight to eradicate smallpox died recently. The American epidemiologist whose unwavering leadership resulted in the eradication nearly 40 years ago of smallpox, one of the worlds most feared contagious diseases. Henderson was a former dean of the schools Bloomberg School of Public Health. He was most recently employed as a distinguished scholar at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Centers Center for Health Security in Baltimore. Henderson was working on smallpox eradication at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1966 when the World Health Organization chose him to lead the global eradication effort. Antony Jay - the co-writer of the evergreen political satires Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister that delighted generations of people in Britain, India and elsewhere died recently. Cambridge-educated Jay co-wrote the series with Jonathan Lynn. Urjit Patel he was named as the 24th governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to take over from the present incumbent Raghuram Rajan. He is presently working as the Deputy Governor of RBI. Patel has been involved with all crucial decisions at the central bank--from reworking the way key policy rates are decided to modernising the way RBI functions. He is also a member of the panel to review the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act. C D Deshmukh - an ICS member, he was the first Indian Governor of Reserve Bank of India from August 1943 to June 1949. He represented India at the Bretton Woods negotiations in 1944 and saw the transition to independence and partition of the country. The RBI has seen total of 24 governors since 1935 starting with Sir Osborne Smith. N Ramachandran - the President of Indian Olympic Association was awarded the Olympic Order for outstanding service to the Olympic movement recently. Instituted in May 1975, the Olympic Order is the highest award of the Olympic Movement and is awarded for particularly distinguished contributions to the Olympic Movement, that is, recognition of efforts worthy of merit in the cause of sport. The President of the IOC, Thomas Bach, formally presented the award to Ramachandran which was in recognition of his contribution to the Indian Olympic Movement. Kamal Hassan - the maverick actor and filmmaker was recently conferred the prestigious Chevalier de lOrdre des Arts et Lettres (Knight in the National Order Arts and Letters) by the French Government. The Order is part of Frances premier award, the Legion of Honor. Kamal is the second Tamil actor after Sivaji Ganesan to be awarded this honour. The latter received the award in 1995. Bardish Chagger - the Indo-Canadian Sikh MP who has been named as the new leader of the government in Canadas House of Commons, becoming the first woman to hold the post in the countrys history. Mevlut Cavusoglu-the foreign minister of Turkey who visited India recently and held bilateral talks with Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj in New Delhi. He requested India to stop the activities of Fethullah Gulen Terrorist Organisation (Feto) which has infiltrated India through associations and schools. People in the News August 15 th to August 21 st 2016 International Kenny Baker - he is the British actor who played robot R2-D2 in six Star Wars films died recently. He also appeared in a number of much-loved films in the 1980s including The Elephant Man, Time Bandits and Flash Gordon. Omran Daqneesh - the 5yr. old young Syrian boy whose videos and photos sitting dazed and bloodied in an ambulance went viral recently. It is believed that the boy was rescued from a destroyed building after an air strike on the city of Aleppo. Hav Hangpan Dada he was posthumously awarded the highest gallantry award, the Ashoka Chakra on Independence Day 2016. V P Singh Badnore - the ex-Rajya Sabha MP who was recently made the Governor of Punjab. 68-year-old Badnore, hails from Rajasthan. Haryana Governor Kaptan Singh Solanki was holding additional charge of Punjab, which goes to polls next year, after Shivraj Patils term ended last year. Banwarilal Purohit - a three-time former member of Lok Sabha from Nagpur and Managing Editor of Central Indias daily The Hitavada, will be the Governor of Assam. Nagaland Governor Padmanabha Balakrishna Acharya was holding additional charge as Assam Governor, a post which will now be assumed by 76-year-old Purohit. Prof Jagdish Mukhi - a Delhi-based BJP leader and former MLA, who was recently made Lt Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 73-year-old Mukhi has been appointed in place of Lt General (Retd) A K Singh. Najma Heptulla - the former Union Minister was recently made Governor of Manipur. Heptulla, 76, had last month resigned as minority affairs minister from the Union cabinet. Meghalaya Governor V Shanmuganathan was holding the additional charge as Manipur governor. AR Rahman - he is the Indian musician who performed at the UN General Assembly hall at a concert to mark Indias 70th Independence Day in New York. Rahman is the second Indian artist after Carnatic singer MS Subbulakshmi to perform in the General Assembly hall. The highlight of the nearly three-hour concert was performances by the Sunshine Orchestra, an initiative by the AR Rahman Foundation that teaches music to underprivileged youngsters. Rahmans sisters also performed on stage along with singer Javed Ali and percussionist Sivamani. The maestro performed some of his popular songs as well, from movies like Dil Se, Bombay andJodha Akbar. He ended it with his Oscar-winning song Jai Ho from the film Slum dog Millionaire. People in the News August 08 th to August 14 th 2016 Kalikho Pul the former Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh who stepped down from the post after the Supreme Court ordered removal of his government committed suicide recently. He had the distinction of being the longest serving finance minister of the state under various chief ministers, including Gegong Apang, Mukut Mithi and late Dorjee Khandu. Irom Sharmila - also known as Iron Lady is the lady from Manipur who ended her fast recently after 16-year fast. Her fast was against removal of AFSPA from Manipur. Armed Forces (Special Powers) Acts (AFSPA), are Acts of the Parliament of India that grant special powers to the Indian Armed Forces in what each act terms disturbed areas. Amitabh Kant - the CEO of NITI Aayog who will head the committee set up by government to look into all issues including foreign direct investment norms pertaining to the fast-growing e-commerce industry in the country. It will look at all the issues including FDI pertaining to the e-commerce sector. The committee would suggest ways to further promote the growth of the sector. Azim Premji - the Wipro chairman who along with HCL co-founder Shiv Nadar are the only two billionaires from India in Forbes list of the worlds 100 richest people in technology, ranking in the top 20 ahead of Google boss Eric Schmidt and Uber CEO Travis Kalanick. The 100 Richest Tech Billionaires in the World 2016 list is topped by Microsoft founder Bill Gates (bottom) with an estimated fortune of 78 billion. Premji ranks 13th on the list with a net worth of 16 billion and Nadar comes in at the 17th spot with 11.6 billion of net worth. People in the News August 01 st to August 07 th 2016 Sushma Swaraj - Indias External Affairs Minister who will lead the Indian delegation for the General Debate of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly which will open on September 13, 2016. The General Debate will open on the theme of The Sustainable Development Goals: a universal push to transform our world, as announced by President-elect Peter Thomson last month. Vijay Rupani he took over as the new chief minister of Gujarat. He took over after the resignation of Anandiben Patel. Nitin Patel took over as the deputy CM of Gujarat. Governor O P Kohli administered the oath of office and secrecy to the chief minister and his ministers. Shubha Mudgal - the noted classical singer has been nominated to receive the 23rd Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavna award for her outstanding contribution for promotion of communal harmony, peace and goodwill. Earlier recipients include mother Teresa, Ustad Bismillah Khan, Lata Mangeshkar and Dilip Kumar. Tashi Malik and Nungshi Malik - the two sisters from Uttarakhand who recently received the official certification from the Guinness Book of World Records for being the first siblings in the world to climb Mount Everest and scale the Seven Summits. The twins climbed Everest in May 2013 and the Seven Summits in December 2014. People in the News July 25 th to July 31 st 2016 International Hillary Clinton she made history by becoming the first woman to win a win a major US political partys White House nomination, earning the backing of convention Demorcats and prime-time plaudits. She was the US First lady and also US secretary of State. Luke Aikins he made history when he became the first person to leap without a parachute and land in a net instead. A skydiver with more than 18,000 jumps jumped from an altitude of 25,000 ft. and landed in the 100-by-100 foot net recently at the Big Sky movie ranch on the outskirts of Simi Valley, California. J K Rowling - the author of famous Harry Porter series. He was in the news recently after the release of the new book in the series titled Harry Porter and the Cursed Child. Yuriko Koike she was recently elected as the Tokyos first woman governor. She is the former TV anchorwoman, defence minister and environment minister. Arundhati Ghose - the former diplomat and Ambassador who died recently. Ghose had earned the sobriquet Iron Lady when she brilliantly led Indias charge against the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty at the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva in 1996, earning the respect of her peers and opponents. Bezwada Wilson and T M Krishna - the two Indians selected for the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award 2016 along with four others. Bezwada Wilson is a tireless crusader against the evil practice of manual scavenging and T M Krishna is a renowned Carnatic singer, who questioned the caste system in music. Others Magsaysay awardees for 2016 are Conchita Carpio-Morales of the Philippines, Dompet Dhuafa of Indonesia, Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and Vientiane Rescue of Laos. Mahasweta Devi - the eminent author and social activist whose writings focused on the marginalised communities in the country and served as the voice of the oppressed, died recently. Awarded the SahityaAkademi and Jnanpith awards for literary excellence, Devi helped tribals and the rural dispossessed in organising themselves in groups so that they could take up development activities in their own areas. She founded several grassroots level societies for the welfare of tribals. A R Rahman - the famous Indian singer who will sing at the United Nations on 15th August 2016. Rahman, the winner of two academy awards, two Grammys, a BAFTA and a Golden Globe will kick off the global splash of Indias 70th anniversary celebrations appropriately at the UN, with 193 countries swinging to Jai Ho Rahmans performance will also come 50 years after another Indian music legend MS Subbulakshmi sang at the UN in October 1966. People in the News July 18 th to July 24 th 2016 International Garry Marshall - the veteran filmmaker, the man behind some of the best Hollywood romantic comedies like Pretty Woman, Runaway Bride and Valentines Day, died recently at the age of 81. He died from complications of pneumonia following a stroke at a hospital in Burbank, California, recently. Fedor Konyukhov - the 65- year-old Russian Orthodox priest who recently set a world record of flying solo around the world non - stop in 11 days and 6 hours. He travelled a distance of 34,000km in his helium and hot air balloon. The earlier record of covering 33,000 km in 13 days and 8 hours was set by American businessman Steve Fossett in 2002. K P Oli - Nepals Prime Minister who resigned recently ahead of a no-confidence vote, plunging the country into a fresh political turmoil after last years crippling Mashes protests against the new Constitution. Oli, who became prime minister last October heading Nepals eighth government in the past 10 years, has been facing a no-trust motion after the Maoists withdrew support from the coalition government. Mubarak Begum - the legendary singer passed away recently after a prolonged illness. Mubarak Begum is remembered for singing scores of songs, duets and ghazals for Bollywood, mainly during the 1950s-1970s. Begum sang the evergreen song Kabhi tanhaiyon mein hamari yaad ayegifrom the 1961 movie Hamari Yaad Aayegi. Rohit Khandelwal - the first Indian to win the title of Mr. World 2016 at the Mr. World competition held in Southport, UK recently. The 26-year-old model-actor from Hyderabad defeated 46 contestants from across the globe to be crowned the first Indian winner. Fernando Alvarez, 21, from Puerto Rico and Aldo Esparza Ramirez, 26, from Mexico were the first and second runner respectively. Syed Haider Raza - the legendary painter who popularized globally Indian concepts and iconography and built a towering legacy of modern art passed away recently, leaving a huge void in the artistic world. He was awarded the Padma Shri and Fellowship of Lalit Kala Akademi in 1981, the Padma Bhushan in 2007 and the Padma Vibhushan in 2013. Salman Khan - the Bollywood actor who was recently acquitted by the Rajasthan High Court in two cases related to poaching of Chinkaras in Jodhpur in 1998. Bhagwant Mann - the Member of Parliament of AAPs was recently suspended from Lok Sabha for security breach videos. The Speaker also sat up a 9-member panel to probe Manns video which put Parliament security in peril. The panel, chaired by Bharatiya Janata Party member Kirit Somaiya, has been asked to submit its report by August 3. People in the News July 11 th to July 17 th 2016 International Sushila Karki she was recently sworn in as the first woman Chief Justice of Nepals Supreme Court. With her appointment Nepal has three women in prominent position including her-Bindhya Devi Bhandari is the first woman President of Nepal while Onsari Gharti Magar is the first woman speaker of Nepals Parliament. Taylor Swift - the pop star topped this years list of the worlds highest-paid celebrities, earning 170 million (Rs.1140 crore). This earning is between June 2015 and June 2016. Bollywood stars Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar are the only Indians on the list-Shah Rukh at 86th rank with earnings of 33 million (Rs.221 crore) and Akshay at 94th rank with earnings of 31.5 million (Rs.211 crore). Theresa May - she took over as the new Prime Minister of Britain. She is the second woman PM in British history after Margaret Thatcher. Dr. Raghuveer Chaudhari he was recently honoured with the 51st Bhartiya Jnanpith Award for the year 2015 by President Pranab Mukherjee. He is one of the most prolific writers on the contemporary Gujarati literary scene and has written or compiled over 100 books in Gujarati and Hindi. Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi he is the new Union Minority Affairs Minister. He was recently given the charge of the minority affairs after the resignation of incumbent minister Najma Heptullah. Pradeep Kumar - the former chief vigilance commissioner (CVC) who will head the committee set up by the government to work with banks on settlement of non-performing assets (NPAs) so as to place an action plan to clean up the books of lenders and comfort them through an oversight mechanism. Janki Ballabh, former SBI chairman will be the other member of the committee for now. Pema Khandu he was sworn in as the new chief minister of Arunachal Pradesh recently. Son of late Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu, Pema, 37, who became the youngest chief minister in the country and the ninth in the tiny northeastern state was administered the oath of office and secrecy by Governor Tathagata Roy at the Rajbhavan in Itanagar. Dorjee Khandu had died in an air crash in 2011. Gen Nakatani the Japans defence minister who visited India recently and met Indias defence minister Manohar Parrikar after which the India-Japan joint statement on South China Sea was issued which said that there should be peaceful settlement of the disputes without any threat or use of force and of ensuring freedom and safety of navigation and over-flight as well as unimpeded lawful commerce in international waters. Rajesh Kumar Chaturvedi - the IAS officer of Madhya Pradesh cadre has been appointed as the new chairperson of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) headed by the Prime Minister. CBSE has been without chairperson since December 2014. D Subbarao - the former governor of Reserve bank of India is the author of the book Who moved my interest rate The book is replete with instances of the UPA governments interferences since as early as mid-October 2008 when the RBI was dousing the system with rupee and forex liquidity to fight the crisis. Arvind Subramanian - the chief economic adviser who will lead the panel formed for the first time to take call on minimum support prices (MSP) for pulses. MSPs are usually decided by the farm ministry-headed commission for agriculture costs and prices. People in the News July 04 th to July 10 th 2016 International Kanak Jha - the Indian origin boy recently became the youngest male to qualify for Table tennis in Olympics. He was just 15 years when he qualified for Rio Olympics to represent US. Yves Bonnefoy - the Frances most famous contemporary poet and celebrated translator of Shakespeare whose works were translated into 30 languages, died recently at the age of 93. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi - the President of Mozambique who met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Maputo during his visit to that country. Rodrigo Duterte he was recently sworn in as the new President of Philippines. In his speech after taking the pledge at the presidential palace in Manila he promised a relentless and sustained fight against corruption, criminality and illegal drugs. Prakash Javadekar - he was recently appointed as the new Human Resources Development (HRD) minister in the cabinet reshuffle carried out recently. The incumbent HRD minister Smriti Irani was appointed as the new Textile Minister. Shankar Acharya - the former economic adviser who has been appointed as the head of the committee to study the desirability and feasibility of moving to a new financial year cycle, replacing the April-March period. Besides Acharya, the members of the committee are former Cabinet secretary KM Chandrasekhar, former Tamil Nadu finance secretary PV Rajaraman and Centre for Policy Research senior fellow Rajiv Kumar. The committee, which will submit its report by December 2016, will examine the merits and demerits of different financial year cycles. Different countries follow different financial years - US follows October 1- September30 Australia follows July 1- June 30 China follows January1 December 31. Countries like Canada, the UK, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Japan follow an April 1-March 31 financial year like India. One main argument in favour of moving away from the existing cycle is that the June-September monsoon-often called the Indian economys lifeblood-sets in barely two months into the financial year, making policy making difficult. Radhika Menon she became the first woman in the world to receive the Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) for saving the lives of seven fishermen, whose hopes of survival were all but over. Five years ago she became the first woman to become the first woman to become captain of Indian Merchant Navy. People in the News June 27 th to July 03 rd 2016 International Kartik Sawhney - one of the two Indian among the 60 people across the globe who were recently presented with medals for exemplary works in their respective fields by Queen Elizabeth at the Buckingham Palace. The other Indian is Neha Swain. Sawhney who was born blind is passionate about universal access to education. He founded project STEM Access, which offers hands-on science workshops in India, as well as virtual training sessions. Alvin Toffler - also regarded as guru of post industrial age, is the writer of the famous book Future Shock which anticipated the transformation brought about by rise of digital technology. He was in the news as he died recently. Jim Yong Kim - the President of World Bank who visited India recently to review the priority areas that the bank has been working on. He met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Finance minister Arun Jaitley besides other senior leaders. Isak Chishi Swu - the 87 year old chairman of Nationalist Council of Nagaland (NSCN-IM) who died recently. He was the main architect of the ongoing Naga accord with the government. He was the Nagalands face of the NSCN-IM while Thuingaleng Muviah is its Manipur face. The NSCN-IM has been demanding merger of all Naga majority area under Greater Nagaland, a proposal opposed by Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Manipur as these states will lose substantial territory if the Centre yields to the outfits demand. NS Vishwanathan - he was recently appointed as the new Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India. He was chosen by a search committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary, the first appointment to be done through this panel after which it was approved by the Appointments Committee of Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He replaced H R Khan who retired recently. People in the News June 20 th to June 26 th 2016 International Tim Peake (Russia) - he along with Yuri Malenchenko (Russia),Tim Kopra (US) are the three astronauts to returned back to Earth after a 7-hour return journey upon completing a historic six-month mission on the International Space Station(ISS). The Soyuz capsule bringing back the three astronauts made a safe parachute landing on the steppe near the Kazakh city of Zhezkazgan recently. The next launch of astronauts from the Baikonur cosmodrome is scheduled on July 7this year. It will take Anatoly Ivanishin of Russia, Kate Rubins of United States and Takuya Onishi of Japan to the ISS. Amjad Sabri - one of Pakistans finest qawwals and known for his soul-stirring renditions of mystic poetry, was on Wednesday killed by unidentified gunmen who shot him in the head in a targeted attack. Amjad Sabri was the son of renowned Qawwal Ghulam Farid Sabri whose family is famous in the subcontinent for their contribution to this sufi art and mystic poetry. Sabri was one of Pakistans finest qawwals, known for his soul-stirring renditions of mystic poetry. Some of the most memorable and famous qawwalis of the Sabris were Bhar Do Jholi Meri, Tajdar-i-Haram and Mera Koi Nahin Hai Teray Siwa. Avani Chaturvedi - she along with Bhawana Kanth Mohana Singh were recently commissioned as Indias first three women fighter pilots of Indian Air Force. The three will now be stationed in Bidar, Karnataka for their next round of training, including flying fighter jets such as Hawk, Sukhoi and Tejas. Sanjay Mittal - the Professor of Aerospace Engineering at IIT, Kanpur who was recently awarded the 25th G D Birla Award for Scientific Research for the year 2015. Mittals work focuses on Bluff Body Flows (flows past blunt bodies associated with large unsteady separation and leading to large fluid forces. The award, which carries a reward of Rs.2.5 lakhs is given to eminent Indian scientists below the age of 50 years for their original and outstanding contributions to any branch of science or technology. People in the News June 13 th to June 19 th 2016 International Wesley Korir M. P from Kenya who is the first ever sitting MP anywhere in the world to get the opportunity to run at the Olympics. Former Boston Marathon champion Wesley Korir, who is also the Cherangany MP, has been named in the marathon team to represent Kenya in the coming Rio Olympic Games. Umesh Sachdev - the co-founder and chief executive officer(CEO) of Uniphone Software systems Pvt. Ltd. who was recently featured in T ime magazines 2016 list of 10 millennials who are changing the world for building a phone that can understand almost any language. Uniphone products, include a virtual assistant that processes more than 25 global languages and 150 dialects and are currently used by over five million people mostly in India. Anders Kompass - the UN whistleblower who exposed UN report on child abuse by peacekeepers in Central African Republic and who resigned recently from the post of director of field operations for UN human rights claiming that UN was taking too long to act on his report. Jo Cox - the British MP of Labour Party who was killed recently after being reportedly shot and stabbed in her constituency in northern England, a week before the crucial referendum on UKs EU membership. The 41-year old made finding a solution to the Syrian civil war a top priority and was critical of Britains reluctance to deepen its military involvement against IS extremists as part of that effort. Prayut Chan-o-cha - the Prime Minister of Thailand who visited India recently. He met Indian counterpart Narendra Modi and signed two agreements with India - Executive Programme of Cultural Exchange (extension of CEP) for 2016-19 and a MoU between Nagaland University and Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Shyam Benegal - the head of censor board revamp committee which recently has submitted some recommendations to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry regarding censorship in films. The Benegal panel, in its first report submitted on April 26, had urged the government to lay down a holistic framework for certification of films. Other members of the committee include Goutom Ghosh, actor Kamal Haasan, filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, ad-man Piyush Pandey, film critic Bhawana Somaaya and NFDC Managing Director Nina Lath Gupta. People in the News June 06 th to June 12 th 2016 International Kalpana Chawla - the late Indian-American astronaut on whose tomb Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his recent U. S visit laid a wreath including the Tomb of Unknown Soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington. The Tomb of the Unknowns is a monument dedicated to American service members who have died without their remains being identified. Hillary Clinton she clinched the Democratic Party nomination for the United States presidential elections after reaching the required number of delegates, putting her on course to become the first woman to head a major US party ticket. AR Rahman - Indias music maestro and Indias Test cricket captain Virat Kohli will join forces to compose the official anthem for the inaugural season of the star-studded Premier Futsal League. This will be for the first time that the Oscar Award-winning composer is lending his musical genius to a franchise-based sport league in the country. Arundhati Bhattacharya - the first woman chairperson of the nations largest bank SBI, has been ranked among the top five most powerful women in finance by the Forbes magazine. Bhattacharya has moved up five spots from the previous year to 5th this year. She is also ranked 25th in Forbes list of The Worlds 100 Most Powerful Women, which features top female leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, scientists, philanthropists and CEOs. People in the News May 30 th to June 05 th 2016 International Xi Jinping - the President of China who recently met Indias President Pranab Mukherjee during his visit to China. The two sides agreed to carry forward the traditions, deepen practical cooperation and alleviate bilateral relations. Bed Bahadur Sunuwar - the Nepali soldier who won the worlds highest marathon in the snow-covered foothills of Mount Everest. The annual Tenzing-Hillary Everest Marathon which was initiated in 2003, is meant to mark the anniversary of the first summit of the peak by Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary in 1953. Neerja Sethi - the India-born CEO who co-founded IT consulting and outsourcing firm Syntel with her husband Bharat Desai, is ranked 16th on the Forbes annual list of Americas 60 wealthiest and most successful self-made women entrepreneurs. President and CEO of Arista Networks Jayshree Ullal (55) is ranked 30th. According to Forbes, the richest self-made woman in America is Diane Hendricks, the owner of ABC Supply, the largest wholesale distributor of roofing and siding in the country. Mamta Banerjee - she was sworn in as the chief minister of West Bengal for the second time when she was sworn in recently after her partys thumping victory in the recently concluded Assembly Elections. V Narayanasamy - former Union Minister was recently sworn in as the tenth chief minister of Puducherry. Lt Governor Kiran Bedi administered the oath of office and secrecy to Narayanasamy and five other ministers. Ashok Lavasa - he was recently appointed as the new Finance Secretary of India. He will replace Ratan Watal who retired in April 2016. Presently he was the Expenditure Secretary of India. Admiral Sunil Lanbawas he was recently appointed as the 23rdChief of the Naval Staff. A Navigation and Direction Specialist, Admiral Lanba has served as the Navigation and Operations Officer on board numerous ships in both the Eastern and Western Fleets in his nearly four decades-long career. Vice Admiral Karambir Singh was also appointed as the Vice-Chief of Naval Staff recently. People in the News May 23 rd to May 29 th 2016 International Rishi Nair - the sixth grader Indian-American from Florida took top honours at the 28th annual National Geographic Bee held at the National Geographic headquarters in Washington D. C. Indian-American students have swept the prestigious Nat Geo Bee competition, securing the first three positions for this years National Geographic Bee championship finals. As National Geographic Bee champion, Rishi received a USD 50,000 college scholarship and a lifetime membership in the National Geographic Society. This is the fifth consecutive year that an Indian-American has won the prestigious national tournament. Pinarayi Vijayan he recently took over as the new chief minister of Kerala after the Left Democratic Front (LDF) was elected to power in the recent assembly elections. Sarbananda Sonowal he was sworn in as the 14th Chief Minister of Assam. He heads 11 member ministry that includes in addition to his BJP party ministers from allies AGP and Bodos People Front. People in the News May 16 th to May 22 nd 2016 International Andre Brahic - the French astrophysicist, the discoverer of rings around the gaseous planet Neptune who died recently. An expert on the solar system, in 1984 he launched a programme which led to the discovery, with US astronomer William Hubbard, of the Neptune rings. Neptune outermost ring is divided into three arcs to which Brahic gave the names Liberte, Fraternite and Egalite. Syamantak Payra the Texas resident is the Indian-American teenager who recently won the prestigious Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award for developing a low-cost electronically aided knee brace that allows a person with a weakened leg to walk more naturally. Hang Kang - the South Korean author won the Man Booker International Prize for fiction recently for her novel The Vegetarian, an unsettling novel in which a womans decision to stop eating meat has devastating consequences. She is the first Korean to be nominated for the prize of 50,000 pounds. The award is the international counterpart to Britains Booker Prize and is open to books published in any language that have been translated in English. Lhakpa Sherpa - the female climber who recently created history by scaling Mount Everest for a record seventh time. Lhakpa Sherpa was among 18 climbers who reached the peak recently from the northern side in Tibet breaking her own record as the most successful female climber of the worlds highest peak. Born in Nepal, she climbed Everest six times between 2000 and 2006 before moving to the United States where she is a permanent resident. Tsai Ing-wen she was recently sworn in as the first woman President of Taiwan. She took the oath of office at the presidential palace in Taipei after winning a landslide victory in January signaling the end of an eight year rapprochement with China. Tsai, who is considered Chinas strong critic, has pledged for democracy in Taiwan and a close ties with the US. Tanishq Abraham - the twelve-year-old Indian-American boy became the youngest ever to graduate from a US college and is eyeing to become a doctor by the time he turns 18. A native of Sacramento in California, he created a record of sorts, he surprised one and all by graduating from a California college with three associate degrees in Maths, Science and foreign language studies last year at the age of 11.Abraham graduated from American River College in Sacramento alongside 1,800 students last year. Abrahams parents had migrated to the US from Kerala. Tim Cook - the CEO of Apple who visited India recently. This is seen as a strategic move for the company to penetrate deeper into Indias growing smart phone market, by piggybacking on telecoms distribution networks. Globally, especially in the US, its key market, Apples strategy has been to work with the telecom service providers such as Verizon, Sprint and ATT that bundle its phones along with their services at subsidised prices to the customers. N. K.Singh - the bureaucrat turned politician has been appointed to head the five member committee to review the Fiscal Reforms and Budget Management (FRBM) Act and suggest possible changes. The other members include chief economic advisor Arvind Subramanian, RBI deputy governor Urjit Patel, former finance secretary Sumit Bose and NIPFP director Rathin Roy. The committee will examine the need and feasibility of aligning the fiscal expansion or contraction with credit contraction or expansion in the economy. Kiran Bedi - she was recently appointed as the new Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry. The LG post in the Union territory had been lying vacant after the Narendra Modi government had sacked United Progressive Alliance nominee Virendra Kataria on July 12 barely a year after he had been appointed. Lt Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Island Lt Gen Ajay Singh had been given additional charge of Puducherry. J Jayalalithaa - the supremo of All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK) was recently sworn in as Tamil Nadu chief minister for the sixth time. She was sworn-in for a second consecutive tenure along with 28 ministers by Governor K Rosaiah. People in the News May 09 th to May 15 th 2016 International Mark Rylance he won the best actor award for his role as Thomas Cromwell in the BBC Two historical drama Wolf Hall at this year Bafta TV Awards held recently at London. Rodrigo Duterte - he was recently elected as the President of Philippines. He defeated President Benigno Aquino in the recent concluded elections. Barack Obama he will become the first serving US President to visit Hiroshima in Japan but he will not apologies for the United States dropping an atomic bomb on the city in the final days of the World War 2. Revathi Balakrishnan - the Indian-American woman elementary teacher from Texas who was recently honored by US President Barack Obama at the White House for her excellent work in the field of education. Revathi Balakrishnan, a gifted teacher at Patsy Sommer Elementary School, was also named 2016 Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year. Susannah Jones - the worlds oldest living person and last US woman born in the 19th century who died recently. She was of 116 years and was born in Montgomery in the southern US state of Alabama on July 6, 1899. She moved north in 1922 in New Jersey and then New York according to Guinness World Records. She attributed her longevity to lots of sleep, had never smoked or drank alcohol. Her death makes Emma Morano-Martinuzzi in Italy, also 116, the oldest living person. Shashank Manohar he was recently elected unopposed as the first independent chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC). Under reforms the chairman must be an independent candidate with no formal links to his home board. He resigned as the president of the powerful Board of Control for Cricket in India recently, commenced his two-year term at ICC with immediate effect. A R Rahman - the Oscar winning music composer recently agreed to be the Goodwill Ambassador of the Indian Olympic contingent, joining cricket icon Sachin Tendulkar, ace shooter Abhinav Bindra and Bollywood star Salman Khan. Uday Kotak - the only Indian to feature in the Forbes list of Money Masters: The Most Powerful People in the Financial World released recently. His net worth is estimated at 7.1 bn and he is ranked 33rd on the list which is topped by Blackstone Groups CEO Stephen Schwarzman. People in the News May 02 nd to May 08 th 2016 International Sadiq Khan he recently became the first Muslim mayor of London following a ferocious campaign that saw his Conservative rival Zac Goldsmith linking him to extremism and also racially profiling. His parents moved from India to Pakistan and later to England. As a solicitor before entering politics, he successfully fought a racism case on behalf of an Indian doctor in the National Health Service in 2004. Ashok Dalwai - the additional secretary with the farm ministry, who will head of the committee formed by government to study the current income level of farmers and determine the growth required to double farm income by 2022.The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) says that the average farm household earns Rs.6, 426 a month. R M Lodha - the former Chief Justice of India has been appointed as the head of the three member panel to oversee the Medical Council of India (MCI), the regulator of medical profession and education in India. The five judge constitution bench headed by Justice AR Dave appointed the committee to oversee the MCI because the regulator is often accused of indulging in corrupt practices. Besides Lodha, the panel has former CAG Vinod Rai and Dr. S. K. Sareen as members. Amitabh Bachchan he is the first actor to win 4 best actor National awards when he won the best actor award at the 63rd National Film Awards function in New Delhi recently. Manoj Kumar - the 78 year old veteran best known for his patriotic films Purab Aur Paschim, Upkar, and Kranti was awarded Dada Saheb Phalke award at the 63rd National Awards recently. He became the 47th recipient of the award, the highest recognition in Indian cinema. Pankaj Parakh - the Maharashtras well known businessman-politician who has earned a place in Guinness World records for the most expensive gold shirt in the world. The Guinness World Record certificate issued recently cites him as the man with the most expensive gold shirt in the world costing Rs. 98, 35,099(161,354GBP95, 856) as on August 1, 2014. Dr. Pranav Pandya - the head of the All World Gayatri Pariwar, declined his nomination in the Rajya Sabha recently after watching the proceedings of the House. Dr. Pandya, an MD in medicine was nominated to the Rajya Sabha recently be President Pranab Mukherjee following a recommendation by the government. He was the seventh person to be nominated by the Modi government. People in the News April 25 th to May 01 st 2016 Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India took his place alongside other world leaders at Madame Tussauds in London recently. The figure is featured in the famous attractions popular World Leaders enclosure alongside present day leaders Barack Obama, David Cameron, Angela Merkel and Francoise Holland, as well as political heavyweights of the past including Mahatma Gandhi and Winston Churchill. Ashok Lavasa - he has been appointed as the new Expenditure Secretary of India. The challenges before him would be to rein in wasteful spending and boost the governments finances. N. K.Singh - the bureaucrat-turned-politician has been conferred with Japans second highest national decoration award, the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star. A former Rajya Sabha member, he is the only Indian among the 91 foreign recipients of the awards this year. Ashok Chawla he was recently nominated as the new Chairman of National Stock Exchange. The former head of the competition Commission of India will replace S B Mathur who stepped down as chairman after completion of his term. Bhupender Yadav - the BJP MP is the head of the Joint Committee of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Bill. The committee has recently recommended that a bankrupt person be disqualified from being elected to any public office. If accepted, this could see bankrupts being barred from contesting elections for municipal bodies, state assemblies and Parliament. Dolkun Isa - the Uyghur activist whose e-visa was issued and subsequently cancelled by Indian government. India had taken the unusual step of allowing Uyghur leaders to attend a conference by the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala. The move was seen to be the Indias way of upping the ante against China blocking terrorist designation of Jaish-e - Mohammad chief Masood Azhar at the U. N. However following protests by Beijing the government cancelled the visa citing reasons that the scheduled meeting has been scrapped. People in the News April 18 th to April 24 th 2016 Raghuram Rajan - he along with Sania Mirza, Priyanka Chopra and Sundar Pichai are Indians who featured in this year issue of Times magazine in its list of the 100 most Influential People in the World which was released recently. Salman Khan - the Bollywood actor who was recently appointed good will ambassador of the Indian contingent for the upcoming 2016 Rio Olympics. This is the first time that a Bollywood actor will be a goodwill ambassador for the Indian contingent at the Olympics. Navjot Singh Sidhu - the famous cricketer turned commentator who was recently nominated to the Rajya Sabha. He is also presently BJP MP of Lok Sabha representing Amritsar. Other persons who were nominated recently include BJP leader Subramanian Swamy, erstwhile National Advisory Council member Narendra Jadhav, Malayalam actor Suresh Gopi, journalist Swapan Das Gupta and boxer Mary Kom. Duleep Singh - the Indian king who is believed to have presented the Kohinoor diamond to Britishers - to Queen Victoria in 1850, a year after the British annexed Punjab. The 105-carat Kohinoor-the name translates to Mountain of Light is believed to have been mined in present day Andhra Pradesh in the 13th century and passed several hands before ending up with the British during their occupation of India. This is in news over petition by a NGO in Supreme Court that government should make efforts to bring it back to India. People in the News April 11 th to April 17 th 2016 International John Kerry he became the first US Secretary of State to visit Hiroshima after the nuclear holocast. Hiroshima was bombed by the US during World War 2. He visited Hiroshima to take part in a Group of Seven meeting. Narendra Modi - he was recently conferred with Saudi Arabias highest civilian honour-the King Abdul-Aziz Sash. The honour was conferred upon Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi by King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz in Riyadh recently. Padma Sachdev - she was recently awarded the 25th Saraswati Samman for her autobiography, Chitt-Chete. Chitt-Chete, written in Dogri, was published in 2007. The award, instituted by KK Birla Foundation in 1991, is given every year for outstanding work written in any Indian language in the Schedule VII to the Constitution of India by an Indian citizen and published during the last 10 years. Veenu Paliwal - the leading woman Indian biker who died recently in a road accident in Madhya Pradesh. The 44 year old Jaipur resident was on a nationwide tour on her Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Known for her riding Harley-Davidson at 180 kmph, Paliwal was planning to make a documentary on her journey across India. People in the News April 04 th to April 10 th 2016 Amitabh Bachchan - the Bollywood actor, was recently named as the face of family planning programmes. He has become Indias brand ambassador for promoting contraceptive use and family planning. Narendra Modi he was recently conferred with Saudi Arabias highest civilian honour-the King Abulaziz Sash. The honour was conferred upon Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi by King Salman bin Abdulaziz in Riyadh recently. People in the News March 28 th to April 03 rd 2016 International Htin Kyaw he was recently sworn in as the new President of Myanmar. He was handed over the presidential seal from outgoing President Thein Sein. He is the first President with no army ties in more than five decades. Htin Kyaw, a close friend and confidant of Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was handed picked by her to run Myanmars government because a constitution drafted by the former junta bars the democracy champion from the top office. Kokilaben Ambani she received the Padma Vibhushan on behalf of her late husband Dhirubhai Hirachand Ambani from President Pranab Mukherjee during the Civil Investiture ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhawan in New Delhi recently. Kangana Ranaut she won the Best Actress award at the 63rd National Film Awards for her role in the film Tanu weds Manu, which were announced recently. Amitabh Bachchan won the Best Actor award for his role in the movie Piku. Ramesh Sippy - the famous filmmaker headed the 11 member jury which announced the 63rd National Film Awards. The prestigious awards-announced by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry-are given away by President. There are 30 categories in the Feature Films segment and 22 in the non-feature films one. Arvind Kejriwal - the Chief Minister of Delhi is the only Indian to feature in Fortune list of top 50 world leaders. He is at position 42 because of his odd-even scheme to reduce air pollution during which personal vehicles with odd numbers were allowed to ply on odd number dates while the even number vehicles were allowed to ply on even number dates. People in the News March 21 st to March 27 th 2016 Justice BS Chauhan he was recently appointed as the Chairman of 21st Law Commission. The commission advises the government on legal issues but its recommendations are not binding. Bhawan Singh - the veteran photographer who was awarded the Life Time Achievement Award at the Fifth National Photography Awards in New Delhi recently. The awards were given by I B minister Arun Jaitley. People in the News March 14 th to March 20 th 2016 International Hanan al-Hroub - the primary school teacher from a refugee camp in conflict-torn Palestine recently won the 1-million Global Teacher Prize for educating her students about non-violence, beating nine other finalists at the final event held at Dubai. Anita Brookner - the author and art historian who won the 1984 Booker Prize for her novel Hotel du Lac died recently. Her first novel, a Start in Life, was published in 1981, and she went on to publish a book almost every year for the next three decades. Her most recent work, the novella At the Hairdressers was published in 2011. Andrew Wiles - the research professor of Mathematics at Oxford has been awarded the top prize in the field of Mathematics for his stunning proof of Fermats Last Theorem by way of the modularity conjecture for semis table eppiptic curves, opening a new era in number theory-solving the 300 year old mystery surrounding Fermets Last Theorem-formulated by French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in 1637. Sumit Bose - the former Finance Secretary headed the committee set up by Ministry of Finance to study the menace of insurance companies. The committee submitted its report in September 2015. The main recommendation is to stop upfront commissions on investments products and insurance components that intermediaries get. The suggestion is to move the commission to a trail model, based on the amount of business that an agent gets for a company. The report also calls for more transparency during selling a product by explaining how the customers money is being split between insurance and investment. People in the News March 7 th to March 13 th 2016 International Dominic Asquith the new British high commissioner to India. He is the great-grandson of former UK Prime Minister HH Asquith and a Middle East expert who held ambassadorial posts in Iraq, Egypt and Libya. He succeeds James Bevan who was transferred to a non-governmental public body. Christine Lagarde - the chief of International Monetary Fund (IMF) who visited India recently. She gave the inaugural address at the Advancing Asia: Investing for the future held at New Delhi. Suryassangyini Chaudhary - the six year old girl from Baraut in Baghpat district made history by trekking and hoisting the Tricolour at the 16,300 foot high Kanchenchunga base camp. She is the youngest person to have trekked this high. She was accompanied by her father Sandeep Chaudhary and mother Manisha. People in the News February 29 th to March 06 th 2016 International Leonardo Dicaprio - he won his long-awaited first Oscar for Best Actor in the 88th Academy Awards the revenge epic The Revenant. Brie Larson - she won the Oscar for the best actress in the 88th Academy Awards for Room. Bill Gates - the cofounder of Microsoft who continued his reign as the worlds richest person with a net worth of 75 billion, according to Forbes annual ranking of billionaires with Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) chairman Mukesh Ambani leading the pack of 84 Indian billionaires in 2016. Scott Kelly - the US astronaut who along with Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko landed on Earth recently, ending their year-long study abroad NASAs orbiting laboratory. Alok Kumar Verma - he took over as the new commissioner of Delhi Police recently after the retirement of outgoing commissioner B S Bassi. HL Dattu - the former Chief Justice of India who took over as the seventh chairperson of National Human Rights Commission. Manoj Kumar - the veteran Bollywood star. best known for his patriotic films Purab Aur Paschim, Upkar and Kranti who was recently chosen for the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke award, the highest recognition in Indian cinema. P A Sangma - former Lok Sabha speaker who was elected to the Parliaments lower house nine times and was one a presidential candidate died of heart attack recently. Kanhaiya Kumar - the student leader of JNU who was recently released from Tihar jail, nearly three weeks after he was arrested on controversial sedition charge that sparked major protests and nationwide debate over free speech. People in the News February 22 nd - 28 th 2016 International Gianni Infantino - the 45 year old lawyer from Switzerland who was elected as the new FIFA President. Sanjay Dutt - the actor who was released from Punes Yerawada jail after serving a five year sentence for possessing illegal arms. Anshulika Dubey - the co-founder and chief operating officer of Wishberry. in who made it to the elite list of Forbes Asia Top 30-under 30 in the finance and venture capital segment. Wishberry. in is the countrys first crowd funding platform for creative projects. People in the News February 15 th - 21 st 2016 International Leonardo Dicaprio - the actor of The Revenant who won the Best Actor award at Britains Bafta film awards recently. Harper Lee - the author who wrote one of Americas most enduring literary classics To Kill a Mockingbird and surprised readers 55 years later with the publication of a second book about the same characters died recently. Umberto Eco - the Italian author who intrigued, puzzled and delighted readers worldwide with his best selling historical novel The Name of the Rose died recently. U K Sinha - the SEBI chief who recently was given an extension of 1 year by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. SEBI stands for Securities Exchange Board of India. Kalikho Pul - he was recently sworn in as the ninth chief minister of Arunachal Pradesh soon after Presidents rule was formally lifted from the state. KN Vyas - the distinguished scientist who was recently appointed as the director of Bhabha atomic Research Centre (BARC), the countrys premier multi-disciplinary nuclear research centre. Amit Mitra - the West Bengal finance minister and member of Trinamool Congress who was recently made the Chairman of the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers on Goods and Services (GST) following the resignation of Kerala finance minister KM Mani. Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli - the Prime Minister of Nepal who visited India recently. The two countries signed a range of agreements - primarily to give shape to past commitments. People in the News February 08 th - 14 th 2016 International Sushil Koirala - the former Nepal Prime minister credited with promulgating the countrys first democratically drafted constitution who passed away recently. Lance Naik Hanamanthappa - the soldier of 19 Madras Regiment who was miraculously rescued by army personnel nearly a week after a week he was buried under 35 feet of snow by deadly avalanche on Jammu and Kashmirs Siachen Glacier. He died subsequently ending a nations hopes for the soldier miraculous recovery. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan - the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy supreme Commander of UAE armed forces who visited India recently. Nida Fazli - renowned Urdu and Hindi poet who died recently in Mumbai. He was known to his readers for his elegant presentation and exclusive use of colloquial languages for ghazals, dohas and nazms. He also had a long association with the late ghazal maestro Jagjit Singh. People in the News February 01 st - 07 th 2016 International Edgar Mitchell - the Apollo 14 astronaut who walked on the moon in 1971 died in Florida recently. Archana Ramasundaram - the 1980bath IPS officer of Tamil Nadu cadre who became the first woman police officer to lead a central police force once she takes over as the new director general of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). RM Lodha - the former chief justice of India who was recently appointed the head of committee to oversee the refund of Rs.49, 100crore to about 55 million investors in the Pearl Group scam within six months. People in the News January 25 th - 31 st 2016 Lance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami - the elite commando of the Armys Special Forces who was posthumously awarded the Ashok Chakra, the highest peace-time gallantry award, for laying down his life while saving two colleagues during with an encounter with militants in Kashmir last year. Dhirubhai Ambani - the famous industrialist and founder of Reliance Industries who was posthumously awarded one of the Padma Vibhushan award, the second highest civilian award. Aparna Kumar - the IPS officer from Uttar Pradesh who scaled up Mt. Vinson Massif the highest peak of Antarctica on January 17, 2016 and became the first woman from the civil services to climb it which is regarded as one of the most dangerous mountains for climbers. Sanjay Mishra - the retired judge of Allahabad HC was recently appointed as the new Lokayukta of Uttar Pradesh in place of Virendra Singh. People in the News January 18 th - 24 th 2016 International Glenn Frey - the prolific guitarist, singer, songwriter of the Eagles who died recently. Francois Hollande - the President of France who was the chief guest during the 67th Republic day celebrations recently. Rohith Vemula - the Dalit research scholar from University of Hyderabad who recently committed suicide which triggered lots of grief and outrage. Guenter Butschek - the former chief operating officer of the Airbus Group who was recently appointed as the CEO and managing director of Tata Motors. Mrinalini Sarabhai - the renowned Bharatnatyam exponent who died recently. People in the News January 11 th - 17 th 2016 International Alan Rickman - one of the best loved and most warmly admired British actors of the past 30 years who died recently. He is known for his role as Professor Snape in the Harry Potter films. Tsai Ing-wen - she was recently elected as the first female president of Taiwan. She defeated he opponent and ruling party leader Eric Chu with 56 votes against 31. Devender Kumar Sikri - he was recently sworn in as the third chief of the Competition Commission of India (CCI). CCI is the fair trade regulator which keeps tab on unfair business practices across sectors. He was sworn in by Corporate Affairs Minister Arun Jaitley. People in the News January 04 th - 10 th 2016 International Kashmea Wahi - the eleven-year-old Indian origin girl who recently achieved the top score of 162 on a Mensa IQ test, one of the youngest to do so in the UK putting her in the league of scientists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. RM Lodha - the justice(retd.) who headed the Supreme court appointed panel which recently submitted his report legalizing betting and barring ministers and government officials from holding office in the Board of Control for Cricket in India(BCCI) in sweeping measures to clean up the scandal-ridden sports body. R K Mathur - former defence secretary, who was recently sworn in as the eighth Chief Information Commissioner of India by President Pranab Mukherjee at Rashtrapati Bhawan. Abidali Z Neemuchwala - he was recently named as the new CEO of Indias third-largest IT services firm Wipro. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed - the 79 year old chief minister of Jammu Kashmir who passed recently after cardio-respiratory failure. Gajendra Chauhan - actor turned politician who recently assumed charge of the chairperson of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) in Pune. People in the News December 28 th 2015 - January 03 rd 2016 Raghuveer Chaudhary - eminent Gujarati novelist, poet and critic who has been chosen for the prestigious Jnanpith Award for 2015 which recognizes Indian literatteurs who write in one of the 22 Indian languages listed in Schedule Eight of the Indian Constitution. Adnan Sami - the famous Pakistani singer who was recently given Indian citizenship from January 1, 2016. Shyam Benegal - the acclaimed film maker who has been made the head of panel made to look at a possible revamping of the censor board. The panel has been asked to submit its recommendations within two months on reshaping the censor board, officially known as the Central Board of Film Certification. AB Bardhan - the former general secretary of the Communist Party of India and a doyen of Indias leftist movement who passed away recently. People in the News December 21 st - December 27 th 2015 International Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach - Miss Philippines who was recently crowned Miss Universe in Las Vegas, California recently. People in the News December 14 th - December 20 th 2015 International Mirela Lalaguna Royo - the beauty pageant from Spain who was crowned Miss World 2015 by former Miss World Jolene Strauss after winning the title at Sanya, China. Miss World Russia Sofia Nikitchuk was adjudged the runner up and Miss World Indonesia Maria Harafantitooj the third place. Sundar Pichai - the CEO of Google who visited India recently and met all important Indian dignitaries. He said that his company will equip 100 railway stations across the country with Wi-Fi by December 2016, as part of its partnership with RailTel, the telecom wing of the Indian Railways. A P Shah - a former chief justice of the Delhi High Court has appointed as the head of judicial commission to consider the findings of the report by a US-based consultant in the gas row between state owned ONGC and Mukesh Ambani promoted Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL). VS Gaitonde - the artist whose untitled work of 1995-an abstract painting in gold and ochre, one of the last works by the late artist-sold for Rs.29.30 crore after fierce bidding at the Christies auction in Mumbai, breaking a world record held by the same artist for the highest sum paid for an Indian modern or contemporary art sold at auction. Sonia Gandhi - the Congress President and vice president Rahul Gandhi were granted bail by a Delhi court in a private criminal complaint case filed by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy alleging cheating and breach of trust in taking over Associated Journals Ltd. publisher of the now defunct national Herald newspaper. People in the News December 07 th - December 13 th 2015 International Angela Merkel - the German Chancellor who was recently named as Time magazines Person of the Year for her leadership on everything from Syrian crisis to the Greek debt crisis. Merkel is the first individual woman to hold title in 29 years, although women have been honoured as part of a group. Katy Perry - the pop star who was recently named the worlds highest paid musician in 2015 with earnings of 135million over the past year. Sushma Swaraj - Indias external affairs minister who recently visited Pakistan and met Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif and Pakistans PM adviser for foreign affairs, Sartaj Aziz. India and Pakistan thereafter agreed to hold comprehensive talks on all outstanding issues including terrorism and Kashmir, a breakthrough that followed several high level meetings between the warring neighbours after a prolonged period of chill in ties. Salman Khan - the Bollywood actor who was recently acquitted by Bombay High Court from all charges in a 2002 hit and run case overturning a trial court verdict that held him guilty of driving over and killing a man. Imran Khan - the leader of Pakistans Tehreek-e-Insaf Party who met Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi recently. Sharad Joshi - the founder of Shetkari Sanghatana, which launched aggressive agitations on farmers issues passed away recently. People in the News November 29 rd - December 06 th 2015 International Sir Venkatraman Ramakrishnan - the winner of Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2009 who recently took over as the President of Royal Society, one of the foremost fellowhips in science, engineering and medicine. Maxima - the newly born first daughter of Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan after which the Face book founder announced his decision of putting 995 of his Face book shares, currently worth 45 billion(Rs.2.99 lakh crore) into a new philanthropy project. Oscar Pistorius - the Paralympics star who was recently convicted by South Africas Supreme Court of Appeal for murdering his girl friend Reeva Steenkamp. Y Sudershan Rao - the chairman of Indian Council of Historical Research who recently resigned from his position on personal grounds. People in the News November 23 rd - November 29 th 2015 International Mauricio Macri - he was recently elected as the new president of Argentina to take the helm of Latin Americas third biggest economy that has been beleaguered by years of economic stability. Antonio Costa - the Indian origin socialist party leader who was recently appointed as the new Prime Minister of Portugal. Uhuru Kenyatta - the President of Kenya who recently fired five government ministers embroiled in corruption scandals in a cabinet reshuffle. Y Sudershan Rao - the chairman of Indian Council of Historical Research who recently resigned from his position on personal grounds. People in the News November 16 th - November 22 nd 2015 International Syed Akbaruddin - seasoned diplomat and former spokesperson of the external affairs ministry who was recently appointed as Indias permanent representative to the United Nations. Tina Brown - the 61-year-old journalist who is the first woman editor-in-chief of the prestigious The New Yorker who visited India recently. Tirath Singh Thakur - he was recently appointed as the 43rd Chief Justice of India. A K Mathur - the retd. Justice who headed the seventh pay commission which recently submitted its report to Finance Minister in which it recommended an average 23.5 increase in their salary and allowances that will benefit 4.8million staffers and 5.5 million pensioners. The central government constitutes the commission every 10 years to revise the pay scales of its staff and often these are adopted by states after modifications. Nitish Kumar - he was sworn in as the chief minister of Bihar for his fifth term at the Patnas historical Gandhi Maidan. Francois Hollande - the President of France who has been invited to be the chief guest at the Republic Day parade in 2016. Jill Farrant - the professor of molecular and cell biology at University of Cape Town who is working on unlocking the genetic codes of Resurrection plants that are a unique group of flora that can go without water for years. David Beckham - the retired English footballer and an international celebrity on and off the field, was named People magazines Sexiest Man Alive recently. People in the News November 09 th - November 15 th 2015 International Aung San SuuKyi - Myanmar opposition leader of National League of Democracy (NLD) party which won a massive victory in the recent general elections held in Myanmar. National League for Democracy is the party of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi which attained a historic majority in Myanmars parliament making it possible for them to form the Southeast Asian countrys truly civilian government in more than half a century. The ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party won just 40 seats out of 664. Charles Darwin - his book On the Origin of Species was recently voted as the most influential academic book ever written from a short list of 20 books drawn up as a part of a new project of the British Library and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. N Srinivasan - the former President of Indian Cricket Board who was recently sacked as the International Cricket Council chairman by BCCI and appointed Chief Shashank Manohar to take over as ICC chairman until Indias term ended next June. People in the News November 02 nd - November 08 th 2015 International Justine Trudeau - he was recently sworn in as the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada at the historic Rideau Hall in Ottawa with four MPs of the Indian origin in the new ruling Liberal Party cabinet. Justice Tirath Singh Thakur - he will be the new Chief Justice of India after the term of present CJI HL Dattu ends on December 2, 2015. TK Viswanathan - the chairman of Bankruptcy Reforms Committee which submitted its draft report of the law modeled on US regulations to expedite winding up of failed companies. The draft proposal suggested a total of 180 days to deal with insolvency that may arise due to business failures or economic downturns, early identification of financial distress to help revive ailing companies, better handling of conflicts between creditors and debtors, distinguishing willful defaulters vis--vis genuine business failures, an insolvency regulator to oversee insolvency professionals and agencies and induction of new insolvency professionals to run the resolution process. Nitish Kumar - he led the Grand Alliance consisting of Janata Dal-U, Rashtriya Janata Dal and Congress to a grand victory in the Bihar Assemble elections. Poonam Bir Kasturi - the founder of Daily Dump who was recently conferred with Social Entrepreneur of the Year (SEOY) - India 2015 award by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, a sister organization of the World Economic Forum and the Jubilant Bhartia Foundation. Daily Dump is a Bengaluru based company which produces composting solutions that help convert the daily waste produced in homes especially the in kitchens, in compost. People in the News October 26 th - November 01 st 2015 International Jimmy Morales - television comic and self styled outsider who was recently elected as Guatemalas next President riding a wave of popular anger against the political class after the huge anti-corruption protests helped oust the last government lady Sandra Torres. Joko Widodo - the President of Indonesia who announced his decision to join US President Barrack Obama on the Trans-Pacific Partnership which was reached this recently by the United States and 11 other nations and must be ratified by each member. The pact would knit together a largest of its kind trading system in the Pacific. Bidhya Bhandhari - the vice-chairperson of ruling Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist who was recently elected as Nepals first woman President. Alassane Ouattar - he won the elections to the President of Ivory Coast for a second five year term in a vote intended to draw a line under years of turmoil and a 2011 civil war. Geeta - the deaf and mute Indian woman who returned to India after 14 years from Pakistan. The Indian govt. has also started the process of sending back 15 year old Pakistani boy Mohd. Ramazan stranded in India for two years. Bilquis Edhi - the co-founder of the humanitarian foundation of Pakistan Edhi Foundation of Pakistan which played the major role in the bringing back of Geeta to India from Pakistan. Amit Mishra - the Indian leg-spinner who was recently arrested for allegedly harassing a woman in Bengaluru and later was released on bail. Mark Zuckerberg - the CEO of Face book who visited India recently and visited the TajMahal and had an interaction with the students at IIT-Delhi. He said that more than 130 million Face book users are Indians-largest after US. Navtej Sarna - he was recently named as the new high commissioner to the United Kingdom. Brijmohan Lall Munjal - the chairman of Hero Moto Corp who passed away recently. People in the News October 19 th - October 25 th 2015 International Justin Trudeau - he led the Liberal Party to victory in the 42nd Canadian Federal elections to be positioned as the Prime Minister elect of the country. His party won majority in the House of Commons defeating the ruling Conservative Party which led Canada for nearly a decade. Robert Mugabe - the Zimbabwe President who recently won the Confucius Peace Prize - the Chinas alternative to Nobel Peace Prize. The 91year old has been awarded for what the prize committee called his inspired national leadership and service to pan-Africanism. Ahmed Adeeb - the vice-president of Maldives who was arrested recently over last months alleged attempt to assassinate President Abdulla Yameen in a bomb blast on board his speed boat. Labh Janjua - the popular Punjabi singer who was found dead at his home in Mumbai recently. People in the News October 12 th - October 18 th 2015 International Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri - the former Pakistan foreign minister whose book NEITHER A HAWK NOR A DOVE was launched was launched amid protests in Mumbai recently. Justice JS Kehar - he headed the five judge bench which declared the 99th Constitutional Amendment and the National Judicial Appointments Commission (NJAC) Act unconstitutional and revived the 22-year old collegium system. Collegium is a panel of top five Supreme Court judges that appoints SC and high court judges in complete secrecy. Government can return its recommendations but if sent again is bound to accept it. NJAC proposed body comprised six members-CJI, two senior SC judges, law minister, two eminent persons chosen by CJI, PM and leader of oppositionleader of largest opposition party in LS. Kailash Satyarthi - the Indian Nobel Peace Prize winner who was recently conferred with Harvard Universitys prestigious humanitarian award for this year in recognition of his continuing contribution to the cause of child rights. Angus Deaton - he won the Nobel Prize for Economics for 2015 for his work on consumption thats helped redefine the way poverty is measured around world, notably in India. Khadga Prasad Oli - he took over as the new Prime Minister of Nepal. He will be the 38th head of the Himalayan nation. Alexander Lukashenko - he was declared winner in the President elections in Belarus for a fifth term. He won 83.5 of the votes in the election which was boycotted by the opposition. Lars Sorensen - the chief executive of Denmark based pharma company Novo Nordisk who topped the list of worlds best-performing CEOs list in the annual ranking released by Harvard Business Review (HBR). HBR tracked and analysed each CEOs performance starting from day one of his or her tenure, with a goal to create a list that goes beyond the most recent quarterly or even annual results and truly evaluates long term performances. The list also now includes chief executives whose tenures started before 1995. India-born Ajaypal Singh Banga, the CEO of Us-based MasterCard is the only Indian on the list at No.76. Marlon James - the 44-year-old Jamaican author who was adjudged the winner of the 2015 Man Booker Prize for Fiction for his book A Brief History of Seven Killings. He is the first Jamaican author to win the prize in its 47-year old history. People in the News October 05 th - October 11 th 2015 International Henning Mankell - the internationally renowned Swedish crime writer whose books about the gloomy, soul searching police inspector Kurt Wallander enticed readers around the world died recently. KP Ole - he was recently elected as the new Prime Minister of Nepal. He is the Chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal. Angela Merkel - the German Chancellor who signed 18 agreements with Prime Minister Narendra Modi during her visit to India recently agreeing to enhance ties in key areas including defence, intelligence, railways, trade and combating terrorism. People in the News September 28 th - October 04 th 2015 International Ban Ki-moon - the Secretary-General of United Nations who during his address at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York announced over 25billion in initial commitments spanning five years to help end preventable deaths of women, children and adolescents and ensure their health and well being. Angela Merkel - the Chancellor of Germany who visited India recently. People in the News September 21 th - September 27 th 2015 International Alexis Tsipras - the leftist Syriza party leader who was recently reelected as the Prime Minister of Greece. Ahmed Mohamed - the Sudanese-American engineering enthusiast from Irving in Texas who was arrested and later freed after he made a digital clock made from pencil case which his teacher confused with a bomb. He later also addressed the Google Science Fair in Mountain View in California. Violoa Davis - she recently became the first African-American to win the best actress trophy when she won the Best Actress award in a Drama series at the 67th Emmy Awards for her role in How to get Away with Murder. Jon Hamm - he won the best actor award at the 67th Emmy awards for his star role in Mad Men. Permila Tirkey - the Jharkhand origin British citizen who was recently awarded 184000 pounds in UKs first caste bias case. Lalita Prasida Sripada Srisai - the 13-year-old girl from Odisha Koraput district who bagged a prestigious 10,000 award at the finals of the Google Science fair in the US recently for her low-cost water purifier using corn cobs. People in the News September 14 th - September 20 th 2015 International Ranil Wickremesinghe - the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka who visited India recently. Tony Abbott - the Australian Prime minister who was recently toppled as PM in the internal vote of the ruling Liberal Party. Australia will now have its fifth prime minister in eight years in form of Malcolm Turnbull, a multi-millionaire former tech entrepreneur. Ashok Sridharan - he was recently elected as the mayor of Bonn and became the first person of Indian-origin to occupy the mayors office in German city. Aqeela Asifi - the Afghan educator of uprooted girls who was recently awarded with United Nations refugee award-the Nansen prize. The 49-year-old teacher has dedicated her life to bringing education to Afghan refugee girls in Pakistan. Gisele Bundchen - the Brazilian supermodel who was recently named as the worlds highest paid model for the ninth consecutive year by Forbes. Jackie Collins - the best-selling British born author known for her vibrant novels about the extravagance and glamour of life in Hollywood died in Los Angeles recently. Subhash Chandra Bose - the freedom fighter whose 64 files were made public by West Bengal government recently. These declassified files reveal police surveillance post-Independence on members of Bose family and those linked to the INA and surveillance on Kolkatas Chinese community and visiting Chinese nationals. Mahesh Rangarajan - the director of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library who resigned recently. Jagmohan Dalmiya - the President of Indian cricket board who died recently. People in the News September 07 th - September 13 th 2015 International Don Bradman - the legendary cricketer of Australia whose blazer won by him during the first series as Test captain was recently auctioned for 1, 32,000(Rs.61, 17,523). The green jacket with gold piping and the Australian crest on the breast pocket was worn by the legendary batsman when he led the Australians against the English tourists in the 1936-37 Ashes series which the home side won 3-2. Queen Elizabeth II - she recently became the longest reigning monarch in British history. She beats the record set by her great-great grandmother Queen Victoria-63 years and 7 months. She became the monarch in 1952and has worked with 12 British PMs. Anirudh Kathirvel - the Indian origin child who was recently declared as the New spelling Champion of Australia. Jhumpa Lahiri - the Pulitzer Prize winner who was recently presented the prestigious National Humanities Medal by US President Barack Obama in recognition of her beautifully wrought narratives of estrangement and belonging which highlighted the Indian-American experience. Gennady Padalka - the Russian cosmonaut who recently returned to Earth with two other astronaut from the International Space Station (ISS) after breaking the record for the most time spent in space-879 days in space over five separate trips. He surpassed the figure of 803 days, nine hours and 41 minutes achieved by another Russian Sergei Krikalev. Paul Sabapathy - the Indian-origin lord lieutenant of Queen Elizabeth resigned recently after making comments seen as derogatory against Pakistanis in Britain-which they need to be taught basic common courtesy and civility. Max Gesner Beauvoir - the supreme chief of Voodoo religion who died recently at Port-au-Prince. A biochemist by training he was named the spiritual guide for voodoo practitioners in 2008. People in the News August 31 st - September 06 th 2015 International Tejinder Pal Singh - an Indian origin Sikh migrant driver in Australia who was recently name as Australian of the Day for feeding the homeless in Darwin for the past three years. Wes Craven - the prolific writer-director also known as Horror movie master who died recently. He ushered in two distinct eras of suburban slashers, first in the 1980s with his iconic Nightmare on Elm Street and again in the 1990s with the self-referential Scream. Oliver Sacks - the neurologist and acclaimed author who explored some of the brains strangest pathways in best selling case histories like The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat using his patients disorders as starting points for eloquent meditations on consciousness and the human condition. King Salman - the king of Saudi Arabia who met US President Barack Obama recently in United States in his efforts to seek more support in countering Iran. This was his first visit to the United States since ascending the throne in January 2015. Rajiv Mehrishi - he was recently appointed as the new Union home secretary. He replaced incumbent LC Goyal who took voluntary retirement. Sanjiv Chaturvedi - the whisteblower bureaucrat who was recently conferred with the Ramon Magsaysay award for 2015 in Manila by Philippines President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III. He initiated probe into alleged scams at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi before being booted out as its chief vigilance officer. Anshu Gupta - the founder of NGO Goonj who was recently conferred with the Ramon Magsaysay award for 2015 in Manila by Philippines President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III. He left his corporate job to start Goonj in 1999 at the age of 27. RP Watal - he was recently named as the new Union Expenditure Secretary. He will take over from Rajiv Mehrishi who has been appointed home secretary. AP Shah - the judge who headed the panel set up to look into the applicability of MAT(Minimum Alternate Tax),a kind of tax on capital gains made by FIIs. As per the panel report government recently announced that FIIs(Foreign Institutional Investors) will not have to pay any MAT for past years. Aadesh Shrivastava - the music director who composed music for films such as Chalte Chalte, Baabul, Baghban and Raajneeti passed away recently. People in the News August 24 th - August 30 th 2015 MM Kalburgi - the Kannada scholar and former vice chancellor of Hampi University who was recently shot dead in Karnatakas Dharwad city recently. Hardik Patel - the convenor of the Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti under whom the Patel community is demanding inclusion in the OBC category. People in the News August 17 th - August 23 rd 2015 International Ranil Wickremesinghe he was sworn-in as Sri Lankas new Prime Minister recently, returning to the office for a fourth term after his party won the closely contested general election. Wickremesinghes United National Party (UNP) coalition won 106 seats in Mondays parliamentary election, just 7 short of a simple majority in the 225-member assembly but enough to form a government. Khaled-al-Assad - the 81 year old Syrian antique scholar who spent most of his life looking after the ancient ruins of Palmyra was recently beheaded by ISIS militants. Alexis Tsipras - the Greeces Prime Minister who announced his resignation and called for an early election. Tsipras, who was only elected in January, said he had a moral duty to go to the polls now a third bailout had been secured with European creditors. Jennifer Lawrence - the Oscar winning star who topped the recently released Forbes list of the worlds highest paid actress in 2015. Ashwani Lohani - he was recently appointed as the new CMD of Air India. Chandra Sekhar Ghosh - the man who founded Bandhan Financial Services in 2001 and registered it as a non-banking finance company in 2009 now helped it to mature to Bandhan Bank which opened recently with 501 branches across 27 states. Suvra Mukherjee - the first lady, wife of President Pranab Mukherjee who died recently. Sanjiv Bhatt - the Gujarat cadre IPS officer who was recently sacked from Indian Police services after serving the cadre for 27 years. People in the News August 10 th - August 16 th 2015 International Bill Gates - the co-founder of Microsoft who topped the list of 100 richest people in the world of technology according to the list release recently by Forbes magazine. SundarPichai - the Indian born technocrat who was recently appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Goggle. Azim Premji - the Wipro Chairman who along with HCL founder Shiv Nadar are the only Indian tycoons among the 100 richest people in the world of technology according to the list release recently by Forbes magazine. Om Prakash Munjal - the founder of Heros Cycles, Indias largest bicycle manufacturer who died recently. People in the News August 03 rd - August 09 th 2015 International Sabrina Corgatelli - the American woman who recently ignited a firestorm of criticism from animal rights activist for flaunting online images of herself with the carcasses of a giraffe and other wildlife she killed during a guided hunt in South Africa. Les Munro - the New Zealander who was the last surviving pilot from the specialized World War II Dambuster misson targeting German infrastructure died recently. Andrzej Duda - he was recently sworn in as the new President of Poland. The Conservative leader who is now the supreme commander of Polands armed forces said that his chief concern was the nations security against Russia. Amitabh Bachchan - the Bollywood star who along with Salman Khan with estimated earnings of 33.5 million (Rs.213 crore) were placed 7th in the Worlds Highest - Paid Actors 2015 list compiled by Forbes magazine which for the first time included actors from outside the US. Ram Nath Kovind - he was recently named as the new Governor of Bihar. Great scientist: APJ Abdul Kalam Dr APJ Abdul Kalam was a great scientist, an inspirational leader and has extraordinary quality as human being. He was popular as missile man around the world. An Indian scientist and administrator, Honourable, Mr. APJ Abdul Kalam served the nation as the 11th President of India from 2002 until 2007. He was most esteemed persona of the country and contributed greatly both as a scientist and as a president. His contribution in the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was highly valued. He was responsible for numerous projects such as Project Devil and Project Valiant and launch of the Rohini-1, besides developing missiles under the missions Agni and Prithvi. For the same, he was named as the Missile Man of India. Kalam was honoured with great glories and awards for his work by both the Government of India and other nations. After completing his term as President, Kalam served as a visiting professor in various respected institutes and universities of India. Childhood period: Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was born on October 15, 1931 in Tamil Muslim family in small coastal town. His parents, to Jainulabdeen and Ashiamma had proud of his son and they wanted to be a good citizen of India. His familys financial condition was not strong. As a means to support his familys meagre income, Kalam took up odd jobs in his childhood but never gave up on his education. Education and career growth: The aerospace scientist, Dr. Abdul Kalam, had an impressive professional career. He completed his graduation from Saint Josephs College, Tiruchirappalli in 1954 but he wanted to study at higher level. At that time, He realized that Physics was not the subject of his choice. He had a desire to study engineering to accomplish his objectives of life. He applied for admission into the engineering course in the Madras Institute of Technology. It was considered to be the best institution imparting technical education to the pupils. He left for Madras later next year to study aerospace engineering. He enrolled at the Madras Institute of Technology (MIT). After graduation from MIT, Kalam was posted as chief scientist at the Aeronautical Development Establishment of Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). However, the profile did not appeal Kalam much who shifted to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) where he was the project director of Indias first native Satellite Launch Vehicle. In the ISRO, Kalam was kept in the loop on significant projects in defence research, particularly missile development, both informally and formally. At that time he was busy in launching SLV-3 and preparing for the next generation. In ISRO, he got rich experience and this period impacted on his whole life. Kalam lead many projects and turned out to be successful each time. In the decade of 1970s, Kalam directed two projects, namely, Project Devil and Project Valiant, which sought to develop ballistic missiles from the technology of the successful SLV programme. After success with SLV-3, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during that time took a strategic decision to shift Kalam to the DRDO to head its missile project and made him director of the Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL) in Hyderabad in 1982. He got immense success in his scientific life when locally built Rohini-1 was launched into space, using the SLV rocket. Upon watching the raving success of Kalam, the government agreed for initiation of an advanced missile program under his directorship. He played a key role in developing missiles under the missions Agni and Prithvi. Kalam was the Chief Executive of the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (I. G.M. D.P) which researched in simultaneous development of a quiver of missiles instead of taking planned missiles one by one. From the period from 1992 until 1999, Kalam was appointed as the Chief Scientific Adviser to the Prime Minister and the Secretary of Defence Research and Development Organisation. It was during this time that Kalam served as the Chief Project Coordinator for Pokhran II nuclear tests, after which he was affectionately called the Missile Man of India. Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kajam served as the 11th President of India from 2002 until 2007. With his position, Kalam became the first scientist and first ever bachelor to occupy the Rastrapati Bhawan. During his tenure as a President, Kalam was both respected and critiqued. The latter was mostly due to his inaction in deciding the fate of 20 mercy petitioners. In his career life, besides scientific exploration, Dr Kalam wrote numerous influential and inspirational books. Amongst all his books, India 2020 was the widely read and appreciated one. It forecasts an action plan which advocated India turning into a knowledge superpower and as one of the developed nations of the world by the year 2020. His other books include, Ignited Minds, Mission India, Inspiring Thoughts and The Luminous Sparks. Dr Kalam was honoured Indias highest civil honours and many other awards: Padma Bhusham in 1981 Padma Vibhusham in 1990 Bharat Ratna in 1997 Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration in 1997 Veer Savarkar Award in 1998 Ramanujan Award in 2000 Honorary Doctorate of Science by University of Wolverhampton, UK in 2007 In 2011, he launched his mission for the youth of the nation called the What Can I Give Movement with the main aim to defeat corruption in India. After completing his term as President, Dr Kalam worked as visiting professor in various honoured institutes and universities of India, such as Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad and Indore. He also served as Chancellor of Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Thiruvananthapuram, Aerospace Engineering at Anna University (Chennai), JSS University (Mysore). In the field of space research, Kalam has contributed his revolutionary contribution - India 2020: A Technology Vision, co-steered by his scientist colleague YS Rajan at the Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC). Under this project, a series of reports were prepared as a roadmap for technology development in different sectors like energy, food, advanced materials, strategic areas based on inputs from academic as well as industry experts. The main perspective was to put India on a trajectory to become a developed country by 2020. It was a comprehensive exercise in technology mapping and forecasting. These reports remain a great source of information and discussion in current period. It can be said that People around the world know him through his great contribution in scientific field and political arena. He became President, Kalam chacha, missile man of India, sage-scientist, scientist-President, karm yogi, science communicator, a true Bharat Ratna. It was major loss for world when such a great scientist and former President of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam passed away on 27th July after suffering a massive heart attack while he was delivering a lecture at Indian Institute of Management in Shillong. People in the News July 27 th - August 02 nd 2015 International Bobbi Kristina Brown - the only daughters of singers Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown who died recently nearly six months after she was found unresponsive in a bathtub of her home. Nicole Barr - the teenager from UK who scored a maximum 162 in the intelligence quotient test set by Mensa. This score is two pints higher than what Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking are thought to have. Cilla Black - the famous UK singer and 1960s pop star championed by The Beatles who became one of the Britains best loved television presenter died recently in Spain. APJ Abdul Kalam - the former President of India who collapsed while delivering the lecture at Indian Institute of Management, Shillong (IIM-S) recently and died there after. R S Sharma - the Secretary, Department of Electronics and Information Technology who was recently appointed as Chairman of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI). Sanjiv Chaturvedi - the whistle blower who had initiated a probe into alleged scams at AIIMS before booted out as its Chief Vigilance Officer along with Anshu Guota of NGO Goonj were recently chosen for the Ramon Magsaysay Award. People in the News July 20 th - July 26 th 2015 International Bill Gates - the Microsoft founder who along with his philanthropist wife Melinda Gates recently topped the Wealth-X worlds top 10 wealthiest couples list. Tom Moore - the Archie cartoonist who brought to life the escapades of the freckled-face, red hair character died recently at Texas. Owen Chadwick - the scholar and priest whose works explored the history of Christianity over two millennia passed away recently. Ajay Mathur - he was recently appointed as new director of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). Earlier he was the head of the governments Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE). He will replace environmentalist RK Pachauri, who is facing charges of sexually harassing a junior colleague. Suresh Narayanan - he was recently appointed as the India head of Swiss food major company Nestle after the removal of Etienne Benet amid the ongoing storm surrounding its popular easy-to-cook snack Maggi. People in the News July 13 th - July 19 th 2015 International Satoru Iwata - the Japanese who the countrys video game company Nintendo through years of growth with its Pokemon and Super Mario franchises died recently. Oskar Groening - the 94 year old book keeper of the Auschwitz camp who was recently sentenced to four years in prison for his role in murder of 3, 00,000 people between May and July 1944 when 137 trains carrying roughly 4, 25,000 Jews from Hungary arrived in Auschwitz and out of them at least 3, 00,000 of them were sent straight to the gas chambers. MS Vishwanathan - the veteran south Indian music compose who passed away recently. He leaves a monumental legacy of reportedly over 1,500 songs for Tamil, Malayalam, Telgu and Kannada cinema which are considered part of modern South Indian cultural identity. Amitabh Thakur - the Uttar Pradesh cadre IPS officer who was recently suspended by state government after he brought his fight against Samajwadi party Chief Mulayam Singh Yadav in the open. People in the News July 06 th - July 12 th 2015 International Omar Sharif - the Egyptian born legendary Hollywood actor who captivated audiences worldwide died recently. Didier Esteyne - the French pilot who recently flew the first electric plane across the English Channel from the Calais Airport in France. People in the News June 29 th - July 05 th 2015 International Anisa Rasouli - she was recently nominated as the first woman judge of Supreme Court of Afghanistan by President Ashraf Ghani. Andre Borschberg - the Swiss pilot who set a new world record for the longest solo flight without refueling. He is flying the Solar Impulse 2 plane and the record was set when he passed the 76 hour mark over the Pacific Ocean between Japan and Hawaii. Rahul Yadav - the co-founder and CEO of Housing who was recently sacked by its board. AS Dulat - the former RAW chief whose recent book Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years throws insights into the functioning of the Vajpayee government. People in the News June 22 nd - 28 th 2015 International James Horner - the Oscar-winning music composer of several Hollywood smash-hit films such as Titanic and Avatar died in a plane crash in Santa Barbara, California recently. Taylor Swift - the famous pop star who along with her DJ husband Calvin Harris were crowned by Forbes as 2015s highest paid celebrity couple dethroning singer Beyonce and her rapper husband Jay Z. June 25, 2015- this day marked the 40th anniversary of the imposing of Emergency in India. Lifelines - the famous movie made on the life of Uttarakhands Makar Singh, his economic hardships and his efforts to uplift his community has won several awards and become a teaching tool in universities across UK, US, Canada and Australia. The movie has been produced by Jane Dyson. It was awarded the Outstanding International Impact Award by Britains Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) this week. People in the News June 15 th - 21 st 2015 International Kirk Kerkorian - the legendary tycoon who built the iconic Las Vegas resorts-the MGM died recently. Jeralean Talley - the worlds oldest known person in the world died near Detroit at the age of 116 recently. Charles Correa - the famous architect of India who died recently. People in the News June 8 th - 14 th 2015 International Christopher Lee - the tall, dark and gruesome villain known for his spine chilling performance as Dracula in the cult Hammer Horror movies and Mohammad Ali Jinnah in the 1998 film Jinnah died recently. Chiril Gaburici - the Prime Minister of Moldova who resigned recently over Fake Diploma scandal. Dominique Strauss Kahn - the former head of International Monetary Fund (IMF) who was recently acquitted of aggravated pimping charges of 2012. Harshad Kumar Dharamshi Bhadeshia - the renowned metallurgist and the Tata Steel professor of Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge was recently honoured with Knighthood for services to Science and Technology in the Queens Birthday Honours List for 2015. K V Chowdary - he was recently appointed as the Chief Vigilance Commissioner by Govt. of India. Vijai Sharma - he was recently appointed as the Chief Information Commissioner while Sudhir Bhargava was appointed as Information Commissioner by Govt. of India. Jitender Singh Tomar - the Delhi Law minister who quit recently after being arrested for allegedly using fake degrees to enroll as advocate. Nek Chand - the creator of Chandigarhs famous Rock Garden died recently. Sushma Swaraj - the external affairs minister who recently came into controversy over helping corruption charged former Indian Premier League(IPL) boss Lalit Modi to get emergency travel documents. People in the News June 1 st - 7 th 2015 International Tony Blair - former UK Prime Minister who has been appointed as the Chairman of European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR), the Brussels based organization which is dedicated to tackling racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism in Europe. James Boysen - the software developer from Austin, Houston on whom the American surgeons of MD Anderson Cancer Centre and Houston Methodist Hospital conducted the worlds first skull scalp transplant recently, a major breakthrough in transplant surgery. Tariq Aziz - the Iraqi diplomat and the foreign minister who staunchly defended Saddam Hussein to the world during three wars died recently in Southern Iraq recently. Narendra Modi - the Indian Prime Minister who during his visit to Bangladesh formalized a land boundary agreement after 41 years which will allow neighbours to swap enclaves(111 to Bangladesh and 51 to India) along 4096 km border over 51,000 residents to get citizenship if deal implemented. The other deals signed were Dhaka-Shillong-Guwahati, Dhaka-Agartala bus services, 2 billion line of credit from India to Bangladesh, India missions in Khulna and Sylhet and Bangladesh mission in Guwahati and MoUs on prevention of human trafficking, smuggling, and circulation of fake currency notes. Atal Bihari Vajpayee - the former Indian Prime Minister, who was recently honoured with Bangladesh Liberation War Honour. The award by received by Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister from Bangladeshs President Md. Abdul Hamid. People in the News May 25 th - 31 st 2015 International Andrzej Duda - the opposition candidate who was recently elected as the Polish president with 51.55 percent of votes. Professor Louise Richardson - she has been nominated as the first ever female vice chancellor of the UKs oldest university, the Oxford University nearly 800 years after the post was created. Muhammadu Buhari - he was recently sworn in as the President of Nigeria. Arundhati Bhattacharya - the SBI chief who along with ICICI bank head Chanda Kochhar, Biocon founder Kiran Mazumdar Shaw and HT media chairperson Shobhana Bhartia recently featured among the worlds 100 most powerful women, according to the Forbes annual list that is topped by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Pradeep Kumar Sinha - he was recently named as the new Cabinet Secretary of India who will take on the reins from Ajit Kumar Seth. George Yeo - the former foreign minister of Singapore who has been made as the new Chancellor of Nalanda University. People in the News May 18 th - 24 th 2015 International Luz - the lead cartoonist of the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo who designed the Muhammad cartoon recently announced his decision to quit the magazine. Laszlo Krasznahorkai - the Hungarian writer who was recently announced as the winner of the sixth Man Booker International Prize. Barack Obama - the US President who entered the Guinness record by becoming the fastest person to garner one million followers on Twitter in less than five hours after creating POTUS. J Jayalalithaa - the AIADMK chief, who recently took over as the new chief minister of Tamil Nadu. People in the News May 11 th - 17 2015 KV Kamath - the famous Indian banker who was recently appointed head of the BRICS bank-the new development bank set up by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. J. Jayalalithaa - the ex - chief minister of Tamil Nadu who was recently acquitted by the Karnataka High Court in a corruption case. B Ramalinga Raju - the founder of Satyam Computers who was recently granted bail after being sentenced to seven years in jail for Rs.7,000 crore accounting fraud. International Seymour Hersh - the Pulitzer-prize winning journalist who recently raised a controversy in an article in the London Review of Books that the US lied about how it located and assassinated Osama bin Laden in 2011. Francois Hollande - the French President who recently became the first French leader to visit communist island nation of Cuba in more than a century and also the first western leader to travel to Cuba since the surprise announcement in December 2015 of a rapprochement between Washington and Havana. Neel Mukherjee - the Man-Booker shortlisted author who was recently adjudged the winner of the 2014 Encore award worth 10,000 pounds for his book, The Lives of Others which is set in Kolkata of the 1960s when Naxalite violence was at its peak. Hyon Yong Chol - the defence minister of North Korea who was executed by its leader Kim Jong Un for sleeping at meeting and talking back at him. Around 70 officials have been executed since Kim took over after his fathers death in 2011, the most prominent being his uncle, Jang Song Thaek. Pierre Nkurunziza - the Burundian President who was recently overthrown by his General Godefroid Niyombare. BB King - the legendary Blues guitarist died recently at his home in Las Vegas. He won 15 Grammy awards starting in 1970 for the crossover pop hit The Thrill is Gone, making him the biggest Grammy winner in the generation. Mohammad Morsi - former Egyptian President who was recently sentenced to death over mass prison breaks during 2011 uprisings. People in the News May 04- May 10 th 2015 International Charlotte Elizabeth Diana - the name given to Britains new princess who is the second child of Prince William and his wife Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge. The baby will be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. The Princess is fourth in line to the throne after Charles, William and her older brother Prince George. Shashi Kapoor - the veteran actor, who was recently presented with DadaSaheb Phalke Award 2014 by Union Minister Arun Jaitley at Mumbais iconic Prithvi theatre. Juhi Khan - the member of Delhi Women Commission who resigned from the panel over AAP leader Kumar Vishwas issue. Salman Khan - the Bollywood actor who was recently found guilty and sentenced to five years rigorous imprisonment by a sessions court in 2002 hit and run case. People in the News April 27- May 03 rd 2015 International Lee Joon-seok - the captain of a South Korean ferry that sank last year killing 304 people has been found guilty of homicide and sentenced to life in prison recently. Raja Rajeshwari - she was recently sworn in as the New York Citys first Indian-born woman judge. Ben E King - the soul singer whos Gospel influenced Stand by Me became one of the most broadcast songs of the 20th century died recently. Fangshu Tamang - the 101 year old man and the resident of Khimtang village of Nepal who was rescued after being trapped for 168 hours in the rubble of his house after the massive earthquake. Ashraf Gani - the President of Afghanistan who visited India recently and met President Pranab Mukherjee and PM Narendra Modi. People in the News April 20- 26 th 2015 International Mohamed Morse - the ousted President of Egypt who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for abuses against protesters in clashes of 2012. Vivek Murthy - the Indian American who was sworn in as the 19th US Surgeon General. At 37, he is the youngest-ever-in-charge of the countrys public health and at present the highest ranking Indian American in the Obamas administration. JB Patnaik - veteran Congress leader and former Odisha CM and former Assam governor who died recently. Gajendra Singh - a farmer from Rajasthan who committed suicide by hanging himself at a rally of AAP party at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi recently. Ratan Tata - Tata sons chairman emeritus who recently acquired a stake in smartphone maker Xiaomi-the first investment by an Indian in the Chinese company. People in the News April 13- 19 th 2015 International Gunter Grass - Nobel Prize winning German author of The Tin Drum, an epic account of the Nazi era died recently. He courted controversy over his own World War II past and stance on Israel. Alain Robert - the French urban climber who recently scaled the 75 storey Cayan Tower in Dubai which is the worlds tallest twisted skyscraper in just 90minutes. Marzieh Afkham - she has been appointed as Irans 1st woman ambassador since the Islamic Revolution in 1979. This would make her the second woman ambassador in Irans history. The only other was Mehrangiz Dolatshahi who served in Denmark in the 1970s. Stephen Harper - the Canadian Prime minister who signed 13 MoUs in the field of education and skill development with Prime minister Narendra Modi on his recent visit to Canada recently. Satya Nadella - the Indian origin CEO of Microsoft who will be honoured with Champions of Change award for bringing about change within his company to support working families by US President Barack Obama. Surya Bahadur Thapa - the former Prime Minister of Nepal who died recently. Ri Su-Yong - the foreign minister of North Korea, who visited India recently. Narendra Modi - he was one of the 3 Indians in the annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world in the Time magazine. The list also included ICICI Bank chief Chanda Kochhar and Goa based mental health expert Vikram Patel. Surya Kumar Bose - the grand nephew of Subash Chandra Bose who met Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Berlin recently. Sitaram Yechury - he was recently elected as the new General Secretary of CPI (M). People in the News April 5- 12 th 2015 International Dr. Fredric Brandt - the celebrity dermatologist who. an early proponent of Botox in Hollywood, recently committed suicide. Probably he was unhappy about what appeared to be a satirical portrayal of him on a recently released Netflix show. Barack Obama - the first sitting US President who visited Jamaica recently since 1982. The visit is seen as a step to counter the growing Chinese influence in the Caribbean. Richie Benaud - the world famous cricket commentator from Australia who died recently. He was regarded as the most influential cricketer and cricket personality since World War II. Amitabh Bachchan - noted actor who was recently conferred with Padma Vibhushan by President Pranab Mukherjee recently. Prince Karim Agha Khan-the spiritual head of Ismaili Muslims, senior SC advocate Kottayan K Venugopal and D Veerendra Heggade of the Dharamsthala Jain temple in Karnataka were also conferred with Padma Vibhushan 2015. Ravindra Jain - the noted musician who along with hockey player Saba Anjum, women cricketer Mithali Raj, economist Bibek Debroy, IT honcho TV Mohandas Pai were given Padma Shri 2015 by President Pranab Mukherjee recently. Shobhaa De - the noted columnist against whom a breach of privilege motion was passed in the Maharashtra Assembly for her comments on mandatory screening of Marathi films in multiplexes during prime time. B. Ramalinga Raju - the former Satyam chief who was recently sentenced to seven years imprisonment after he was found guilty of fraud in the countrys biggest ever corporate scandal. Rs.7855 crore is the total amount of alleged financial irregularities in Satyam Computer Services scam of 2009. People in the News March 30- April 5 th 2015 International Misao Okawa - the Japanese woman regarded as the worlds oldest person who died recently at the age of 117. Major General Muhamadu Buhari - he defeated incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan in the 2015 elections to become the new President of Nigeria. Louis Jordan - the US citizen who was miraculously rescued 300 km off the North Carolina coast after missing for 66 days. He survived by catching fish with his hands and drinking rain water. Owen Dunn - the 11 year old school boy from North Yorkshire in UK who got a perfect score of 162 in the IQ test of Mensa which placed his IQ higher than the physicist Albert Einstein. Mensa is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. Mieko Nagaoka - the 100 year old Japanese female swimmer recently finished a 1500 metre swimming in the masters swim competition in Matsuyama. Madan Mohan Malaviya - noted educationist and freedom fighter who was posthumously conferred the Bharat Ratna, the countrys highest civilian award by President Pranab Mukherjee recently. Ashok Khemka - the IAS officer of the Haryana cadre also called whistleblower bureaucrat who was in the news for his 46th transfer in 23 years. Places Rourkela - the steel plant of Steel Authority of India Limited, whose modernization and expansion, plan was inaugurated recently. Post expansion the hot metal capacity of the plant will go up to 4.5million tonesanum against the present capacity of 2million tonesanum. Australia - the country from which India recently bought about 80,000 tonnes of wheat-the biggest such imports by India in five years. Amaravati - the Andhra Pradesh government recently approved this place for its brand new capital to be constructed in Guntur district. People in the News March 23-29 th 2015 International Lee Kuan Yew - the founding father of Singapore who passed away recently. He was one of the 20th centurys most remarkable leaders who almost single-handedly transformed a modest port in Malaysia to a city-state that has become a symbol of economic modernity. Akhil Sharma - the Indian American writer who was announced the winner of Folio Prize 2015 for his novel Family Life described as a honest and darkly comic story of a boy torn between duty and survival. Tim Cook - the CEO of Apple who has been ranked at the top in the annual Fortune magazine list of 50 extra ordinary men and women transforming business, government and philanthropy. Indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi is ranked 5th and founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan and Nobel Peace Prize laureate has been ranked 28th in that list. Yang Jiechi - the Chinese state councilor who chaired the 18th round of the special representatives talks with Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval in New Delhi recently in which the two sides agreed to jointly safeguard peace and tranquility along the border. Vikas Swarup - the author of popular book Q A which was adapted into an Oscar winning Hollywood film Slumdog Millonaire who was recently named as the spokesperson of the ministry of external affairs to replace Syed Akbaruddin who will now be the chief coordinator of the India-Africa Forum Summit. Atal Bihari Vajpayee - the former Prime Minister of India who was recently conferred with Bharat Ratna, Indias top civilian award by President Pranab Mukherjee. Breaking from protocol this award was conferred at his residence owing to his poor health. Aziz Qureshi - the governor of Mizoram who was recently sacked by the government. People in the News March 16-22 nd 2015 International Benjamin Netanyahu - the PM of Israel. who recently swept to power for third straight term. Sir Venkatraman Ramakrishnan - the Indian born Nobel laureate who has been recently confirmed as president elect of Britains prestigious Royal Society. Mustafa Kamal - the president of International Cricket Council (ICC) who recently accused the ICC and the Board of Control for Cricket in India(BCCI) of going into the India Bangladesh quarter final match with an agenda. Issac Newton - the famous scientist known for path breaking discoveries was in news recently when the researchers recently found that as the Master of Mint he designed a medal to mark Queen Annes coronation in 1702. Malcom Fraser - the conservative Prime Minister of Australia who came to power in 1975 after Australias constitutional crisis died recently. Pharrell Williams - the pop star best known for his viral hit Happy addressed the UN General Assembly on the International Day of Happiness on 20th March 2015. Abil Ali Nemuchwala - he was recently appointed as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of IT services major company Wipro. Christine Lagarde - the chief of International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently visited India and met Prime minister Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. Sonia Gandhi - the Congress leader who led over a hundred leaders from more than a dozen parties from Parliament to Rashtrapati Bhawan on 17th March 2015 to protest against the Land Acquisition Bill. DK Ravi - the IAS officer who was the joint commissioner of vigilance with the commercial taxes department who died a controversial death in Bangalore recently. Ratan Tata - the noted industrialist who will head the new innovation council called Kaya Kalp set up to turn around the ailing state run rail network. Rajendra Singh - dubbed as the waterman of India has been recently conferred the Nobel Prize for Water 2015 for bringing water to 1,000 villages. The awards were recently announced by Stockholm International water Institute. People in the News March 9-15 th 2015 International Jean - Claude Juncker - the chief of European commission who recently called for the creation of an EU army in the wake of rising tensions with Russia. Sam Simson - one of the creative minds behind the popular animated series The Simpsons who passed away recently. Terry Pratchett - the British author of the popular Discworld series of fantasy novels died recently. Prabha Arun Kumar - the 41 year old Indian IT consultant who was recently stabbed to death in Westmead, a suburb in Sydney. Vinod Mehta - the veteran journalist and founding editor of Outlook magazine, who died recently. Arun Kumar Singh - he has been named as the Indias next ambassador to the United States. Mamta Banerjee - West Bengals Chief minister who recently had a first exclusive meeting with PM Narendra Modi and extended her support to implement the Indo-Bangladesh Land Border agreement as well as the Teesta water pact. M Veerappa Moily - former cabinet minister who has been selected for the Saraswati Samman,2014 for his Kannada epic poem Sri Ramayana Maheshwaram - an annual honour instituted by the KK Birla foundation in 1991 for an outstanding literary work. Narendra Modi - he became the first Indian premier to set foot in this war ravaged town of Jaffna in Sri Lankas Tamil dominated area. He also visted the North Central Provinces capital city of Anuradhapura where he along with Sri Lankas President Maithripala Sirisena offered prayers at the scared Mahabodhi tree. People in the News March 1-8 th 2015 International Prince William - the Britains prince who recently toured the Forbidden City in Beijing recently which is the first official visit to mainland China by a senior British royal in a generation. Nour-Ahmad Nikbakht - the kidnapped Iranian diplomat who was recently rescued in Yemen. Hans Haacke - the German borned sculpture whose creation titled Gift Horse which is a horse skeleton was recently unveiled at the Trafalgar Square in UK. Buzz Aldrin - the first selfietaken in space by this NASA astronaut in 1966 fetched 5952 pounds-ten times its estimate at Londons Bloomsbury Auction which was part of a collection of 700 vintage NASA photographs. The space selfie was snapped by him during the Gemini 12 mission in November 1966. Yasar Kemal - the celebrated Turkish novelist who died recently. His best known work is Memed, My Hawk about a bandit hero who exacts revenge on a cruel overlord. Leslee Udwin - the British filmmaker whose documentary titled Indias Daughter made on 2012 Delhi gang rape came into much controversy and government accordingly put a ban on its telecast in India. Arun Pudur - Indian origin billionaire, CEO of Celframe Technology Group of Companies was recently ranked among the worlds top 10 richest individual under 40,in a list topped by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg according to Wealth X, a global wealth intelligence and prospecting company. Paul Allen - the Microsoft co-founder who recently said that he has found one of Japans biggest and most famous battleships on a Philippine seabed, some 70 years after American forces sank it during World War II. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar - Indias foreign secretary who visited Pakistan and held high level diplomatic talks with his Pakistani counterpart Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhary. Mufti Mohammed Sayeed - he took over as the new chief minister of Jammu Kashmir as the new coalition government of PDP and BJP came to power in the state. Nirmal Singh - the BJP leader who was sworn in as the deputy chief minister of Jammu Kashmir as the new coalition government of PDP and BJP came to power in the state. Sajad Lone - the influential separatist turned mainstream leader of the Peoples Conference Party of Jammu Kashmir who was sworn in as the minister as the new coalition government of PDP and BJP came to power in the state. Dilip Shanghvi - the MD of Sun Pharma who recently surpassed Reliance Industries Ltd. Chairman Mukesh Ambani as the worlds richest Indian, according to a real time update from business magazine Forbes. Narendra Modi - Indias Prime Minister, who has been named among the 30 most influential people on the Internet by the Time magazine recently. February 2015 International Kenji Goto - the second journalist of Japan who was recently beheaded by ISIS. Peter Greste - the Al-Jazeera journalist who was recently released from a Egyptian jail after being held there for more than 400 days. Paul Gaugin - the prominent French artist whose 1892 oil paintings of two Tahitian girls titled Nafea Faa Ipoipo or When Will You Marry was reportedly sold for nearly 300 million. Sam Smith - the British soul singer who dominated the music industrys biggest night with four Grammy awards-Best new artist award, Best record of the year and Best song of the year for Stay with Me and Best pop vocal album for In The Lonely Hour. Eddle Redmayne - he won the Best Actor award for The Theory of Everything while Julianne Moore won the Best Actress award for her role in Still Alice at the 68th BAFTA awards in London. Kenji Ekuan - the Japanese industrialist designer credited with numerous corporate logos during Japans industrial boom era died recently at the age of 85. Michelle Ferrero - Italys richest man with a confectionary empire which included popular Nutella, Ferrero Rocher, died recently. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic - she was sworn in as Croatias first woman president recently. Dhanurjay DJ Patil - the Indian American who has been named as the first chief data scientist by the White house to shape policies and practices that will help the US remain a leader in technology and innovation. Robert Mugabe - the worlds oldest leader, President of Zimbabwe was in news as he turned 91. Walter Elliot - the wood cutter in the town of Selkirk of UK who recently found a Sherlock Homes story titled Discovering the Border Burghs written by Arthur Conan Doyle for a souvenir to raise funds to repair a bridge in Scotland in 1904. Zekra Alwach - she recently took over as the first woman to be Baghdad mayor, first female to be given such a post in the whole country. Eddie Redmayne - he won the Oscar for the Best Actor for his role in The Theory of Everything at the 87th Academy Awards. Julianne Moore - she won the Oscar for the Best Actress for her role in Still Alice at the 87th Academy Awards. Bhagwan Das - the only Hindu to serve as Pakistans former acting chief justice during the 2007 judicial crisis died recently. Ravi Chaudhary - Indian-American, a former US Air Force officer who has been named executive director for regions and centre operations at the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA). Sharbat Gula - the famous green eyed Afghan girl immortalized in a 1985 national Geographic magazine cover was recently found living in Pakistan on fraudulent identity papers. Leonard Nimoy - the actor known and loved by generations of Star Trek died recently. Avijit Roy - a Bangladesh born US citizen and a famous blogger, who was hacked to death by fundamentalist in Dhaka recently. Mohamed Nasheed - ex Maldives president and the countrys first democratically elected leader who was recently detained on terror charges by President Abdulla Yameen. Amartya Sen - eminent economist and Nobel laureate who has been named as the first winner of the newly award in the UK-Charleston-EFG John Maynard Keynes prize, in recognition of his work on welfare economics. Sureshbhai Patel - the 57 year old Indian man who has been partially paralysed in the US after being beaten up by policeman on wrong allegations. Arvind Kejriwal - he took oath as the new chief minister of Delhi at Ramlila Maidan ground recently. Maithripala Sirisena - the president of Sri Lanka who visited India recently which was his first foreign trip after assuming office. RR Patil - former Maharashtra home minister and senior NCP leader who passed away recently. Govind Pansare - senior communist leader and leader of campaign against toll tax who was shot by unidentified men outside his home in Kolhapur recently and later died in hospital. Rajinder Puri - noted political cartoonist who worked with leading newspaper like the Hindustan Times and the Indian Express died recently. Daggubati Ramanaidu - well known film producer whose name entered the Guinness Book of World Records for producing over a hundred movies died recently. He produced about 150 films in all major languages-Telgu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Marathi, Punjabi, Oriya etc under the banner Suresh Productions. Jitan Ram Manjhi - he resigned from the post of chief minister of Bihar before the trust vote paving the way for new chief minister in the state. Santanu Saikia - the former journalist who along with many persons were arrested over allegations of stealing of confidential oil ministry documents. Amartya Sen - the Nobel laureate who recently decided to withdraw his candidature for a second term as chancellor of the Nalanda University alleging political interference. Nitish Kumar - he was sworn in as the new chief minister of Bihar recently. Arun K Singh - he has been named as Indias next ambassador to United States. L. C. Goyal is new home secretary The government appointed rural development ministry Secretary L. C. Goyal as the new home secretary in place of Anil Goswami who resigned. A home ministry release said Goyals term will be for two years. The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the appointment of L. C. Goyal, IAS, secretary, department of rural development, ministry of rural development as home secretary, ministry of home affairs for a period of two years from the date of taking over charge as home secretary vice Anil Goswami, the release said. Suvarna Raju is new HAL chairman T. Suvarna Raju took over as the 17th chairman of the state-run Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) on Jan 31, 2015, following his predecessor R. K. Tyagis retirement. My priorities will be on operational excellence, building the company as a technology powerhouse and creating a knowledge organisation, Raju said in a statement after assuming charge here. Raju, director for design and development in the Rs.15,000-crore (2.5 billion) defence behemoth, was selected from among five contenders to succeed Tyagi by the Public Enterprises Selection Board Sep 16 in New Delhi. Justice Roy Sworn In As Supreme Court Judge Justice Amitava Roy was sworn in as a judge of the Supreme Court on Feb 27, 2015. With the elevation of Roy, who was chief justice of the Orissa High Court, the strength of the apex court has gone up to 29 against a sanctioned strength of 31 judges. Justice Roy will have a tenure of three years. Six Indians in Forbes 50 Asian power businesswomen list Six Indians, including State Bank of India chairman Arundhati Bhattacharyya and Biocon founder Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, figure in the Forbess 2015 list of Asias 50 Power Businesswomen showcasing a year of accomplishments by the regions female entrepreneurs and executives. Punctuated by the Midas touch of Chinas Alibaba, the list also includes two rapidly growing economies. Yoga teacher sets Guinness World Record Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Hong Kong-based Indian Yoga instructor Yogaraj C. P. for creating a Guinness World Record by performing Yoga continuously for 40 hours. Congrats to Hong Kong-based Indian Yoga teacher, Yogaraj C. P. for creating a Guinness World Record Modi tweeted. January 2015 International Dilma Rousseff - she recently started her second term as the President of Brazil. Maithripala Sirisena - he was sworn in as the sixth President of Sri Lanka after the defeat of long authoritarian rule of Mahinda Rajapaksa. Sirisena took the oath along with his new Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. Rod Taylor - the Australian born actor who starred in the The Birds, The Time Machine and most recently in Quentin Tarantinos Inglorious Basterds died recently. Eddie Redmayne - he won the best actor award for the drama The Theory of Everything while Julianne Moore won the best actress award for Still Alice at the 72nd Golden Globes, Hollywood biggest award shows before the Oscars. Joseph Vaz - he was canonised as Sri Lankas first saint by Pope Francis during a public mass in Colombo recently. Faten Hamama - the Arab film icon who died recently in Cairo. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz - the king of Saudi Arab who died recently. King Salman was named the new king. Arvind Panagariya - the US based economist who has been chosen as the vice-chairman of Niti Aayog. Richard Verma - the new US envoy to India. Azim Premji - he led the list of biggest philanthropers of India in 2014 having donated Rs.12,316 crore to his Azim Premji Foundation, according to the annual Hurun India Philanthropy List 2014.He was followed by Anil Agarwal of Vedanta Resources with Rs.1796 crore and Shiv Nadar of HCL with Rs.1136 crore. Alok Joshi - the retired chief of RAW who was recently appointed as the new chairman of the National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO). NN Vohra - the governor of Jammu Kashmir under whom the governors rule was imposed in the state under Section 92(1) of the Jammu and Kashmir constitution recently after the failure of any political parties to form government. Surender Mohan Pathak - the veteran Hindi crime fiction writer whose book Colaba Conspiracy was voted as the most popular book in a reader poll on Amazon India. Pahlaj Nihalani - the famous filmmaker who was recently appointed as the chairperson of the Central Board of Film Certification for a period of 3 years. Rajni Kothari - the doyen of Indian political science and founder of research institute Centre for the Study of the Developing Societies passed away recently. Sunil Sood - he has been appointed as first Indian CEO for its India operations to replace Marten Pieters who has been chief executive since 2009. Vasundhara Choudhary - the 21 year old convent educated English speaking girl who was recently elected as the new sarpanch of Lilawali village in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan. K Durga Prasad - the previously sacked director of the Special Protection Group who was recently appointed as the special director general of the Central Reserve Police Force. (CRPF). Barrack Obama - the US President who arrived in India recently in his Air Force One plane was the chief guest of this year Republic day parade. Wg Cdr Pooja Thakur - she became the first female commanding officer to head the inter services Guard of honour inspected by US President Barack Obama at the forecourt of Rashtrapati Bhawan. RK Laxman - the legendary cartoonist, who was best known for his iconic cartoons on the experiences of the silent and Common Man, died recently. Lieutenant Hoabam Bella Devi - the 24 year lady from Manipur who unfurled the tricolour for President Pranab Mukherjee at the Republic day function, an honour traditionally reserved for male colleagues. Major Mukund Varadarajan - he along with Naik Neeraj Kumar Singh were posthumously awarded the countrys highest peace time gallantry award, the Ashok Chakra by President Pranab Mukherjee. S. Jaishankar - Indias ambassador to US who replaced Sujatha Singh as the new Foreign Secretary of India. Colonel MN Rai - he lost his life fighting terrorists in JKs Pulwana district, a day after being awarded the Yudh Seva medal on Republic Day. People in the News 2014 Chennai-born Indian-American scientist to get rare honour Chennai born Indian-American engineer and scientist Subra Suresh is set to be inducted into the Institute of Medicine (IOM) on oct 20, 2014, making him the only university president to be elected to all three national academies. Suresh the current president of Carnegie Mellon University is one of only 16 living Americans to be elected to the Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering. An alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Iowa State University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Suresh also served as Director of the National Science Foundation from 2010 to 2013 The Foundation is a 7-billion independent government science agency charged with advancing all fields of fundamental science, engineering research and education. Mehrishi Named Secretary In Department Of Economic Affairs Rajiv Mehrishi, a 1978 batch Indian Administrative Service officer with Rajasthan cadre, has been named secretary in the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance. His batch mate, Arvind Mayaram, also from Rajasthan, whom he replaces, has been shifted to the tourism ministry as secretary, an official communique said. Among other secretary-level changes, the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet cleared the names of Ashok Kumar Angurana as secretary in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, and Vinod Agrawal as secretary in the scheduled caste commission. Jajodia elected first Boxing India president Boxing India (BI) announced Sep 11, 2014 the formation its elected federation after an International Boxing Association (AIBA) suspension of the federation for 21 months. Thirty-three state associations and one sports board elected Sandeep Jajodia as president, Jay Kowli as secretary general and Hemant Kumar Kalita as treasurer along with 10 vice-presidents and seven Executive Council members. I am deeply humbled by the faith AIBA president Dr. C. K. Wu and BI members have placed in me. I am eager to restore the action in boxing, Jajodia said. Indian Scientist Kamal Bawa Gets Midori Prize In Biodiversity Indian scientist Kamal Bawa, a distinguished professor of biology at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, has won the 2014 Midori Prize in Biodiversity for his research, including in climate change in the Himalayas. Bawa, founder president of the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) in Bangalore, will receive the prize with a cash award of 100,000 during the Oct 16-17 Conference of Parties (COP-12) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in South Korea. The prize also honours his contributions to research in ecology of tropical forests, sustainable use of tropical forests, promoting engagement of civil society in conservation efforts, and for his leadership role in setting up ATREE. Lalitha Kumaramangalam appointed new NCW chief Lalitha Kumaramangalam has been appointed the new chairman of the National Commission for Women (NCW), Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi said Wednesday (sep 17, 2014). The announcement was made by the minister at a press conference on the completion of 100 days of her ministry here. I am very happy to announce that the new chairman of NCW is Lalitha Kumaramangalam, she said. Chennai-based Kumaramangalam is the national spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and a member of the partys national executive. Muzaffar Ali selected for Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award Indian Filmmaker Muzaffar Ali was selected for Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award on 31 July 2014 for his outstanding contribution towards the promotion of Communal harmony, peace and goodwill. A 90 years old Muzaffer directed several movies in Bollywood like Umrao Jaan, Gaman and Khizan he got Padma Shri award in 2005. The decision of selecting Ali for the award was taken at a meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award. This will be the 22nd edition of the Sadbhawna award and will be presented at Jawahar Bhawan on 20 August 2014 at a special ceremony. Arvind Gupta Appointed Deputy NSA Former diplomat Arvind Gupta was Monday appointed deputy national security adviser in place of former police officer Nehchal Sandhu, who had resigned last week. Gupta, a 1979 batch Indian Foreign Service officer, will also be secretary, National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS). An official communication issued by the department of personnel and training said that Gupta, who is at present director general of Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), has been appointed for a period of three years with immediate effect on re-employment on contract basis. Sandhu, a former Intelligence Bureau director, had resigned due to personal reasons. Gupta holds a Ph. D in international relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Chacha Chaudhary creator Pran is dead Pran Kumar Sharma, creator of iconic comic book characters like Chacha Chaudhary and Sabu, is dead. He was 75, his family said Wednesday. Better known as Pran, he was suffering from colon cancer and died at 9.30 p. m. Tuesday, his daughter-in-law Jyoti Pran told IANS. His condition was extremely critical in the last 15-20 days and was undergoing treatment at a hospital in Gurgaon, she said. His cremation will take place in Punjabi Bagh at 2.30 p. m. He is survived by his wife Asha, son Nikhil Pran and daughter Shaily Pran. Indian-Origin Mathematician Among Winners Of Maths Nobel Two Indian-origin mathematicians have won prestigious global prizes in the field of mathematics with one of them being awarded the Fields Medal known as the Nobel Prize of mathematics. Manjul Bhargava, a professor of mathematics at Princeton University, was Wednesday conferred the Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 hosted by the International Mathematical Union (IMU) in Seoul, a press release issued by the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences said. Also on the same occasion, another Indian-origin mathematician Subhash Khot won the Rolf Nevanlinna Prize, awarded by the IMU), for his prescient definition of the Unique Games problem, and leading the effort to understand its complexity and its pivotal role in the study of efficient approximation of optimisation problems. Bhargava, born in 1974 in Canada, was awarded the Fields Medal for developing powerful new methods in the geometry of numbers, which he applied to count rings of small rank and to bound the average rank of elliptic curves. Gandhi director Richard Attenborough is dead Richard Attenborough, an Oscar-winning British film director known for the monumental film Gandhi, died at the age of 90 Sunday, media reported Monday. Attenborough was one of Britains leading actors, before becoming a highly successful director, BBC reported. In a career that spanned over six decades, he appeared in films including Brighton Rock, The Great Escape and later in the dinosaur blockbuster Jurassic Park. As a director he was best known for Gandhi, which won him two Oscars. Sir Ben Kingsley, who played the title role, said he would miss him dearly. Richard Attenborough trusted me with the crucial and central task of bringing to life a dream it took him 20 years to bring to fruition. ST status of Meghalaya CM Mukul Sangma to be verified Supreme Court of India on 20 January 2014 directed the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes (NCST) to verify the authenticity of ST status of Mukul Sangma, the Chief Minister of Meghalaya. The direction of the Apex Court came following a challenge by political rivals. The bench of the Court headed by Chief Justice of India, P Sathasivam while hearing a PIL filed by the All North East Indigenous Garo Law Promoter Association that has challenged the ST status of Sangma refused to go into the matter. He said that it should be decided by the Commission and asked the commission to look into the complaint and take a decision within eight weeks. The association has demanded the cancellation of the ST certificate of Sangma that has been issued to him. Sangma had won the 2013 Assembly election from the Ampati Constituency in South Garo Hills. Dr. Tej Vir Singh bags UNWTO Ulysses Prize Dr. Tej Vir Singh from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh won the 2013 UNWTO Ulysses Prize for Excellence in the Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge on 22 January 2014. The Award honors outstanding members of the academia for their significant contribution to the development of tourism education and research. Dr. Singh is the professor and Founding Director of the Centre for Tourism Research Development (CTRD) in India. In 1976, he established the CTRD, a non-government organization devoted to the cause of tourism academics and research, with a special focus on India. Dr. Singh started the first Himalayan tourism training course, as the Founding Director of the Institute of Himalayan Studies and Regional Development at the University of Garhwal. A specialist in Himalayan tourism, Dr. Singh has produced several books on tourism and many papers on tourism development and its impacts. One of his book is Critical Debates in Tourism. Bikram Singh takes Charge as Chiefs of Staff Committee Chairman Army chief General Bikram Singh took over as the Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee (COSC) on 30 December 2013. He received the baton of Chairman, COSC from outgoing Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal N. K.Browne. The COSC is the senior-most officer of the three Services and is in-charge for looking after the joint issues related to them. The senior-most of the three Services chiefs takes over the post. General Singh will have a brief tenure of around seven months as the CoSC, as he is expected to retire in July 2014. Justice Ganguly Case: President Reference to be sent to Supreme Court The Union Government on 2 January 2014 approved a proposal for sending a Presidential reference to Supreme Court for conducting a probe in judge AK Ganguly case. Retired apex court judge A K Ganguly is accused into an allegation of sexual harassment of a law intern. The proposal that has been approved by the Union Cabinet was laid by the Home Ministry to send a presidential reference to the Chief Justice of India. Apart from the allegation of the sexual harassment of a law intern, Ganguly has been alleged for violation of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) in Pakistan. As per the Government of India, he was on a visit to Pakistan from 3 to 6 June 2013, where he was a guest of a Pakistani national and also stayed in his residence in Karachi. The presidential reference to the Supreme Court for inquiry was necessitated under Section 23(1) of the same Act, by making other allegations of Ganguly to fall under the proven misbehavior. People in the News 2013 As we wrap up 2013 for India, there is an incredible mix of newsmakers, from politics to sporting events, Bollywood buzz, and people who dominated the media space. In the top newsmakers list of 2013 usually those figured moved around Politics, Sports and Bollywood, though some others too hogged the limelight. There were two distinct trends seen in 2013, one was the line between politicians and celebrities got blurred. This happened when Narendra Modi topped the list of the most searched celebrities on the internet. The other trend was the growing interest of the people in politics of the country. This was due to recently concluded Assembly elections in five states and with Aam Admi Party forming the government in Delhi. It was also due to General Election due in 2014. Political and other Newsmakers Arvind Kejriwal, was biggest Newsmaker of the Year when his Aam Admi Party triumphed at the Assembly election in Delhi. He has become the youngest chief ministers in India. His Aam Admi Party won 28 out of a total of 70 assembly seats. Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and others were given clean chit in connection with a 2002 communal riots case when a magistrate court in Ahmedabad rejected Zakia Jafris petition challenging Special Investigation Team. Incidently, Narendra Modi also topped the list of the top ten Most Searched Personalities on the internet. The other nine being Bollywood heroines Lalu Prasad Yadav, the founder of Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) party was convicted in multi-crore fodder scam. He was sentenced to five years in jail. He is currently out on bail. Dr. CNR Rao, the Head of the Prime Ministers Scientific Advisory Council. was awarded Bharat Ratna along with Sachin Tendulkar. Rao is an eminent scientist and a well recognised international authority on solid state and materials chemistry. He has won all possible international awards in his field other than the Nobel Prize. He has published over 1,400 research papers and 45 books. Tehelka editor-in-chief Tarun Tejpal faced alleged sexual harassment charges from their colleagues. Tejpal is in judicial custody. Indian death row prisoner Sarabjit Singh died in a Lahore hospital on May 1, 2013. He was being comatose for nearly a week following a brutal assault by fellow inmates in a high-security Pakistani jail. Arundhati Bhattacharya became the first woman to head the State Bank of India. She has become the chairperson of the largest public sector bank of India. Devyani Khobragade, the Deputy Consul General of the Consulate General of India in New York City, was arrested by U. S. authorities for allegedly committing visa fraud. She was then subjected to strip search. Her arrest and treatment have received much media attention in India, and have led to a major diplomatic standoff between India and the United States. The newly appointed Governor of Reserve Bank of India, Raghuram Rajan hogged the spotlight in the economic scene of India. He not only topped the Finance Newsmakers of list, but also featured as one of the Top Newsmakers of 2013. Nirbhaya case Out of the five accused in the 23-year-old Nirbhaya gang case, four adults were sentenced to death by hanging by a special court. The 17-year old accused was given maximum sentence of three years imprisonment in a reform facility. The US awarded Nirbhaya the woman of courage award posthumously for inspiring people to work together to end violence against women in India and around the world. Afzal Guru: Parliament terror attack accused Afzal Guru was hanged in Tihar Jail in New Delhi. Sajjan Kumar A Delhi court acquitted Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in a case linked to the 1984 anti-Sikh riots. This resulted in anguished protests and grief. Asaram, a spiritual guru was taken into police custody on September 1, 2013, for sexual assault and exploitation of women. His son Narayan Sai was also arrested for being accused in sexual abuse case. Aarushi-Hemraj double murder case: The dentist couple, Rajesh and Nupur Talwar was convicted of killing their daughter Aarushi and domestic help Hemraj. The special CBI court sentenced them to life imprisonment. This was a very high profile case that saw many twists and turns and the court order gives a glimpse of the changing India. Shakuntala Devi: Indian mathematical genius and astrologer Shakuntala Devi, who was known as human computer for her fast numerical calculation technique, passed away on April 15 at Bangalore after a brief illness. Sports In 2013 the biggest sporting moment was when Sachin Tendulkar hangs up his boots after 24 years playing cricket. He also became the first sportsperson to be awarded Bharat Ratna and youngest to be chosen for the countrys highest civilian award. Five-time title-holder Viswanathan Anands reign as the world champion came to an end at the World Chess Championship in Chennai when Norways Magnus Carlsen was crowned the new world chess champion. The shame to the game of cricket when fast bowler Sreesanth and others were found guilty of spot-fixing during the Indian Premier League (IPL) Season Six. Sreesanth was banned for life. Tennis player Leander Paes won his eighth mens doubles Grand Slam title, and 14th overall. Bollywood The Supreme Courts verdict on Sanjay Dutt and his subsequent arrest was a major development that shook the Bollywood and his fans. Sunny Leone continued to hold sway as the most-searched celebrity, on the internet in India. Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif followed in the ranks of the nine leading ladies of Bollywood that made into the top ten lists. Deepika Padukone emerged as one of the top Bollywood newsmakers of the year. Chennai Express created box office history becoming the biggest grosser in the history of Indian cinema in 2013. Bollywoods villain Pran passed away after a prolonged illness. He was feared as a villain as much adored for his supporting role as an actor. His demise was the most somber news in Bollywood. Bengali cinema actor, director and producer Rituparno Ghosh who died on May 30, 2013, through his works had earned him a nation-wide fame. Sachin Is Hygiene Champion For Unicef Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar has taken over as Unicef ambassador for South Asia to support the organisations work in promoting hygiene and sanitation in the region, an official said here Thursday. I look forward to working with children and communities in the region, urging them to use toilets and wash their hands. Following simple practices can contribute to a hygienic lifestyle which is important for the good health of children and women across the world, Tendulkar said at a ceremony where he signed himself into the programme. Unicef South Asia Regional Director Karin Hulshof said that using a toilet and washing hands with soap means living healthy lives with dignity and helps all children thrive. Sachin will lend his voice to reach everybody in all villages and communities in South Asia with hygiene and sanitation messages, Hulshof said. He explained that sanitation is strongly connected not only to personal hygiene but also to human dignity, well being, public health, nutrition and education. Children under five years of age are the most vulnerable to the effects of poor sanitation and annually more than half a million children in South Asia die of diarrhoea caused by unsafe drinking water, poor hygiene and lack of sanitation. After sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia is the region with the highest number of under-five deaths, accounting for 2.3 million in 2011. Around 39 percent of children under five are stunted in this region which is also the worst in terms of lack of toilets over 680 million people do not use toilets. Unicef ambassadors, who are celebrities with a demonstrated commitment to improving the lives of children, help highlight childrens issues, galvanise public support, lead decision makers and help raise urgently needed funds for vital programmes. Arundhati Bhattacharya is new chief of SBI Arundhati Bhattacharya Monday took over as the new chairperson of the State Bank of India (SBI). She is the first woman to be appointed to the top job at the countrys largest lender. Prior to her elevation to the top job, 57-year-old Bhattacharya was managing director and chief financial officer of SBI. She succeeds Pratip Chaudhuri who retired Sep 30. Arundhati Bhattacharya assumed charge as chairperson of State Bank of India on Oct 7, 2013, SBI said in a statement. Bhattacharya joined SBI as a probationary officer in 1977. During her 36-year tenure at the bank she has held a number of important positions, including those of deputy managing director and corporate development officer, chief general manager (Bangalore Circle) and chief general manager (New Businesses). She also headed SBI Capital Markets Ltd, a subsidiary of State Bank of India and had a stint in the Banks New York office where she was in charge of monitoring branch performance, overseeing external audit and correspondent relations, SBI statement said. She has also played a pivotal role in setting up three of the latest subsidiaries of the Bank viz. the General Insurance Subsidiary, the Custodial Subsidiary and the SBI Macquarie Infrastructure Fund, it said. UPSC to be more transparent chairman DP Agrawal The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is treading a steady path towards increased transparency, according to its chairman DP Agrawal. Addressing the probationers at city-based National Academy of Direct Taxes (NADT) on Tuesday, Agrawal said the commission was continuously striving to put in place mechanisms that make it more interactive with all stakeholders. Over the years various steps have been taken to ensure you do not suffer because of the system. We will bring in more transparency so that everybody is treated at par, said Agrawal. His statements came in connection to part of his speech where he talked about civil servants suffering because of delays in bringing a closure to departmental inquiries. It has taken seven to 13 years for cases of inquiry against officers to be brought to final stage. In these years you lose out on two or maybe three promotions. Every year, I get 700 cases and these are all Class-I officers. We now make it a point the committee meets within a month of the officials file being sent to us and try to reach a decision within six to seven months if all the paperwork is in order. Of course, we are trying to better that performance as well, said Agrawal. The UPSC also revamped its exam from this year and Agrawal added this was related to the transparency push. The principle is that everyone must be tested on the same level. The optional subjects were causing a bit of issue here as someone would choose the language Pali as it was high scoring. We want to test candidates on subjects that are relevant and not because it happens to an option in the exam. Hence we have changed the format and will try to make it a more even playing field for everybody, he added. Agrawal also said that thought had been given to standardizing the interview questions but its implementation seemed tough. The idea is to have the same questions asked in the interview to make it fair for all candidates. But then the risk is that the first candidate steps out and informs his friends about the questions, which defeats the competitive purpose, said Agrawal. He added his counterparts in US were unable to understand and comprehend why any candidate would tell the questions to his friends. In India, we are too honest and have been brought up that way, said Agrawal with an intended, but not visible, sarcasm. If you come out of the interview room and your friend asks you what the questions are, chances are you will tell it to them, he told the NADT probationers. Lalu jailed for five years, ceases to be MP A CBI court Thursday jailed former Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad for five years and also fined him Rs.25 lakh for his involvement in the fodder scam. With this, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) founder leader will lose his membership of the Lok Sabha in line with a Supreme Court ruling. Lalu Prasads lawyer pleaded for a lighter sentence as he ended arguments in the fodder scam. The lawyer said in the court of Pravas Kumar Singh that the RJD leader should get minimum punishment as he was a respectable person and held a high position in society. Lalu Prasad, the lawyer added, also suffered from many diseases, was 67 years old and was otherwise a law abiding citizen. The Central Bureau of Investigation, however, sought maximum punishment to show that people holding high positions cannot get away with corruption. Lalu Prasad, former chief minister Jagannath Mishra and 43 others have been convicted on charges of fradulently withdrawing Rs.37.70 crore from the Chaibasa district treasury. After the division of Bihar, the district is now in Jharkhand. The CBI court Sep 30 convicted all 45 in the fodder scam. Eight accused were sentenced to three years in prison and slapped with fines up to Rs.50 lakh. Air Marshal Raha to be next IAF chief Air Marshal Arup Raha will be the next Indian Air Force (IAF)chief, succeeding Air Chief Marshal Norman Anil Kumar Browne, who retires Dec 31 after a distinguished 41-year career during which he passionately worked for the modernisation of the force. The appointment was cleared by the government some time back and formally announced on Wednesday. The new air chief has had the distinction of heading the IAFs spearhead force, the Western Air Command, as also the Central Air Command. As is customary, he was brought to the Air Headquarters on June 30 as the vice chief in preparation for his new assignment. This brief preparatory tenure helps a new chief get familiarised with IAFs current and future plans as also the IAFs role in Indias strategic perspective. Air Marshal Raha was commissioned into the IAF on December 14, 1974 as a combat pilot, flying MiG-21 and MiG-29 aircraft in the fighter stream of the flying branch. During a career spanning nearly 39 years, Air Marshal Raha has held various command, staff and instructional appointments. He served as Indias air attache in Ukraine. Besides various technical courses, he has done National Defence College (NDC), Defence Services Staff College (DSSC), Strategic Nuclear Orientation Course and Junior Commanders Course (JCC). He is a recipient of the Param Vishist Seva Medal, the Ati Vishist Seva Medal and the Vayu Medal for distinguished service. The new assignment is perhaps the best new year gift the Air Chief Marshal Raha will get. As the 24th IAF chief, he will be piloting it in the most crucial phase of its transformation and ensure that its various programmes are achieved and secured on time, a defence analyst said. Rahul Bombshell: Ordinance Wrong, Policy Nonsense Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi Friday dropped a political bombshell on an unsuspecting government, saying that the ordinance that it had sent up to the president to protect convicted lawmakers from disqualification, was wrong, should be torn up and thrown away and it was time to stop this nonsense. In what came as a major embarassment for the Manmohan Singh government, especially when the prime minister was away in the US and had a summit meeting ahead (Friday mid-morning Washington time) with President Barack Obama, Gandhi trashed the ordinance in an unexpected appearance at the Press Club of India where Congress spokesman Ajay Maken was painstakingly defending it. What the government has done is wrong, Gandhi told surprised journalists. He walked into the club as Maken, chairman of Congress communication department, was in the middle of his press interaction. Apparently distancing himself from his partys line on the controversial ordinance - sent by the cabinet to the president - that has evoked sharp response from sections of the opposition and the public at large, Gandhi said: It is time to stop this nonsense. My opinion of the ordinance is that it is completely nonsense and should be torn up and thrown away. The dramatic prouncements were immediately termed as grandstanding, a charade and aimed at damage control by the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, while the Left leader Gurudas Dasgupta said he was baffled by Rahul Gandhis comment. Six Seemandhra Ministers Quit Over Telangana Six central ministers from Seemandhra region have resigned to protest the union cabinets decision to create a separate Telangana state. Minister of Textiles K. S. Rao and Minister of Human Resource Development Pallam Raju, who were present at Thursdays cabinet meeting, resigned later in the night. Ministers of State K. Chiranjeevi and Kotla Suryaprakash Reddy also announced their resignations. D. Purandeswari and K. Krupa Rani Friday said they too were resigning to protest the cabinet decision to create a separate Telangana state. Suryaprakash Reddy is from Rayalaseema while the other ministers are from coastal Andhra. Chiranjeevi faxed his resignation to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, sources in the Congress party said. Other ministers said they have resigned, but there is no confirmation if they sent their resignation letters to the prime minister. Pallam Raju called the prime minister immediately after the cabinet meeting to convey his decision to quit. Manmohan Singh advised him not to act in haste. Four Congress MPs V. Arun Kumar, Ananta Venkatarami Reddy, A. Sai Pratap and Sabbam Hari also resigned Thursday. They also announced they are resigning from the primary membership of the party. Three other central ministers from coastal Andhra and more MPs may resign Friday due to the mounting pressure from the people who are opposed to the states division. Sam Pitroda calls for educational reforms Sam Pitroda, adviser to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Thursday voiced concern over the quality of education in India and called for educational reforms by replacing age-old systems and changing mindsets. Some people in authority are living in the dark ages, he said. Leaving aside the top five percent universities, I feel the quality of education in India is pretty bad and I say it with a great deal of concern, Pitroda said at the first convocation of Presidency University. Committed To Inflation Control As RBI Cares For Growth: Subbarao The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is concerned about price stability as well as growth, and it would be inaccurate and unfair to conclude that the central bank is obsessed with inflation, Governor Duvvuri Subbarao said Saturday. The Reserve Banks monetary policy aims at three objectives price stability, growth and financial stability. To contend that the Reserve Bank is obsessed with inflation, oblivious to growth concerns, I think, is both inaccurate and unfair, Subbarao said. Former Railway Board chairman Vinay Mittal appointed UPSC member Former Railway Board Chairman Vinay Mittal has been appointed as member of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).He was appointed on August 8 for a period of six years or until he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier, a notification issued by the Ministry of Personnel said today. The retired Indian Railway Traffic Service officer was chairman of Railway Board for two years from June 30, 2011 to June 30. Mehtra wins snooker gold at World Games Asian Snooker champion Aditya Mehta toppled tournament favourite Liang Wenbo of China 3-0 to clinch the mens gold medal at the World Games here on Tuesday. The top-ranked Indian became the first cueist from the country to become World Games champion, saod Salil Deshpande, joint secretary of the Billiards and Snooker Association of Maharashtra. Sharad Kumar to be new NIA chief Haryana cadre IPS officer Sharad Kumar has been appointed the new chief of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), officials said Tuesday. A 1979-batch Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, he is presently director general (Prisons) in Haryana. Jayalalithaa requests Gogoi for rhino pair Chennai, June 19 (IANS) Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa requested her Assam counterpart Tarun Gogoi to spare a pair of the greater one-horned rhinoceros in exchange for a pair of Indian gaur. In a letter to Gogoi, the text of which was released to the media here Wednesday, Jayalalithaa said the Arignar Anna Zoological Park near here has a collection of 1,400 individual animals consisting of 143 species but no rhinoceros. Raghav Joneja, became the Youngest Indian to climb Everest Raghav Joneja became the youngest Indian to scale the Mount Everest on 21 May 2013 when he along with his five schoolmates climbed the fifth highest peak in the world. Climbing at the age of 15 years and seven months Raghav Joneja broke the record set by Nameirakpam Chingkheinganba of Manipurs, who climed the everest at the age 16 years seven months and 11 days. Sculptorer Anish Kapoor to be Honoured with Knighthood Anish Kapoor, the Indian-origin sculptor was honoured with Knighthood, which is the highest honour of Britain. He was conferred the award by the Queen Elizabeth II in her birthday honours list 2013 for Visual Arts services. Indian-Origin Amol Rajan Became First Non-White Editor of the Independent Amol Rajan, the 29-year-year-old Indian origin journalist became the Editor of UK national paper, The Independent, on 17 June 2013. He became the first non-white editor of The Independent. Amol Rajan replaced Chris Blackhurst. Earlier, Amol Rajan was the comment editor of the newspaper. Avinash Chander appointed as the New chief of DRDO Avinash Chander, the principal architect of Indias long-range missile programmes on 31 May 2013 appointed Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) chief and scientific advisor to defence minister. Avinash Chander, will succeed V. K. Saraswat. He is an eminent missile scientist, who is considered the chief architect of the long-range Agni ballistic missile programme. As the Director-General of DRDO, Chander is supposed to hold the posts of Scientific Advisor to the Raksha Mantri (SA to RM) and Secretary, Defence RD. He was also awarded with Padma Shri in 2013. Ranjit Rae is Indias new envoy to Nepal New DelhiKathmandu, June 27 (IANS) India Thursday named Ranjit Rae, an Indian Foreign Service officer from the 1980 batch, as the next ambassador to Nepal. He will succeed Jayanta Prasad, whose tenure ends in August. Rae, 56, is expected to take up his assignment shortly, an announcement said. He is currently the Indian ambassador in Vietnam. Sujatha Singh set to be next foreign secretary New Delhi: A decision on Indias top diplomat is imminent and the choice is likely to be Sujatha Singh, currently Indian ambassador to Germany. She is the senior-most officer in the Indian Foreign Service and will, in all likelihood, succeed Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai who retires on July 31. Sreesanth two others arrested for spot fixing in IPL - 6 New Delhi, May 16 (IANS) India fast bowler Sreesanth as well as his Rajasthan Royals colleagues Ankeet Chavan and Ajit Chandila were arrested in Mumbai Thursday for alleged spot fixing in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Actor Vindu Dara Singh arrested for having links with bookies Mumbai: In a high-profile development, Mumbai police Tuesday nabbed Bollywood actor Vindu Dara Singh for suspected links with the spot-fixing scam in the ongoing IPL tournament, officials said here. According to police, Vindu has links to Ramesh Vyas, one of the bookies arrested in the scam, currently in Mumbai police custody. With the arrest of Vindu, 49, Mumbai police have sounded the first knock on Bollywood, completing the cricket-underworld-Bollywood triumvirate in the betting and spot-fixing scam that has hit the sixth edition of Indian Premier League. Gurunath Meiyappan arrested by Mumbai police Mumbai, May 25 (IANS) Mumbai police late Friday night arrested Gurunath Meiyappan, son-in-law of Indian cricket board chief N. Srinivasan, in the IPL spot fixing scam after three hours of intense interrogation, an official said. iGate CEO Phaneesh Murthy sacked for undisclosed relationship WashingtonBangalore, May 21 (IANS) Indian tech honcho Phaneesh Murthy was Tuesday sacked as chief executive of US-based software services company iGate Corporation for not disclosing a relationship with a subordinate, over a decade after he was forced to quit Indian IT bellwether Infosys on similar charges of sexual misconduct. Bihars former RJD MP Pappu Yadav released from jail Patna: Four days after the court acquitted former RJD MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav on charges of killing CPI-M leader Ajit Sarkar, he was formally released from a Patna jail on Tuesday, police officials said. Sanjay Dutt shifted to Pune jail Mumbai, May 22 (IANS) In a surprise move, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt was secretly shifted from a Mumbai prison to a Pune jail early Wednesday, official sources said. Shashi Kant Sharma to be new CAG New Delhi, May 21 (IANS) Defence secretary Shashi Kant Sharma will be the new Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India, replacing Vinod Rai, who retires May 22, the government announced Tuesdaymand one of six types of giants and claim the right to rule over all giantkind in, Assault of the Giants - Available Now Work together with other players to force the undead back through the void in the new card game, The Banishing Pre-Order Today The Mind Flayer Trophy Plaque is sure to grab everyones attention (no mind control necessary). Iron Man e War Machine revelam versões da armadura do Iron Mans NUNCA ANTES DE VISTO em Dice Masters Obtenha agora Joga jogos incríveis, ganha prêmios exclusivos de convenções e dá suporte a lojas de jogos locais Os eventos começam em 4 de fevereiro de 2017 - Registre-se para WKO Inverno 2017 Hoje O Mutante Adolescente Ninja Tartarugas Dice Masters: Heróis em um Conjunto Meia Shell Box tem ainda mais do amor youll de ação de tartaruga Disponível agora Decore seu castelo, sala de trono ou quartos vivos com esta deslumbrante recreação dos Dungeons Dragons Red Dragon - Disponível Agora Os heróis, vilões e monstros dos Reinos Esquecidos estão voltando com DD. Ícones dos Reinos: Monster Menagerie II - Disponível Agora WizKids traz mais diversão de dados para a mesa com a nova versão, Dice Stars - Disponível Agora Lance feitiços e compita contra outros assistentes em uma corrida épica para saquear Rock Paper Wizard é um emocionante jogo de festa para 3-6 jogadores - Disponível Agora Burkes Gambit Disponível Agora Prepare-se para A N Borda de seu assento Thriller ajustado no espaço Clique esta bandeira para aprender mais Os dados brancos vazios, projetados por Jonathan Leistiko, são uma tomada nova emocionante em jogos dos dados disponíveis agora Marque suas camisas, hoodies, mercadoria e mais oficiais de WizKids Colecione seus heróis, construa Suas equipes e derrotar seus inimigos nos muitos reinos do mundo HeroClix. No HeroClix você pode ser o herói que você sonhou ou o vilão de seus pesadelos. Com milhares de personagens para escolher e mapas de terreno de todo o universo, quem sabe onde HeroClix irá levá-lo. Ataque de Ataque é um rápido jogo de miniaturas de combate tático, com figuras de coleção baseadas no Universo Star Trek e os Dragões Dungeons Forgotten Realms. Utilizando o sistema de manobra FlightPath, comande o seu exército em combate épico personalizar o seu exército com equipamentos, armas, habilidades especiais e mais Dice Masters é um smash-hit cruz-marca oferecendo utilizando WizKids propriedade Dice Building Game plataforma onde os jogadores recolhem e montar a sua equipa de Dados de personagem e batalha no jogo de cabeça a cabeça. Tal como acontece com Quarriors, o jogo que iniciou Dice Building Games, Michael Elliott e Eric M. Lang estão liderando o trabalho de design para o que certamente será na maioria dos povos assistir lista. Hillside, NJ 17 de fevereiro de 2017 WizKids tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Marvel Dice Masters: Iron Man e War Machine Starter Set em lojas de jogos locais amigáveis ​​nos EUA Desenhado por Mike Elliott e Eric M. Lang, Marvel Dice Masters: Iron Man e War Machine Starter Set se expande no jogo de construção de dados de sucesso, Dice Masters, e é certo para levar a batalhas de dados ardentes na mesa. HILLSIDE, NJ 16 de fevereiro de 2017 O próximo jogo de tabuleiro The Expanse, baseado na série Syfy de sucesso do mesmo nome, será lançado em junho deste ano, como anunciado pelo presidente da WizKids, Justin Ziran. WizKids, líder da indústria em miniaturas de plástico pré-pintadas de qualidade e editor de jogos e acessórios de mesa premium, tem o prazer de anunciar que o assalto do Giants Board Game está agora disponível em toda a América do Norte. NOVA VERSÃO Assalto dos Gigantes O assalto dos Gigantes é um novo jogo de tabuleiro Dungeons amp Dragons desenhado por Andrew Parks que desafia os jogadores a comandar um dos seis tipos de gigantes e reivindicar o direito de governar sobre todos os seres gigantes. EVENTO ATUAL Jogue em qualquer lugar